commentator’s script 18th SuNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

It is important for the Cantor/Commentator to have (and refer to) the PEW CARD so that s/he may recite the proper responses throughout the entire liturgy. Such responses should be declared clearly and with appropriate cadence so that the rest of the Faithful may join together in declarations/responses.

2 minutes prior to the Introductory Rites, the Commentator begins:

CWelcome to the Church of St. Mary on this 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We encourage you to please silence any personal electronic devices at this time, and to participate in this celebration by singing the music and by speaking the prayers. If you have requested a mass intention and would like to participate by bringing up the gifts, please see a Hospitality Minister at this time. Let us praise God well.

O God, come to my assistance; O Lord, make haste to help me!

You are my rescuer, my help; O Lord, do not delay.

Announcements to be made by the Commentator are inserted here:

...see separate sheet if provided. If not provided, move on…

Immediately, the Commentator continues:

CLet us call to mind our personal intentions

and prepare to worship God in this liturgy.


Additional special Instructions by the Commentator to the Faithful throughout the Liturgy, only if needed:

Immediately after washing hands/lavabo:Please stand.

Immediately after the sanctus:Please kneel.

Immediately after the Great Amen:Please stand.

At the conclusion of the agnusdei and

before the Priest consumes the Host:Please remain standing

untilallof the faithful

haveparticipated in Holy Communion…

after which you may kneel.

Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

Introduction to the Prayer by the Priest Celebrant

†To the good and gracious God

who gives us bread from heaven,

let us join in heartfelt prayer

on behalf of the needs of all.

[Petitions of prayer are proclaimed by the Lector]

Concluding Prayer by the Priest Celebrant

†To our stewardship, O God,

you have entrusted

the vast resources of your creation.

Let there be no lack of bread

at the tables of any of your children,

and stir up within us a longing for your word,

that we may be able to satisfythat hunger for truth

that you have placed within every human heart.

Through Christ our Lord.


Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

For Francis our Pope, Edward our Bishop, and for all clergy, may they never doubt God’s providence, but draw strength from the Bread of Life… We pray to the Lord.

That in a world where so many are afflicted by hunger, nations may set aside differences and assume responsibility for the all of God’s children and the marvelous Creation that has been entrusted to humankind…We pray to the Lord.

That we, who feed on the Bread of Heaven, may do the work of God by believing in Christ and by living Christ’s gospel… We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who are experiencing financial or career difficulties, especially those who have lost their jobs, may they not fall into despair but experience the support of others while receiving new opportunities and the guidance of the Holy Spirit… We pray to the Lord.

For next week’s Vacation Bible Camp, may all who participate be fed in body, mind and spirit while enjoying the fellowship of the members of this community and the Body of Christ...We pray to the Lord.

For the suffering, (especially ______), may the Disciples of Christ bring them comfort and strength… We pray to the Lord.

Finally, for those who have died with no one to pray for them, and especiallyfor those for whom this mass is offered:

8:00amJoan Doran, Gary Petrone

11:00amFor the deceased members of this community of faith…

May they never be hungry or thirsty again, and enjoy eternity in Heaven… We pray to the Lord.