Middlefield Board of Selectmen
June 28, 2017
Special Meeting
1. Call to Order
Ed Bailey called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. Present was Taryn Ruffino, Ed Bailey and Jon Brayshaw.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Ed Bailey to approve the agenda as presented. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
4. Public Comment
No members present
5. Approval of Minutes
Minutes were not available for approval
6. Approval of Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority (MIRA) agreement for Municipal Solid Waste Management Service for the Durham and Middlefield Transfer Station (DMIAAB)
Ed Bailey explained that the Town needs to enter into a contract with MIRA. Mr. Bailey and Laura Francis have spent a considerable amount of time reviewing the contracts. They are currently under a short-term five-year contract. DMIAAB is in agreement that they should be in a long-term contract to save approximately $8000.00 per year for 10 years. Ed Bailey explained that they have decided not to include the recycling because the towns make more money sending it out. DMIAAB and Durham approved the long-term contract on Monday. Ed Bailey recommended that the board approve the contract as well.
A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to approve MIRA Solid Waste Management Services Agreement and adopt the Tier 1 Long-Term Municipal Solid Waste Management Service Agreement for the provision of the acceptable solid waste services. This motion was seconded by Ed Bailey and approved by all voting members.
7. Approve corrected Building Permit Cost Valuation and Permit Fee Schedule. Previously approved on 6/15/2017.
Ed Bailey explained that swimming pools and air-conditioning have been changed to a value based fee and everything else remains the same.
A motion was made by Taryn Ruffino to approve the corrected Building Permit Cost Valuation and Permit Fee Schedule as per attached. This motion was seconded by Jon Brayshaw and approved by all voting members.
8. Approve Health Department Fee Schedule
A motion was made by Ed Bailey to approve the Health Department Fee Schedule as per attached. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
9. Approve a Resolution Authorizing First Selectman, Edward P. Bailey to Execute and Deliver Documents to the Connecticut Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Ed Bailey read the Resolution into the record as attached. A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to approve a Resolution Authorizing First Selectman, Edward P. Bailey to Execute and Deliver Documents to the Connecticut Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
10. Raspberry Ridge Update
Ed Bailey explained that he had the Town Engineer draw a map to show access from Cedar Street to Raspberry Ridge for comparison. Members discussed a 4 way intersection at the existing location. Members continued to discuss access from Cedar Street and agreed that it seems to be the most practical and safest option. Ed Bailey explained that he will have Bruno Morasutti come to the next meeting to discuss the details. According to Bruno Morasutti, the property owners on Aresco Drive would have to grant the Easement to Raspberry Ridge. The alternative could be access on Cedar Street with Emergency Access Only on Aresco Drive. Ed Bailey explained that Bruno Morasutti is pursuing the matter.
11. Adjournment
A motion was made by Ed Bailey to adjourn at 4:08 p.m. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Leanne M. Henry