Middle School Curriculum Map
Grade 7 Quarter 1Grade – Lesson # / Domain / Title / GOAL / Standard
7.1 / Academic, Personal/Social / New School Year Orientation / To orient students with grade level/school expectations. / AA.A.7.2.10
7.2 / Academic, Personal/Social / Are You a Team Player? / To learn to interact and work cooperatively in groups. / AA.A.7.1.03
7.3 / Personal/Social / Getting to Know You / To acquaint students with peers to create a cohesive environment. / AA.PSD.7.7.11
7.4 / Academic / Time Management II / To revise and review a time management plan. / AA.A.7.2.14
7.5 / Academic / Study Effectively / To identify and use effective study techniques. / AA.A.7.1.04
7.6 / Personal/Social / Bullying/Harassment / To recognize the impact of bullying on self and others. / AA.PSD.7.7.12
7.7 / Personal/Social / Conflict Mediation / To learn and apply techniques to manage conflicts. / AA.PSD.7.8.04
7.8 / Academic
Career / Portfolio Update / To review and update portfolio.. / AA.A.7.3.09 AA.PSD.7.8.09
7.9 / Personal/Social / Getting to Know Me / To identify personal strengths and weaknesses. / AA.C.7.5.06
Grade 7 Quarter 2
Grade – Lesson # / Domain / Title / GOAL / Standard
7.10 / Academic / Progress Review / To review first quarter progress and set academic goals. / AA.A.7.3.04
7.11 / Academic, Personal/Social / Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) / To set short and long-term goals for the remainder of the academic year. / AA.A.7.3.04
7.12 / Personal/Social / Breaking the Cycle / To understand personal choice in breaking the generational poverty cycle. / AA.PSD.7.8.10
7.13 / Academic, Personal/Social / Be a Leader / To develop effective leadership skills. / AA.A.7.1.05
7.14 / Academic, Career / PROMISE / To introduce and understand the PROMISE scholarship requirements. / AA.A.7.2.11
7.15 / Personal/Social / Risky Business / To discern between positive and potentially damaging risk-taking behaviors. / AA.PSD.7.9.07
7.16 / Academic, Career / Programs of Study I / To introduce academic programs of study. / AA.A.7.2.12
7.17 / Academic, Career / Programs of Study II / To review academic programs of study. / AA.A.7.2.12
7.18 / Academic, Career / Programs of Study III / To expand knowledge of academic programs of study. / AA.A.7.2.12
Grade 7 Quarter 3
Grade – Lesson # / Domain / Title / GOAL / Standard
7.19 / Academic / Progress Review/Organizing for Success / To reflect on first semester and revise organizational plan. / AA.A.7.3.05
7.20 / Career / Career Exploration / To compare and contrast different career options. / AA.C.7.4.14
7.21 / Academic, Career / Writing Assessment: Career Journal 3 / To review previous writing assessments and strengthen writing strategies using a career prompt. / AA.A.7.3.08
7.22 / Academic, Career, Personal/Social / Public Speaking Pt I – Non-Verbal Communication / To reinforce effective public speaking/presentation skills. / AA.A.7.1.06
7.23 / Personal/Social / Talk to Me –
Public Speaking Pt II / To practice public speaking and communication skills. / AA.PSD.7.7.08
7.24 / Personal/Social / Balancing Relationships / To recognize and accept changing and evolving relationships. / AA.PSD.7.7.14
7.25 / Personal/Social / Cross the Line: Diversity / To recognize and value the differences in others. / AA.PSD.7.7.15
7.26 / Personal/Social / Healthy Relationships / To understand the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. / AA.PSD.7.9.08
7.27 / Academic / Test-Taking Skills / To acquire and practice effective test-taking skills. / AA.A.7.1.08
Grade 7 Quarter 4
Grade – Lesson # / Domain / Title / GOAL / Standard
7.28 / Personal/Social / Winning Attitude: Gratitude / To recognize and change stinkin’ thinking to a more winning attitude. / AA.PSD.7.7.01
7.29 / Personal/Social / Taking Responsibility for Me / To understand internal and external locus of control. / AA.PSD.7.9.09
7.30 / Academic / WESTEST! / To review the components of the WESTEST and defuse stress. / AA.A.7.3.06
7.31 / Personal/Social / Not Everyone Wins / To recognize and apply coping skills for setbacks. / AA.PSD.7.9.06
7.32 / Personal/Social / Community Resources / To identify helpful community resources. / AA.PSD.7.8.12
7.33 / Academic, Personal/Social / Global21 / To expand and apply skills for Global21 learning. / AA.A.7.3.10
7.34 / Academic / Critical Thinking I / To introduce critical thinking skills. / AA.A.7.1.07
7.35 / Academic / Critical Thinking II / To review and expand critical thinking skills. / AA.A.7.1.07
7.36 / Academic, Personal/Social / Celebration/Evaluation / To reflect on the portfolio and celebrate the year’s accomplishments. / AA.A.7.3.09