Middleton High School Boys Lacrosse
Board Meeting Minutes-May 3, 2017 @ 6:30 pm
Wilson Law Group-7633 Ganser Way, Suite 100
l. Call to Order/Welcome 6:35 pm (Jeri and Giavanna were absent)
ll. Approval of Meeting Agenda
add KEVA(Dan) and Senior Night (Kris)
Motion to approve:Dan; second:Kris; unanimous approval
lll. Secretary’s Report
- Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 19
Motion to approve:Kris; second: Shellie; unanimous approval
IV. President’s Report
- Kathleen Shaefer asked for 10 posters to distribute throughout district schools (Joel is to give them to Kris on Friday)
- Krossover-we’re concerned as a collective board that the stats get to MALA by the end of the season. They are not being passed on to Dan who has offered to put them on website (log in would be required to see them). Joel will contact Krossover. Eli has offered to email coach (after the JV Tournament)
- Pano-board will not be paying for any
- Board seats
- Giavanna(Treasurer)- does an amazing job and we want to keep her as long as it won’t burden her
- President (Joel), Events co-coordinator (Kris), and Communications Specialist (Eli) will graduate and need replacements
- Joel will make announcement for replacements at banquet. Will make open invite to DyannDelaat and Jim Dietz to attend upcoming board meeting (Kapp? Grelle?)
V. Vice President’s Report
a. KEVA: Dan hopes to form Dynamic Lacrosse Academy (DLA) as an LLC and obtain non-profit status by end of May 2017. 4-5 US Lacrosse certified coaches (Sanford Erdahl, Nathan Dhuey, Aiden Whinnery and Paul Aubuchon) etc. The board agreed to commit to the outdoor field 8/22-10/31
Motion to approve:Eli;Second:Sam; motion carried
- Volunteering-there are about 30 people who repeatedly volunteer. How do we get others to help out?
VI. Fundraising Report
- Culvers: hand out flyers @ game on Thursday and Saturday, Perry Hibner will make an announcement, youth blast, social media
VII. Communications Report-nada (Thanks to Eli for the special“treat”)
VIII. Event Directors’ Update
- Banners are done (18 senior players, 3 senior managers)
- Marquette game recap-great photos of players having fun together eating pizza, Papa Johns were amazing (returned a third time to grab the warming bags)
- Youth Night-(Friday, May 19) youth players will wear jerseys and stand by Varsity for National Anthem, concessions will be open 4 hours, need roster for announcer (coach names for each level-u9, u11, etc.) between first and second quarter kids will parade down track, u9 halftime scrimmage, JV players will throw socks and pinnies into crowd, banners with silver sharpies for end of game
- JV Tournament-3 people will open concessions with donated bagels , doughnuts(Kate Nisbett) and bananas (Shellie) from 8-11 am when baseball takes over. Lunch will be provided with water and Gatorade from pizza party and subs from Milios (Eli or Tim will get them) at 11 am for trainer, table workers, refs and coaches. 4 boys will deliver meals to tables at the Culver’s Fundraiser (need 2 adult volunteers)
- Banquet-have 10 volunteers/5 met Monday night to discuss jobs and who will do them. Since HyVee did so well last year , we will use them again but with pulled pork and beef brisket, mac n cheese, beans and cornbread. Anna Stormer will make the program. We decided to charge $10 per person (banquet and gifts) and the board will pick up the rest.Eli made a motion to approve; Dan second; unanimous approval
IX. Booster Club Update
- Email was sent out for 2 helpers for golf outing-no response /We do have 2 teams representing Boys Lacrosse though!!!
- After validating the roster, lacrosse is up 2% from last year. We need 12 more families to pay to get an extra $500
X. Treasurer’s Report
We should have greater than $8,000 at the end of the year
XI. Next Meeting
Moved to Monday, May 15, 2017 @ 6:30 (Wednesday is Senior Awards Night)
XI. Adjourned @ 8:45 pm