Middle Years Programme (MYP)
The following items are needed in all classes and students should have them at all times in a zipper pouch (no boxes):
o #2 pencils with erasers
o Glue sticks
o A ruler with metric and US units
o Highlighters
o Scissors
o Red pens
o Colored pencils (good quality, portable set, maximum 12 colors)
o Pencil sharpener with receptacle
o Markers
o Line paper (college rule)
o 1 mini stapler
o Post-it notes
o 1 good quality Hi-Polymer eraser
o 1 USB drive/memory stick
o Supplies to have at home:
- 1 ream of computer paper*
- construction paper- variety of colors *
- printer with ink cartridges
Additional subjects supply lists: Mathematics, Language Arts, Social Studies, Spanish, Portuguese, Science, Arts, Music, Physical Education, Technology, and Advanced Academics
o one plastic duo-tang folder with pockets and prongs
o graph paper
oFor seventh and eighth grade : Recommended calculator: TI-108
oFor Geometry students only:
- Recommended calculator: Model TI-30X IIS
- One compass and protractor
- Fiction novel FLATLAND: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin
A. Abbott. To be read during the summer (see summer assignments)
• one three-ring binder• one set 5 of dividers
• one Composition Notebook
• two packs of college ruled paper
• two packs of index cards
• a basic calculator (graphing calculators may be used but will not be
• one pack of Clorox Wipes
• hand sanitizer or liquid soap
• one box of tissues
• one roll of paper towels /
A Science Fee of $4 will be requested of all students for purchasing lab materials.
o1 composition notebook (grade 6 and 8)
o1 Duo Tang folder with pockets
o 1 College ruled spiral notebook
o Index cards
oOne composition notebook
o1 black hardcover sketchbook, spiral bound, at least 100 pages, 80 pound quality drawing paper, approx size, 9X12 inches ; paper should be heavy enough for both wet and dry media. It should be portable so that students can carry it from and to school (suggested locations to purchase sketchbook: Jerry’s Artarama (SW 8th Street & 67th Ave),Utrecht, Pearl (both on US-1, near Sunset Place, SW Miami), Michael’s, and Dick Blick Art Supplies (online store).
o 1 large box of baby wipes (not travel-size)*.
o 1 drawing pencil set (includes 2B, 4B, 6B, 2 graphite pencils, 2 charcoal pencils, 1 white pencil) (Prismacolor, Prang, Design, Derwent and Faver-Castell are all good brands).
o 1 kneaded eraser.
o 1 white eraser (Magic Rub).
o 1 color set of student's favorite combination of ultra-fine colored sharpies.
o 1 roll of paper towel or 100 paper plates*.
o 2 black, “ultrafine” point permanent markers (Sharpies)*.
o 2 black, “fine” point permanent markers (Sharpies).
o 1 color set of “fine” point colored permanent markers (Sharpies).
o 1 tracing paper pad 50 sheets, 9”x12” (Canson and Strathmore are good brands).
*An Art Fee of $4 will be requested of all students for additional art materials
*Bring items to the Visual Arts class at beginning of school year.
o one 2” clear view white 3 ring binder (6th grade only)
o graph paper
o one plastic duo-tang folder with pockets and prongs with 5 dividers
(red for 6th grade, yellow for 7th grade and blue for 8th grade)
A Technology Fee of $4 will be requested of all students for additional technology
o one 2” clear view white 3 ring binder (6th grade only)
o one three ring notebook
o 1 package 1-inch self-sticking index tabs, any color
o 1 plastic duo-tang notebook with pockets (6th- red, 7th- yellow, 8th- blue)
o graph paper
A Technology Fee of $4 will be requested of all students for additional technology materials.
o One 1’ three ring binder with 5 dividers
o College ruled paper
o one package of 3” x 5” index cards
The following novels are required the first week of school:
o grade 6 Regular Language Arts: WALK TWO MOONS by Sharon Creech
- grade 6 Advanced Language Arts: WALK TWO MOONS by Sharon Creech
- grade 6 Advanced Language Arts students must choose ONE of the following two supplemental novels:
1. HEART OF A SAMURAI by Margi Preus
2. ONE CRAZY SUMMER by Rita Williams-Garcia
o grade 7 Regular Language Arts: THE OTHER SIDE OF TRUTH by Beverly Naidoo
o grade 7 Advanced Language Arts: THE OTHER SIDE OF TRUTH by Beverly Naidoo
o grade 8 Regular Language Arts: BAMBOO PEOPLE by Mitali Perkins
* The book assigned for 8th grade summer reading, The Story of My Life by Helen Keller, is available as a free ebook through Project Gutenberg
o 1 composition notebook
o 1 Duo Tang folder with pockets
o World Atlas Notebook- Rand McNally-
o One subject spiral notebook/10½ x 8 inch/ 3 hole punch
o One 3 ring binder 1½ inch (150 sheets)
o One pack of plastic protector sheets (25)
o One pack of multi-color construction paper
o Synonymous and Antonymous Spanish Dictionary (Larousse)
o One subject spiral notebooks/10½ x 8 inch/ 3 hole punch
o One composition notebook for journal writing
o One 3 ring binder 1½ inch (150 sheets with dividers)
o One pack of 3x5 index cards
o Required novels
- One composition notebook labeled “Music: Ms. Gonzalez”
- One duo-tang folder
One staff paper notebook