Midwest Antiochian Women’s Retreat

Friday – Sunday, May 2-4, 2008

“Living in lightof the Resurrection”

Presented by Father Steven Kostoff

at Dormition of the Mother of God

Orthodox Monastery

3389 Rives Eaton Road, Rives Junction, Michigan49277

Phone 517-569-2873


Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! We joyfully completed our Lenten journey and now we live in the “light of the Risen Lord.” Jesus has overcome death through His Resurrection, and now sits at the right hand of the Father.He enters our personal lives to instruct, enlighten, heal, and show us the way to salvation and the blessedness of the Kingdom of Heaven. How we now live, following the light of the Resurrection, is the topic of Father Steven Kostoff’s talk.

Fr. Steven Kostoffhas been theparish priest of Christ the Savior/Holy Spirit Orthodox Church in Cincinnati, OH (Midwest Diocese of the OCA) since 1989. He is married and has three children and one granddaughter. Fr. Steven is a member of the adjunct faculty of Xavier University in Cincinnati, and teaches various courses on the Orthodox Church in the theology department.


Friday, May 2*

5 PM9th Hour, Vespers & Compline; Fellowship & Snacks

*Please have your evening meal before Friday arrival, as no meal is planned.

Saturday, May 3

8:30 AMLeave taking of Pascha Matinsfollowed by Paschal Hours

10 AMBright Saturday Divine Liturgy; BrunchTalk by Mother Abbess Gabriella

1-3 PMTalk by Fr. Steven Kostoff followed by a break & Q & A

4 PMTour of Monastery

5 PMDinner

6 PMVigil (Combined Vespers & Matins)

Sunday, May 4

9 AMAkathist Hymn, 3rd & 6th Hours

10 AM Divine Liturgy; Agape Meal


Dormition Monastery’s guest house has 10

rooms/23 beds. To reserve a bed please

contact Roberta Royhab at St. Elias

Church, 419-882-4037, or at addresson

next page.

Hotels in nearby Jackson, Michigan:

Baymont Inn, 517-789-6000

Comfort Inn, 517-768-0088

Country Hearth Inn, 517-783-6404

Fairfield Inn, 517-784-7877

Hampton Inn, 517-789-5151

Holiday Inn, 517-783-2681

Retreat sponsored by Midwest Antiochian

Women, an organization of Antiochian

Orthodox Christian Women of North America

“A Sisterhood serving Christ through serving others”

We are collecting the following items for

the Monastery: paper products (paper

towels, toilet tissue, facialtissue, 8 oz. coffee

cups, 9” plates); nuts of all kinds; cereals;

olive oil (regular);coffee; herbal tea.

Please write check payable to Dormition

Monastery and mail with form below to

Roberta Royhab at St. Elias Church, 4940

Harroun Rd, SylvaniaOH43560 by

April 21.

MidwestAntiochian Women’s Retreat

May 2-4, 2008



Phone number______


Parish & City______

Please select one(meals are included):

_____Friday & Saturday lodging at Monastery, $125.00 suggested donation

_____Friday or Saturday (circle one) lodging, $75.00 donation

_____Saturday Commuter, $25.00 donation