KEYS Elementary Academy:

Where students are expected to succeed


Jesse AguirreCristina Chavira/ Felipe ArenasJuan Lozano/ Ramon Garcia

PrincipalAssistant Principal KEYS Instructional Specialist

Office: 937-4104 Office:937-4103/ 937-4221Office: 937-4100

Visiting KEYS is an intervention and we will collectively evaluate each case with each home campus’s intervention team. However, a KEYS visit will be the last piece of intervention for any case. Each case will be collaboratively processed with home campus Administration.


  1. Please call or email the following details to Mr. Aguirre (view Preconference Questions document on website):
  2. Synopsis of behavior
  3. Behavior intervention plan or Interventions in place
  4. History of his/her discipline referrals
  5. Complete Permission slip (Attached)
  6. Bring Student’s School Nurse File
  7. Schedule for a school representative (Counselor/Assistant Principal/Principal) to escort the student to and from KEYS.
  8. Review all KEYS expectations with parents and if possible, ask them to have the student dress in the KEYS uniform (white polo shirt, khaki pants and belt) on the day of their visit.

On the day of the visit:

  1. Student and home campus representative will arrive at Escontrias Elementary at 8:30 a.m. for Visitation Intake Procedures.
  2. Visitors will be greeted by a KEYS Instructional Specialist.
  3. Student, home campus representative, and KEYS Instructional Specialist will discuss KEYS’ and home campus’ expectations.
  4. Student will be incorporated into the KEYS classroom for the remainder of the day.
  5. Independent and individualized academic instruction
  6. “Boot Camp/Military’ style Physical Education exercises
  7. Lunch
  8. At 1:30 p.m. student will complete his/her KEYS visit. The campus representative, student and KEYS intervention specialist will debrief and set goals.
  9. KEYS Instructional Specialist will be in communication with home campus for follow up visit at home campus with student. .

10. Upon returning to home campus, student will be asked to write a brief summary about his/her experience.

205 Buford

El Paso, Texas 79927

Phone: (915) 937-4104

Permission Slip: One Day Visit to KEYS Elementary

I am in agreement for my child______to visit the alternative school, KEYS Elementary Academy.

I certify that my child does not have a medical condition/ diagnosis that would prevent him/her from participating in the P.E. classes.

I understand that he/she will participate in “Boot Camp/ Military style” P.E. exercises.

I consent for my child to eat lunch at KEYS Elementary Academy.

I give permission for my child to participate in the classes during the visit to KEYS Academy.

I further understand that Socorro I.S.D., KEYS Elementary Academy, Escontrias Elementary and ______(Home Campus) will not be responsible for any injury during my visit or participation in the P.E. classes.

Parent’s Name (print) : ______

Student’s Name (print): ______

Parent Signature:______Date: ______

Date of visit: ______Time of visit: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm

Procedures and Permission Slip for One Day Visit