Division of Public Assistance
Action Tracker
Source Legend
LTMPC = Leadership Team Monthly Performance Contract Meeting
LT= Leadership Team (Face to Face)
DMM = Division Managers Meeting
MQC = Management Quality Council
SQC = Support Quality Council
LQC = Local Quality Council
Person Resp. / Date / Source / Action Item/Comment / Status / Due DateRon / 5/12/05 / LTMPC / Work with Communications & Publications on media plan for Healthy Marriage accomplishments this year in conjunction with marketing new RFP. / Done / RFP July 30, 2005
Initiated discussions with B. Buttcane. Bob is in Hospital. RFP to go out in July. Media Use Crossroads.
Media event held RFP issue, Letters of interest due 8/9/05.
Angela / 5/12/05 / LTMPC / Follow-up with Commissioner’s Office on regulation changes to increase resource limits for working disabled Medicaid Buy-In Option. / In Progress / 7/14/05
Elmer will communicate with Commissioner. Kevin thought he could include with current package. Angela will get with Elmer. Ellie suggested weave into APA Medicaid Regulations. 7/6/05 Meeting scheduled for 7/6/05 with Commissioner.
Mary R. / 5/12/05 / LTMPC/DMM / Week of 6/13/05. Finalize ASPS and RFP for Workforce Analysis. Meet with Leadership Team 6/20/05 at the 3pm meeting to finalize language. Include Tyler. Child Care will not include in this RFP.
7/5/05 LT JDalman will modify RFP based on information from a similar project done in Idaho. He will arrange for Scott Grothe to travel to Alaska to present in more detail the processes and results used to develop the time study. / In Progress / 6/20/05
Finalize content for RFP – follow-up with Kitty
Ellie / 5/12/05 / LTMPC / Coordinate with Mary Rogers and Claudia Moffet-Cook establishing Support Quality Council. / Done / 6/9/05
Meeting on 6/9/05 at 1pm to with Mary, Maria, Kitty, Ellie, and Margo.
Mary D. / 6/9/05 / LTMPC / Research Juneau, Central, and Coastal level of staff experience. e.g. Coastal ET II, average 13 months experience. / Update / 9/1/05
Requested turnover report from Tyler Andrews for ET job Class. Waiting for response.
Margo / 6/9/05 / LTMPC / For IT prioritization meeting need a clear idea from Paul on the MMIS effort. / Update / 7/26/05
Effort now is focused on modifying existing interface to implement Medicare Part D and Senior Care. MMIS date is now 3/06.
Maria / 6/9/05 / LTMPC / Complete an “After Action Review” of the Learning Summits. / New / 8/11/05
Mary R. / 5/12/05 / LTMPC / Review SOLQ options and decide the preferred option. / In Progress / 6/9/05
Margo / 6/9/05 / LTMPC / Provide managers with information on critical job classes affected by upcoming retirements. Provide assessment of risk factors and short-term and long-term strategies. / Done / 7/26/05
Provided Managers with spreadsheets and list of Job Classes in next five years that may result in critical vacancies.
Margo /Paul / 6/9/05 / LTMPC / Prepare agenda and documents for FY06 IT prioritization planning and identify potential FY07 IT projects for review and assessment. / In Progress / 7/26/05
MCM / 6/9/05 / LTMPC / Identify options for leadership development and create short and long term strategies. / In Progress / 7/26/05
Mary R. / 6/9/05 / LQC/MQC / Work Request 5693 to develop a CASS screen for APA and Medicaid was submitted from Field Services 4/22/03. Currently is a priority 2. Char Ervin will advise on the estimated level of effort for CASS screen WR 5693.
Revisit priority at face-to-face meeting and provide information on status back to LQC. / In Progress / 6/24/05
Char requested an update from Regional Managers regarding adding the CASS to APA and ME. Follow-up on timeframe needed.
Mary R. /Ellie / 6/9/05 / MQC / Establish LQC Work Team to develop short application, notice, and procedures for Medicaid denials. To policy for review and approval 7/14/05.
Policy responds to LQC Work Team draft short application and process to use for Medicaid denials.
LQC/Policy submit to MQC to finalize. / In progress / 7/14/05
Outstanding – workgroup deciding on next steps
Mary R. / 6/9/05 / MQC / Request Mat-Su LQC review FSP ES Quest card issuance procedures in NRO and SERO and contact Mary Riggen-Ver about EBT pros and cons of card issuance before authorizing the benefit. If adopted Develop client education strategies and staff procedures. Advise MQC on outcome. / Done / 8/11/05
Mat-Su LQC suggested a sticker on the quest card to alert holder to activate or call IVR before they use the card. Because cards are not sorted by authorized versus unauthorized, suggestion impacts all Quest card issuance.
Mat-Su has reviewed and modified the process for their office. We are on-hold with the second part (stickers) – forecasting that the new process will be resolved.
Kitty / 6/9/05 / MQC / Contact HCS and or Commissioner’s office to address the issue of pharmacies not willing to use a field issued medical coupon/card. / New / 7/14/05
While conducting the Learning Summits, DKC staff indicated that pharmacies refusing to accept field issue medical coupons when verifying eligibility through EVS, which does not always have current eligibility information.
Claudia / 6/9/05 / MQC / Draft note to address MQC actions on LQC issue from MQC. Send to Kitty for review and distribution. / New / 6/16/05
7/7/05 information will be included in broadcast to all staff broadcast updating all QC activities.
Mgrs /Randy / 6/20/05 / DMM / DPA appreciation week: local offices will decide on appreciation activities, e.g. gift card, group events, etc. Randy will confirm allocation per site. / Done / 7/15/05
Allocations email sent by Mary D. on
Jim / 6/20/05
7/6/05 / DMM
DMM / Food Stamp bonus: Send ideas to Jim on how to use the money
Jim to setup meeting with field mgt staff to prioritize and allocate award bonus.
Jim submit award-spending plan to FMS. / Pending / 7/8/05
Update – Spending plan has been completed for the spending of the bonus money.
Karen / 6/20/05 / DMM / CITC TANF: need a "leadership check-in." Karen will coordinate (invite CSSD John Mallonee) / Done / 7/14/05
Mary / 6/20/05 / DMM / Establish a work group (Clarissa as lead) tostandardizethe processing of joint NFAP applications, and provide recommended policies and procedures forstatewide use. Standards willdefinehow theface-to-faceinterview requirementis met; the role of NFAP employees and fee agents, and defining the DPA application received date and associated program's benefit start date. / In progress / 7/18/05
Group has been established and group is working on the task.
Stephanie / 7/5/05 / DMM / Convert Sandie Hoback report to an Excel spreadsheet with priority rating of 1(low) to 3(high).
Stephanie and Kitty meet to review and compile results.
Mangers to define “Next Steps” and identify work group. / Done / 7/6/05
Mary will update on status and work with ET IV’s on next steps. White papers will also be developed around policy.
Claudia / 8/1/05 / DMM / FNS state exchange opportunities Plan for FY06 / Updated / 10/12/05
Claudia will coordinate. Ideas due
Maria / 7/5/05 / DMM / Finalize NEW Conference participation. Coordinate with NEW on Sponsorships, develop DPA participation plan, and publish conference opportunities and protocols to all DPA staff. / Updated / 7/18/05
Broadcast to All DPA staff sent out.
Ron/Ellie / 7/26/05 / LT / Write white paper reflective look at the whole set of policy decision from welfare to work (AAR). / New / Oct/Nov
Mary R. / 7/26/05 / LT / Sandie Hoback report: Summarize the status of each recommendation and action to date. / New / 8/15/05
Kitty / 7/26/05 / LT / Communicate PERM status to staff and ensure alignments with Dept. for continued actions/improvements. Provide information to Maria for eNews. / New / 8/1/05
Kitty / 7/26/05 / LT / Forward regional plan to management team. / New / 9/1/05
Mary L. / 7/26/05 / LT / Plan timeline and budget for CC rate increase. / New / ?
Kitty / 7/26/05 / LT / Budget for FCS/ICS project. / New / 9/15/05
TANF Inv Stewards / 7/26/05 / LT / Managers Submit revised 06 & 07 requests for TANF. / New / 8/5/05
Mary D. / 7/26/05 / LT / Identify if there is room in operational budget for TANF Bonus cuts. / New / 8/15/05
Ron / 7/26/05 / LT / Conduct three meetings over six weeks for 06/07 strategies. / New / 9/8/05
LT Team / 7/26/05 / LT / Develop succession strategies, actions, and resource ideas for own unit. / New / 10/13/05
Margo / 8/1/05 / DMM / Provide Calendar that defines scope of various management meetings and participants. / Done / 8/11/05
Will send Broadcast to All DPA Division Managers
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Revised 7/7/05
[MN1]1I know we referenced the application development, but I thought I also heard provide the client with a non system generated notice of ineligibility.