Adrienne Morgan, Principal
August 8, 2013
Dear Young Families,
We look forward to seeing our families on the first day of school on Thursday, August 22. Classroom assignments will be available for viewing on eschoolplus on Friday, August 16. Parents will need their
log-in and password to access the system. Please contact the office, if you do not have your log-in information for eschoolplus.
Bus route information will be available on the Transportation home page no later than August 15. Please make sure to check your child’s bus number and bus stop. Bus numbers and bus stops do sometimes change.
At Young School we utilize Project Respect with all of our students and staff. All students have the right to be treated with respect. In return, all students must respect the rights of others, maintain a positive attitude, and follow school rules. RESPECT is an essential component of the Young school community.
Young School Values:
o Respect for Self
o Respect for Others
o Respect for Property
If you or your child has concerns with teasing, inappropriate comments or bullying please contact the classroom teacher or building administration so that we can immediately address the issue. Please know that we take these situations seriously. All students are valued members of our school community and should feel that the learning environment is safe and accepting.
The Young Parent-Student Handbook is available online at the school website at the following link. In addition the IPSD 204 Parent-Student Handbook can be found at the following link.
There will be several opportunities to re-connect with members of the Young community (Young families and staff members) before school begins on August 22.
· Culver's Back to School Night: Culver’s Back to School Night is Monday, August 12 between 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm. If you have a moment, we hope that you stop by to say hello to Young staff and students as well as grab a treat or a meal with your family. Twenty percent of the proceeds from this evening will go to the Young student account.
· New Family Self-Guided Tour: Students new to Young have the chance to visit the school on Tuesday, August 13 between 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm for a self-guided tour of the school building.
· PTA Ice Cream Social: The PTA is hosting a free Back to School Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, August 21on Young’s back blacktop area from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Families who ordered School Tool Boxes will pick tool boxes up during the Ice Cream Social. Tool boxes will not be delivered to classrooms.
Please take a moment to read and review the following important back to school notes. Please contact the school with any questions that you may have.
Ms. Morgan
Principal, Young Elementary
Arrival and Departure Sheet:
v Complete the attached arrival/departure sheet and bring it on the first day of school to give to your child’s classroom teacher. It is important that you inform the classroom teacher and the office with details of your child’s arrival and dismissal routines. Please note that unless we hear directly from a parent we will follow the dismissal information that is noted on the arrival/departure form. If there is a permanent change, a new Arrival and Departure sheet may be obtained from the office. We ask that you update the “Arrival and Departure” sheet each time a change is made to your routine.
First Grade - Fifth Grade Students-Thursday, August 22
Thursday, August 22 is the first day of school for 1st through 5th grade students. School hours are 9:05 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.
v Children in grades 1-5 will head directly to their classrooms. From 8:40 am -9:05 am parents will have an opportunity to participate in a “Meet and Greet” period with their child’s teacher.
v The “Meet and Greet” period will conclude promptly at 9:05 am so that we can begin our daily routines with the children. Following the Meet and Greet period, the PTA will host a PTA Open House in the Multi-purpose room from 9:05 am -10:00 am.
v Please bring your child’s school supplies to school on the first day. (School Tool Boxes will be picked up from the Ice Cream Social on August 21 between 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.)
v Hot Lunch and breakfast will be available on the first day for students who purchase these meals.
Kindergarten Orientation-Thursday, August 22
Thursday, August 22, kindergarten students and parents will have a special Kindergarten Orientation.
v Kindergarten students and their parents will participate in a special one hour Kindergarten Orientation.
The Kindergarten Orientation times are as follows.
Session 1: Last names beginning with A-J: 9:30 am -10:30 am
Session 2: Last names beginning with K-R: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Session 3: Last names beginning with S-Z: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
**If you are unable to attend during your assigned orientation time, you and your child are welcome to attend a different orientation session.
v Please note that the First Full Day of Kindergarten Student Attendance is Friday, August 23 from 9:05 am - 3:35 pm. On the kindergarten students’ first full day of school, Kindergarten students are encouraged to enter the building independently. The first bell rings at 8:50 am. Multiple staff members will be available throughout the building to help kindergarten students walk to their classroom.
v Lunch
Lunch is 20 minutes and recess is 15 minutes. Hot lunch is provided by Aramark and will begin on the first day of school. The cost of lunch is $2.45. Milk is included as a part of the cost of hot lunch. For students who bring their lunch from home, A la Carte milk purchases are done by placing money on the student’s lunch card. The cost of a la carte milk is $.40 for white milk and $.50 for flavored milk. The lunchroom staff does not take money for milk. If your child is bringing lunch from home, please review with your child if he/she is to receive a carton of milk. Please contact Aramark the district’s hot lunch provider in regards to specific hot lunch information. Hot lunch information can also be accessed through our district website (
v Lunch/Recess Schedule
Kindergarten / First Grade / Second Grade / Third Grade / Fourth Grade / Fifth Grade11:20-11:55 / 12:45-1:20 / 12:20-12:55 / 1:10-1:45 / 11:45-12:20 / 1:35-2:10
v Healthy Snack
A “healthy snack time” is provided for Kindergarten-5th grade students on a daily basis. This time is designated by the classroom teacher and does not interrupt instructional time. Due to early and late lunch periods, parents are free to provide their students with a substantial healthy snack to help their students through the day.
v School Hours (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
8:50: 1st Bell Rings (students may enter the building)
9:05: School Begins
3:35: School Ends
v Wednesday School Hours
9:00: 1st Bell Rings (students may enter the building)
9:15 School Begins
3:35 School Ends
v PD Wednesdays
On PD Wednesdays busses will pick up bus riders 10 minutes later and all children will enter the building at 9:00 am. The school provides student supervision at 8:50 am for parents who might not have flexibility in their Wednesday morning schedule. If your children are arriving at 8:50 am on PD Wednesday, please have them enter the building through main office doors.
v Absences
If your child will be absent or tardy it is necessary for you to contact the 24 Hour Absence Hotline by 9:30 am. Parents should report absences to the attendance line at 630-375-3803. Parents will be called if a child does not report to school and is not called in absent by 9:40 a.m.
v Late Student Arrival
Students arriving after the tardy bell (9:05) should enter the building through the main entrance and report to the office for a classroom pass. Parents must accompany students into the building if they arrive after the tardy bell has rung. Students arriving after 9:05 a.m. will be marked tardy. The instructional day begins at 9:05 a.m. Students arriving after 10:30 a.m. and before 12:00 are marked a half day absent. Please remember that your child is beginning to form life-long habits. We encourage students to be on time every day.
v Traffic and Pedestrian Safety
Thank you for helping maintain a safe and sound environment for our students through the review of the arrival and dismissal reminders listed below. Following drop-off and pick-up procedures will help ensure a safe entrance and exit for all Young students.
· The Car Pick-Up and Drop-Off Zone is the safest way to pick-up and drop-off your student before and after school. Please follow the direction of staff members in the pick-up/drop-off zone. In addition, please remember that it is illegal to use cellphones when in a school zone.
· If you park in the Sports Core parking lot, please have your child utilize the crosswalk and our crossing guard at Liberty and Asbury. In the past, parents have received warnings from the local police about jaywalking. If you choose not to use the safest route of crossing Asbury at the crosswalk, you must walk your child back and forth across Asbury Dr. Your child will not be allowed to cross Asbury unless you physically escort them.
· Please remember to follow the traffic directions of our crossing guards. In addition, please remember to fully stop at the stop signs.
v Parking
School buses use the front driveway for loading and unloading. Cars are not permitted in the circle drive until all buses have arrived in the morning or have left in the afternoon. Posted signs indicate NO PARKING in the front circle drive from 8:45-9:05 am and 3:15-3:45 pm. This time will be adjusted for ten minutes later on Wednesday mornings due to the late arrival. Please obey all traffic control signs and curb markings. There is NO PARKING on the right hand side of the circle drive due to fire code.
v No Dogs at Arrival and Dismissal
For the safety of our students, we ask that parents refrain from bringing dogs onto school property during arrival and dismissal time periods.
v Walkers and Bike/Scooter Riders:
It is important to note that students are only to cross at Liberty and Asbury or Crestview and Asbury at the crosswalk with the crossing guard. Students and younger sibling are to walk their bikes/scooters when they are on school grounds.
v Forgotten Student Items
In order to keep classroom interruptions to a minimum, “Forgotten” student items that are brought to school during the course of the day will be placed in the grade level bins in the front office lobby. It will be the students’ responsibility to check the grade level bin for items brought to school by family members. The office does not call students down to retrieve “forgotten” pieces. Forgotten lunches are to be placed in the white crate directly outside of the school office. Lunchroom staff takes lunches to the lunchroom prior to every lunch period.
v Student Birthdays and Party Invitations
Due to student food allergies, edible birthday treats are not allowed for student birthdays. Parents interested in recognizing student birthdays are welcome to donate a birthday book or game to the classroom or visit the classroom to read a story. Please note that any birthday activity or contribution is completely optional.
Throughout the course of the school year the office announces student birthdays and calls students down to receive a special birthday pencil and song. Birthday party invitations cannot be distributed at school, unless there is a birthday party invitation for every student in the classroom. This helps to avoid hurt feelings which can result for those children who do not receive an invitation.
v Medication
Students may not take medication at school without a doctor’s note and the school nurse cannot dispense medication without a doctor’s note. Please contact the school office to receive Medication forms.
v Hot Weather Procedures:
In the event of extremely hot weather, we will make every effort to make each child comfortable and maximize learning opportunities. Frequent drink breaks will be provided. Classroom fans are available. We will also provide cooling off periods after recess and physical education. Students are permitted to bring water bottles on these extremely hot days. All school personnel are cautioned about the dangers of heat and are aware of recommendations for preventing heat stress.
v Water Bottles: Students are permitted to bring water bottles to school on hot days. Water bottles that pose a distraction (used to squirt others, etc.) can be removed by a teacher. In such cases, the water bottle will be returned to the student at the end of the day. Students without water bottles will be allowed appropriate access to water fountains.
If you would like to receive notification about the application of pesticides, please complete and return the Notification Registry Form to the school office by September 15th. Public Acts 91-0099 and 91-0525 mandate Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Illinois public schools. IPM manages pest damage with the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment; including judicious use of pesticide. In this context, "pesticide" includes insecticide, herbicide, rodenticide, and fungicide.
Typically, if a pesticide application is required, it will not present a health concern to the majority of students and staff. However, it is the intent of IPM to allow those with special sensitivities to take appropriate precautions. Therefore, IPM provides parents and staff the opportunity for prior notice of pesticide application. For purposes of efficiency and economy, IPM calls for the creation of a registry of people who wish to receive prior notice. To be included in your school’s registry, please complete the following form and return it to the main office by September 15th. Dependent on circumstances, written notice will be sent home with your child. The registry will be updated each school year. Any further questions can be directed to the Director of Building Operations at 375-3775.