The Speechcraft course improved my communication and presentation skills. After graduating from the course I was offered two promotions and numerous colleagues commented on how my leadership skills have improved significantly. I feel more confident in meetings, attending network events and am now managing staff in 3 countries. This growth is a direct result of Speechcraft where areas for improvement were identified and assistance to facilitate the growth in my skills was provided in a supportive and friendly manner. I would recommend the Speechcraft course to everyone; it is a fantastic supportive environment to assist in personal growth, confidence, work promotions and leadership skills.

- Darren Whitbourne

Contract Specialists, BHP Billiton - Minerals Exploration

My ability to speak and articulate my message clearly has increased enormously, growing my self esteem and confidence. I am now able to chair and run meetings competently. My listening skills are greatly enhanced, and I am able to provide feedback to people in a positive and helpful manner. I also have developed the ability to think on my feet, particularly if asked a question which I am not sure how to answer. I feel when you are able to grow in an area that has been a barrier for many years, amazing things happen and since doing the Speechcraft course I have taken on greater roles both in my professional and personal life. I highly recommended Speechcraft to anyone who wishes to conquer this very common fear.

- Joanne Barton

Natural Resources Officer

My job evolved from factory worker to office/sales and I found myself struggling with my new environment. So I enrolled in the Speechcraft course run by Alpha Toastmasters. What a huge difference this has made to my self-esteem and confidence not only in my workplace but in my ability to socialize in situations outside my comfort zone, e.g. large groups. I am now starting to enjoy public speaking. I guarantee this course will remove a lot of anxiety from your everyday world.

- Alan Llewellyn

I undertook the Speechcraft course to improve my confidence in public speaking, especially impromptu speaking. What I got was an introduction on how to prepare for a variety of different scenarios. I learnt what makes an effective MC, how to propose a Toast, give a Vote of Thanks and present more confidently. By completing the Speechcraft course, I realised there was the potential to further my skills by joining a Toastmasters Club - Alpha was the obvious choice! Here I have been able to develop confidence in a supportive environment and continue to become a better speaker. I am more confident speaking in front of groups and this has improved my presentation skills. I thoroughly recommend the Speechcraft course as an introduction to public speaking. Whatever your goals, you will be encouraged and supported in reaching them.

- Jacqueline Greenham

Registered nurse

I joined the Speechcraft course to build my impromptu speaking skill. I learned many good techniques on answering impromptu questions. I also got many opportunities to practice them in class and received constructive evaluations from experienced Toastmasters. This skill is now helping me in communicating effectively within my research team and also in my personal life. In addition, this course helped me in removing any hesitation in making formal presentations. It is a great confidence enhancing course.

- Sazal Kumar Kundu

Postgraduate Student, Chemical Engineering

The University of Newcastle.

I am involved in my local church but the nervousness I felt when I had to speak in public was debilitating and I decided I had to do something about it. I signed up for the Speechcraft course and I haven't looked back. The surprising thing was that it wasn't only my nervousness that improved but my confidence in general. I now speak regularly in front of groups of up to 300 or more people and I'm convinced I couldn't do it if I hadn't made that first move and signed up for Speechcraft! I would recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their confidence.

- Janelle Walker

I can honestly say that participating in a Speechcraft Course was probably one of the best things I have ever done and one of the last things I ever expected to do. For someone like me, who always achieved well academically, worked hard and developed good working relationships with my colleagues it was frustrating and infuriating not to be successful in interviews. I was advised to look at getting coaching, as I was too nervous. While looking around for a coach, I joined Speechcraft. After the first week I decided I wasn't going back - the excuses came flooding into my head. It didn't matter if I lost my money - it was cheaper than a gym membership anyway. It wasn't so bad the second week, or the third or the fourth. By the fifth week I was right into it. Speechcraft, by improving my confidence in Public Speaking, was also improving my confidence in other areas of my life. It was the cheapest Personal Development Course I had ever done and definitely cheaper than a gym membership. I joined Toastmasters at the end of the course and 2 months later I had that elusive promotion.

- Ann Clark

Speechcraft is the most amazing experience. Ten to fifteen reasonably scared people in a room about to do this thing called public speaking. Everyone can see everyone improving and starting to enjoy parts of it, and then enjoy more of it. The class even begins to be fun. Some people's stories are so funny, courageous or profoundly moving that it is a privilege to be part of the group. And class mates start to look different, more relaxed and confident. The team who lead the Speechcraft course tell the new class that they teach Speechcraft because of the joy and satisfaction they receive from being a part of helping people grow, face unseen hurdles and become more of themselves. I was a Speechcrafter and it was a wonderful experience, one which I highly recommend.

- Rod McLean

I joined the Speechcraft course to improve the confidence I'd lost in public speaking. Over time I had become a little timid and reluctant to speak, particularly in work situations. After doing the course and joining Toastmasters, colleagues noticed a real change in me. Since then I have used the skills gained in Speechcraft and Toastmasters to communicate my thoughts and ideas in work and social settings, as well as to allay the nerves in job interviews and other challenging situations. It's been one of the best things I have ever done.

– Marlene Tremain, Teacher