From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
(9th ed.) by José Ángel García Landa
University of Zaragoza (Spain), 2004.
Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973)
(US novelist, b. Pearl Comfort Sydenstricker, Hillsboro, WV; l. China 1922-33, teacher of English at Nanking U; Nobel Prize for Literature 1938; d. Danby, Vermont)
Buck, Pearl S. East Wind: West Wind. Fiction. 1930.
_____. The Good Earth. Fiction. 1931. (Pulitzer Prize, Howells Medal).
_____. Sons. Fiction.
_____. The First Wife and Other Stories.
_____. The Mother. Fiction.
_____. A House Divided. Fiction. 1935.
_____. The Proud Heart. Fiction. 1938.
_____. The Patriot. Fiction.
_____. Other Gods. Fiction.
_____. Today and Forever. Fiction.
_____. Dragon Seed. Fiction.
_____. The Promise. Fiction.
_____. Portrait of a Marriage. Fiction.
_____. Bright Procession. Fiction.
_____. Voices in the House. Fiction.
_____. Far and Near. Fiction.
_____. Kinfolk. Fiction.
_____. Pavilion of Women. Fiction. 1948.
_____. Peony. Fiction. 1948.
_____. Stories for Little Children. Children’s book.
_____. The Chinese Children Next Door. Children’s book.
_____. The Water-Buffalo Children. Children’s book.
_____. The Dragon Fish. Children’s book.
_____. Yu Lan: Flying Boy of China. Children’s book.
_____. The Big Wave. Children’s book.
_____. One Bright Day. Children’s book.
_____. Johnny Jack and His Beginnings. Children’s book.
_____. The Beech Tree. Children’s book.
_____. The Exile. Non-fiction.
_____. Fighting Angel. Non-fiction.
_____. American Unity and Asia. Non-fiction.
_____. Tell the People. Non-fiction.
_____. How It Happens. Non-fiction.
_____. Of Men and Women. Non-fiction.
_____. What America Means to Me. Non-fiction.
_____. Talk about Russia. Non-fiction.
_____. American Argument. Non-fiction.
_____. The Child Who Never Grew. Non-fiction.
_____. My Several Worlds. Non-fiction.
_____. My Several Worlds. Abridged for younger readers.
_____. Christmas Miniature. Children’s book.
_____. The Christmas Ghost. Children’s book.
_____. Welcome Child. Children’s book.
_____. The Big Fight. Children’s book.
_____. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Children’s book.
_____. The Joy of Children. Non-fiction.
_____. To My Daughters, with Love. Non-fiction.
_____. The Angry Wife. Fiction.
_____. The Long Love. Fiction.
_____. The Townsman. Fiction.
_____. God’s Men. Fiction.
_____. The Hidden Flower. Fiction.
_____. Imperial Woman. Fiction. 1956.
_____. Come My Beloved. Fiction.
_____. Letter from Peking. Fiction.
_____. Command the Morning. Fiction.
_____. Fourteen Stories. Fiction.
_____. The Living Reed. Fiction.
_____. Death in the Castle. Fiction.
_____. The Time Is Noon. Fiction.
_____. The New Year. Fiction.
_____. The Good Deed. Fiction.
_____. The Three Daughters of Madame Liang. Novel. New York: John Day Company, 1969.*
_____. The Kennedy Women.
_____. Las mujeres Kennedy. Trans. Ángela Pérez. (Testimonio de Actualidad, 17). Barcelona: Dopesa, 1972. 2nd ed. 1973.*
Buck, Pearl S., and Carlos P. Romulo. Friend to Friend. Non-fiction.
Buck, Pearl S., and Gweneth T. Zarfoss. The Gifts They Bring. Non-fiction.
Buck, Pearl S., and Theodore F. Harris. For Spacious Skies. Non-fiction.
Min, Anchee. La Perla de China. Historical novel. 2010. Spain: Grijalbo Mondadori, c. 2012. (Pearl S. Buck).