
Middle School

707 E. 3rd Street

Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629

Parent/Student Handbook


August 30, 2017

Dear CMS Students and Parents,

I would like to express how much I enjoy working with the students, staff, and adult community of CMS. It is my belief that for our learners to grow and flourish in a school setting, they require a safe and orderly environment where concerned teachers, principal, and support staff work harmoniously to maintain firm, consistent, positive limits while providing care and support. A part of this is the expectation that students and staff represent “respect” in all they do and say. Having an “attitude of gratitude” goes a long way in our world today. Common courtesies like, “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Hello,” make our work together the best it can be.

It is also my belief that, whenever possible and prudent, middle school students be given opportunity to demonstrate leadership. When we as adults can step aside and allow them to develop, discuss, and debate the direction we as a school take in shaping their learning, we are equipping them to become what they need to be; our leaders for tomorrow.

Parent interest and participation in the total school program is welcomed and encouraged. When parents and community members become actively involved in the education of our young people, everyone associated with the school family benefits greatly. Truly, one of the foundational principles that have made this country the world power it is rests on the basis of “volunteerism.” Research proves clearly that volunteering in schools equates to improved overall student performance. The rewards for being involved are substantial for everyone involved. Please remember parent volunteers are welcomed and encouraged at CMS!

The Cherryland Middle School Parent/Student Handbook has been prepared to provide information in answer to questions frequently asked. We believe this information will help you to become quickly informed regarding policies, procedures, and programs at CMS. You may access the handbook by going to the website. If you need a copy of the handbook, please notify the middle school office and we will provide you with one.

If after reading our handbook additional questions arise, feel free to call me at 264-8991, or email at .

Our first day of school is Tuesday, September 5th. School will begin at 7:51 a.m. with dismissal at 11:13 a.m. The following day, Wednesday will be your first full day of school. Dismissal on full days will be at 2:43 p.m.

Let us have a great 2017-2018 school year, working in partnership toward promoting lifelong learning and shaping our students to become tomorrow’s leaders.

Best wishes,

Terry J. Starr, Principal

Table of Contents

Pg. 4 Mission Statement-Fight Song-Daily Schedule

Pg. 5 I. School Regulations

A.  Absence from School

B.  Academic Honesty

C.  Athletic Eligibility

D.  Awards

E.  Backpacks

F.  Bad Weather Notice

G.  Band

H.  Bullying

I.  Care of Valuables

J.  Cell Phones

K.  Coats, Hats, and Hoods

L.  Community Project

M.  Community Service

N.  Dance Rules

O.  Directory Information

P.  Dress Code

Q.  Electronic Items

R.  Energy Drinks

S.  Grading System

T.  Homework Page

U.  International Baccalaureate

V.  iPads

W.  Leaving School Grounds

X.  Lockers

Y.  Locks

Z.  Lunch Charges

AA.  Lunchroom

BB.  Medication

CC.  Michigan Youth in Government

DD.  Money

EE.  National Junior Honor Society

FF.  Nondiscrimination Policy

GG.  Outdoor Activities

HH.  Passes

II.  Physcial Education

JJ.  PowerSchool

KK.  Relations with Parents

LL.  Report Cards

MM.  School Buses

NN.  School Visitors

OO.  Selling Items

PP.  Sexual Harassment

QQ.  Skateboards/Roller Blades

RR.  Student Eligibility

SS.  Student Leadership

TT.  Substitute Teachers

UU.  Transportation (see appendix)

VV.  Use of Phone

WW.  Weapons

XX.  Wellness Policy

II. Students’ Behavior

A.  Students’ Behavior in Class

B.  Code of Conduct

C.  Public Displays of Affection

D.  School Wide Rules

III. Suspensions

IV. Student Responsibility


We are active lifelong global learners!


Using the vehicle of International Baccalaureate programming the Cherryland Middle School community on a daily basis reflects the attitudes, skills and practices that characterize successful preparation of todays’ students for the 21st Century.


Cheer our Elks to victory

Show your E.R. pride

We’re the team that can’t be beat

So come on Elks get on your feet

And hail the good old Orange and Black

We’re gonna win tonight

Fight, fight, go team fight

Victory for E.R. High!!!


6th Grade – 1st Lunch

1st hour 7:51 – 8:40

2nd 8:43 – 9:32

3rd 9:35 – 10:23

4th 10:26 – 11:14

Lunch 11:14 – 11:44

ATL Time 11:47 – 12:08

5th 12:11 – 1:00

6th 1:03 – 1:51

7th 1:54 – 2:43

7th Grade- 2nd Lunch

1st hour 7:51 – 8:40

2nd 8:43 – 9:32

3rd 9:35 – 10:23

4th 10:26– 11:14

ATL Time 11:17 – 11:38

Lunch 11:38 – 12:08

5th 12:11 – 1:00

6th 1:03 – 1:51

7th 1:54 – 2:43

8th Grade – 3rd Lunch

1st hour 7:51 – 8:40

2nd 8:43 – 9:32

3rd 9:35 – 10:23

4th 10:26 – 11:14

ATL Time 11:17 – 11:38

5th 11:41 – 12:30

Lunch 12:30 – 1:00

6th 1:03 – 1:51

7th 1:54 – 2:43


Parent/Student Handbook

This handbook lists the school practices and procedures that affect student actions and behavior at Cherryland Middle School.

It is divided into three sections: School Regulations, Student Behavior and Student Responsibilities. All students are to be familiar with the information set forth in each of these three sections.


ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL (Ref. Board Policy 5200)

Students are expected to be in attendance at all times during the school day except in case of illness or emergency. Upon returning to school after an absence, students are to report to the office. If parents have not called the office to excuse an absence, students need to present one in person to the school secretary or receptionist. Emailed absence explanations are also acceptable.


Academic honesty is defined as a set of intrinsic values and skills that promote the learner profile trait of principled, as well as integrity in teaching, learning, and assessment. Furthermore, CMS expects that students respect others’ intellectual property, and submit work that is of their own creation. If CMS students want to use the ideas of others in their work, they are expected to cite them appropriately, using the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. See Appendix A of this handbook for a copy of the complete policy.


(See Revised Elk Rapids High School Policy, Appendix B).


At the end of the year, students receive award certificates from the school for various accomplishments. These include being on the honor roll, having perfect attendance, outstanding citizenship, etc. Certificates are also presented at the end of each season to members of the athletic teams. If you have, any questions about end-of-year awards contact the Principal.


Cherryland Middle School conducts end-of-year awards assemblies for each grade level. The purpose is to reward and recognize outstanding effort, achievement and citizenry in the ranks of our Elks. Some, though not all of the awards presented at grade levels are perfect attendance, outstanding citizenship, scholarship, achievement, Leadership, band, choir, art, etc. Additionally there may be other awards from year-to-year based on the availability of programming.


For reasons of school safety, backpacks, duffle bags, and book bags are to be kept in the student’s lockers during the school day. Bags brought to class or left in the hallways will be taken to the office.


In the event of school cancellation because of bad weather, notification will be broadcast over the following stations and other stations by 7:00 a.m.

WKHQ Charlevoix 106 FM WCCW Traverse City 1310 AM

WKLT Kalkaska 98 FM WJML Petoskey 96 FM

WLDR Traverse City 102 FM WPBN Traverse City ch. 7/4

WTCM Traverse City 580 AM WWTV Cadillac ch. 9/10

*Additionally you may sign up for the “REMIND” app in order to receive bad weather day alerts.


Semester commitment for band: students who choose to sign up for instrumental music (Band) in grades 6, 7, & 8 are committing to a minimum of one full semester. Switches may be made at semester breaks, with hardship exceptions decided on a case-by-case basis.


Students may ride bicycles to school. All bicycles must be left in the bike rack during the school day and locked. Bicycles may not be ridden during the lunch hour.



It is the policy of the District to provide a safe and nurturing educational environment for all of its students.

This policy protects all students from bullying/aggressive behavior regardless of the subject matter or motivation for such impermissible behavior.

Bullying or other aggressive behavior toward a student, whether by other students, staff, or third parties, including Board members, parents, guests, contractors, vendors, and volunteers, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes written, physical, verbal, and psychological abuse, including hazing, gestures, comments, threats, or actions to a student, which cause or threaten to cause bodily harm, reasonable fear for personal safety or personal degradation.

Demonstration of appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment or bullying is expected of administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers to provide positive examples for student behavior.

This policy applies to all "at school" activities in the District, including activities on school property, in a school vehicle, and those occurring off school property if the student or employee is at any school-sponsored, school-approved or school-related activity or function, such as field trips or athletic events where students are under the school’s control, or where an employee is engaged in school business. Misconduct occurring outside of school may also be disciplined if it interferes with the school environment.


Notice of this policy will beannuallycirculated to and posted in conspicuous locations in all school buildings and departments within the District and discussed with students, as well as incorporated into the teacher, student, and parent/guardian handbooks. State and Federal rights posters on discrimination and harassment shall also be posted at each building. All new hires will be required to review and sign off on this policy and the related complaint procedure.

Parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim(s), as well as of the alleged aggressor(s), shall be promptly notified of any complaint or investigation as well as the results of the investigation to the extent consistent with student confidentiality requirements. A record of the time and form of notice or attempts at notice shall be kept in the investigation file.

To the extent, appropriate and/or legally permitted,confidentialitywill be maintained during the investigation process. However, a proper investigation will, in some circumstances, require the disclosure of names and allegations. Further, the appropriate authorities may be notified, depending on the nature of the complaint and/or the results of the investigation.


The Superintendent is responsible to implement this policy, and may develop further guidelines, not inconsistent with this policy.

This policy is not intended to and should not be interpreted to interfere with legitimate free speech rights of any individual. However, the District reserves the right and responsibility to maintain a safe environment for students, conducive to learning and other legitimate objectives of the school program.


Any student who believes s/he has been or is the victim of bullying, hazing, or other aggressive behavior should immediately report the situation to the Principal or assistant principal. The student may also report concerns to a teacher or counselor who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate administrator or Board official. Complaints against the building principal should be filed with the Superintendent. Complaints against the Superintendent should be filed with the Board President.

Every student is encouraged, and every staff member is required, to report any situation that they believe to be aggressive behavior directed toward a student. Reports shall be made to those identified above. Reports may be made anonymously, but formal disciplinary action may not be taken solely on the basis of an anonymous report.

The Principal (or other administrator as designated) shall promptly investigate and document all complaints about bullying, aggressive or other behavior that may violate this policy. The investigation must be completed as promptly as the circumstances permit and should be completed within three (3) school days after a report or complaint is made.

If the investigation finds an instance of bullying or aggressive behavior has occurred, it will result in prompt and appropriate remedial action. This may include up to expulsion for students, up to discharge for employees, exclusion for parents, guests, volunteers and contractors, and removal from any official position and/or a request to resign for Board members. Individuals may also be referred to law enforcement or other appropriate officials.

The individual responsible for conducting the investigation shall document all reported incidents and report all verified incidents of bullying, aggressive or other prohibited behavior, as well as any remedial action taken, including disciplinary actions and referrals, to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall submit a compiled report to the Board on an annual basis.

Non-Retaliation/False Reports

Retaliation or false allegations against any person who reports, is thought to have reported, files a complaint, participates in an investigation or inquiry concerning allegations of bullying or aggressive behavior (as a witness or otherwise), or is the target of the bullying or aggressive behavior being investigated, is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Such retaliation shall be considered a serious violation of Board policy, independent of whether a complaint of bullying is substantiated. Suspected retaliation should be reported in the same manner as bullying/aggressive behavior.

Making intentionally false reports about bullying/aggressive behavior for getting someone in trouble is similarly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Retaliation and intentionally false reports may result in disciplinary action as indicated above.

Definitions The following definitions are provided for guidance only. If a student or other individual believes there has been bullying, hazing, harassment or other aggressive behavior, regardless of whether it fits a particular definition, s/he should report it immediately and allow the administration to determine the appropriate course of action.