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US/VA Government

Midterm Exam Study Guide

Directions: Answer the following questions or complete the statements based on the information from the 1st Semester.

1.  Define/Identify:

a.  Government -

b.  Monarchy-

c.  Totalitarian Government-

d.  Anarchy-

e.  Dictatorship-

f.  Democracy-

g.  Direct Democracy-

h.  Representative Democracy-

i.  Oligarchy-

j.  Federalism-

k.  Unitary System of Gov-

l.  Confederacy-

m.  Preamble-

n.  Supremacy Clause-

o.  10th Amendment-

p.  14th Amendment-

q.  16th Amendment-

r.  17th Amendment-

s.  26th Amendment-

t.  John Locke-

u.  Articles of Confederation -

v.  Bill of Rights-

w.  Enumerate Powers-

x.  Implied Powers-

y.  Concurrent Powers-

z.  Full Faith and Credit-

aa.  Reserved Powers-

bb.  Extradition-

cc.  One party system (and examples) -

dd.  Single issue party-

ee.  Partisan Politics-

ff.  Bi-partisan -

gg.  Nonpartisan primary-

hh.  Party-column ballot-

ii.  Scientific Polls-

jj.  Public Opinion-

kk.  Amicus Curiae-

ll.  Lobbying-

mm. Free Rider-

nn.  Public Interest Group-

oo.  Labor Union-

pp.  Economic Interest Group-

2.  What idea did the Ancient Greeks contribute to government?

3.  Explain the Three-fifths Compromise.

4.  What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?

5.  What was the name of the government during the Revolutionary War?

6.  How was the government set up under the Articles of Confederation?

7.  How many amendments are there?

8.  How are amendments ratified?

9.  What type of party system does the US have?

10.  How are third parties usually significant?

11.  What is the primary goal of political parties?

12.  What most determines party identification?

13.  What is the single greatest influence in establishing a person’s first party identification?

14.  Define the typical Democratic voter.

15.  Define the typical Republican voter.

16.  What is a PAC and what does it do?

17.  How do lobbyists influence members of Congress?