HHBCJanuary 13th & 14th, 2018

Middle School Ministry

Series:Messiah: The Gospel of John

Session: Show Me A Sign

Scripture:John 2:1-25


We are Family: We believe that as redeemed believers in Christ we are a part of the family of Christ. We believe that the church is the gathering brothers and sisters in Christ, because we have all been adopted, purchased, and called into household of God.

We are Servants: We believe that the ultimate servant was Jesus Christ; therefore as we are born again as Christians we are born as servants. We are made, commanded, and designed to serve one another just as Christ served us.

We are Disciples: We believe that we are more than just people who know about Jesus, but that we were born again and called out to follow Jesus. None of us have yet arrived in following Him in perfection, but we all are investing in each other to follow and become the image of Christ in this world.

We are Witnesses: We believe that we are not just merely following Christ, but that we have been born again to proclaim Jesus Christ both in actions and words. We are born again to live in such way that brings glory, honor, praise, and recognition to Christ. We are witnesses by being His ambassadors to the world.



ASK: Have you ever been to a wedding?Have you ever been in a wedding?

ASK: Did you have fun at the wedding? Do you like to go to weddings or do you hate it?

ASK:What is your favorite part about weddings?

SAY: Today we are going to look at a scripture that narrates Jesus’ earliest recorded miracle, which was done at a wedding.


READ: John 2:1-12

ASK: Does anyone know the significance of this miracle? (It is the first miracle recorded.)

ASK:What does this passage teach us about Jesus?

ASK: Why, in verse 4, does Jesus say his time (hour) has not yet come?

EXPLAIN: Jesus was not ready to reveal his divinity to all people, just a few.

ASK:What does this passage, specifically verse 11, teach about the disciples?

SAY:In this section, Jesus displays his power and divinity by turning the water into wine.

READ: John 2:13-25

ASK:What does this section teach us about Jesus?

ASK: What was wrong with the temple and the money-changers in it?

ASK: What does Jesus mean by his words in verse 19?

SAY: Jesus is just and has authority over the temple. He wanted to cleanse the temple because he did not want selfish desires of ungodly men to hinder true worship. Moreover, he also foreshadows his death and resurrection.



SAY:In the first section, Jesus begins to show is power and might. However, it is only a foretaste of what is to come.

ASK: How have you seen Jesus’ power in your own life?

ASK: What distracts you from trusting in God’s power and being satisfied by him?

SAY: Last week, Rob explained Jesus as the true and better wine who purifies perfectly. This is the Gospel.

READ: 1 John 1:7-9 and Titus 2:14

ASK: What do these verses say about purification/being cleansed?

ASK: How do these scriptures compare to John 2?


ASK: What is the Gospel? How do we see the Gospel in John?

READ: Titus 2:11-14

ASK: How does one trust in Jesus to purify as the true and better wine?

ASK: How has God shown us grace?

ASK: How do we have hope?

SAY: Titus 2:13 speaks of the hope we have in Jesus, but the second section we read in John also illustrates that hope whenever we read about Jesus raising up the temple of his body (John 2:19-21).

READ: John 2:23-25

ASK: What does Jesus know about man?

SAY:John explains Jesus knew all that was in man. Jesus knows the heart of man, he knows the sin of man, and yet he still saves man. THIS is the Gospel. This is grace; he saved us even though we do not deserve it.



ASK:In John 2, we see Jesus is all-powerful and authoritative. How should we respond to these truths?

ASK:In John 2, we see the hope of the resurrection, how can you share this Gospel hope with others this week?

ASK:In John 2, we see Jesus cleanse the temple because of the wickedness. What is getting in the way of your true worship and how can we as a CG hold one another accountable in this?

SAY: As you go through this week, meditate on the hope and grace found in the Gospel. Rest in the fact that Jesus cleanses perfectly. Truly worship him and know he knows your heart, yet still loves you.

Have someone close in prayer.