Midterm #2 - Review Sheet

*Introduction to Civil Rights

1) Be sure to look over the review sheet from the 1st Midterm.*

Chapter 6 - Public Opinion and Political Action

1)  Define political socialization. What is the difference between direct and indirect (formal and informal)?

2)  What are the agents of political socialization?

3)  What is the difference between straw polls and scientific polling? Which method do the media use most frequently?

4)  What are the new campaign technologies that candidates are using? What people do candidates hire to enhance their image? How does this diminish the role of the political party?

5)  Identify the difference between conventional and unconventional methods of political participation. What major factors determine whether or not people participate in the most common form of political participation? What is the strongest factor in determining what party a person will join?

Chapter 8 - Political Parties & 9 – Nominations and Campaigns

1)  Identify the importance of the following terms:

Two party (majoritarian) system - National Convention - political party - civil disobedience - critical elections -

McGovern Fraser Commission - superdelegates - ticket splitting - straight ticket voter – dealignment, realignment, critical elections, party eras

2)  What are the recent trends in party identification?

3)  Identify and explain the different types and roles minor parties play in the US political system.

4)  Explain the evolution of political parties’ powers since the 1960s. Why have parties declined in power and scope? Consider question #4 in Public Opinion section.

5)  Identify the influence of PACs and wealthy individuals due to Buckley v Valeo. Be sure to understand campaign fundraising techniques - bundling, independent expenditures, and soft money v hard money.

6)  Explain how the McCain Feingold Bill reformed campaign financing. Explain how campaign finance reform has led to the rise of 527 committees.

7)  Identify the types of PACs that exists and the limitations placed on them by the FEC. Identify the contribution limits placed on individuals.

8)  Identify the significance of FECA.

9)  What are the different types of nominating techniques? How has the presidential caucus system changed in the last century? How have presidential primaries changed since the 1960s?

Chapter 10 - Elections

1)  Explain how the Electoral College functions. What problems have occurred because of the Electoral College?

2)  Identify the “winner take all” feature and its impact on the Electoral College.

3)  What are the reasons for "voter decline"?

4)  What is the relationship between public policy and elections?

5)  Identify and explain political efficacy and civic duty.

6)  Identify the significance of the Motor Voter Act of 1993.

7)  Explain why Clinton won the election in 1992? Clinton in 1996? Bush 2000? Bush 2004? Obama in 2008? Obama 2012?

8)  List specific reasons why Gore lost the Electoral College vote in 2000, despite winning the popular vote.

Miscellaneous Questions

1)  Identify the purpose of interest groups. How are they different from political parties?

2)  In Federalist #10, what did Madison fear in terms of democracy? How did the new constitution address this issue?

3)  According to Madison, how does the Constitution prevent the excesses of factions?

4)  What are the different types of interest groups that exist in the US?

5)  Is there a correlation between winning elections and campaign spending?

6)  What do the media focus on during its coverage of political campaigns?

6)  How did the following presidents utilize media technology to enhance their public support for policies?

-  FDR, JFK, Reagan, Clinton, GW Bush, Obama

7)  Identify the significance of presidential debates, trial balloons, sound bites, and policy entrepreneurs.

8)  How do interest groups attempt to influence policy? When does pluralism best describe interest group influence? When does hyperpluralism best describe interest group influence?