Shawn Assman
Business Proposal
Econ 331
Midwest Sales Training
Description of Service:
Midwest Sales Training will provide a wide range of sales training to agriculture companies throughout the Midwest. We will have a team of 3-4 people that will travel around the Midwest giving seminars about the most recent sales techniques and teach how to obtain the best customer service. This is a very important service that is often times unlooked within the field of sales. Sales people usually get training when they first start with a company and that is the only training they will receive while with that company. This training will include the latest and greatest sales techniques as well as tip on how to treat valuable customers.
Intended Customers’ Needs:
This day and age sales have become a very popular and very important position within companies, this is especially true in large companies. In larger corporate companies, these sales people are often the only people the customer sees, which is why it is important for these sales people to know how to interact with these customers. The field of sales has also become very competitive in recent years, therefore companies cannot afford to loose a customer due to mistreatment.
Why this Service Creates Value:
This service will create value for companies through exceptional training of their sales people. This training will, in turn, create more sales for the business because their sales people will have updated training and the best sales knowledge about how to sell to people especially in the agriculture field. When these companies realize this they will be willing to pay the price for this training because it will easily pay for itself.
Why is this Service Different from Others Already Available in the Market?:
This service is different than others already available because most companies do this training in-house. My company will provide a different viewpoint than they are used to, which will cerate interest, therefore positive results. When a company does this training in-house they usually only train their sales people once while they are employed with that company. There would be a need for this service to train their sales people that have been around for several years, to provide them with a refresher course and give them needed tips about sales.
Position of Market:
As I said earlier, sales is becoming a very important part of a lot of companies. This is where my company comes into play, to provide much needed training to these sales people that have been around since the Stone Age. This service can be given to a wide range of companies, anywhere from large chemical companies to small family owned businesses. Therefore my team will have to do a lot of traveling throughout the Midwest and possibly outside the Midwest. This market can be opened up to companies outside the agriculture sector also.
How I will Financially Support the Business:
I will basically bootstrap this business from the beginning, I will use only existing cash that I have. I do not want to take out a large loan in case this business goes south. I will start off with only the bare essentials, projection equipment, reliable vehicle, and a couple computers. So overall this business will not be very financially dependent. Basically the most expensive investment will be my vehicle and other transportation costs.
Who am I, and What Skills do I Have:
My name is Shawn Assman, I plan on going into agriculture sales right out of college. This will help me get familiar with the field of sales, and then I plan on starting this business within five to ten years of graduating. I have been a sales intern for a large chemical company for the last two summers; this has made me realize the need for this type of company and also got me acquainted with this field. I am a very outgoing person, I love talking to people, and I feel I can provide a very important role in a company such as this.
What Kind of Skills am I Seeking in an Entrepreneurial team:
The skills I am seeking in a team such as this would include first and foremost, someone that I can relate to and have fun with. This is because we will be spending almost every day together and be on the road together for a good portion of the year. They also need to be someone that is very outgoing and has a very energetic personality. I want these people to be forward-thinking as well, because I want them to contribute any new ideas to this business. Overall my team of people needs to be people I can have fun with, while at the same time provide an excellent service to the sales field.