7th and 8th graders may join this jeopardy like club. Students “buzz in” to answer questions about everything from current sporting events to math problems. Practices will be held at the high school starting in November. Competitions are here and/or away. Mr. Tillman sponsors this club.
PUBLIC SPEAKING CLUB: Would you like to start the day right by reading the morning message? Get great practice with public speaking and reading skills. Students must practice with the club’s sponsor before they are allowed to read their message. Students in grades 6th-8th are welcome to join. Mrs. LeCure sponsors this club.
BOOK CLUB: Have you read any great books lately? Join Book Club so you can share your new adventures. We will read different books but each book will be from the same genre. Mrs. Liles and Mrs. LeCure sponsor this club.
STUDENT COUNCIL: Elected members get together and work on community service projects and school based projects. The Student Council serves as your voice for the school. Mrs. Chapman sponsors the 7th & 8th grade student councils.
YOUNG LEADERS COMMITTEE (6th graders): Student nomination will be a combination of student and teacher selection. Students will complete a couple of service projects as well as be an active force in improving and celebrating things around the school. Mrs. Sneed sponsors this club.
DRAMA CLUB: Sixth, seventh and eighth graders may join drama club and show how expressive they are. Students will work on impromptu acting skills. Mrs. Collins sponsors this club.
AGRICULTURE CLUB: This club allows students an opportunity to experience agriculture and its many entities. Members will participate in activities during FFA week, Barn Warming, State Fair as well as Stream team. Guest speakers from the community and surrounding areas will be invited to speak to the students and field trips will be planned to allow students to see Agriculture in the real world. Agriculture Club will meet after school at least once a month and when we have an opportunity to experience agriculture. Ms. Schauer sponsors this club.
FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES: FCA is a student-run organization for 6-8 graders. It meets in room 85 each Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. for a short Bible devotion, games, and doughnuts. Students volunteer to lead the devotions, to lead a game and to bring the food and music. Students do not have to be on a school athletic team in order to join – rather they should be a sports enthusiast as the organization promotes Christian values as an athlete and as a fan in the stands. Mrs. Noe sponsors this club.
PING PONG CLUB: Ping Pong Club is for all 6, 7 and 8 graders who would like to meet and have fun playing ping pong! We meet Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 – everyone is welcome! Mrs. Rogers sponsors this club.
YEARBOOK: Are you an 8th grader interested in learning what makes a great yearbook? How to photograph people and events? How to write stories, headlines and captions? How to interview teachers and students? Yearbook Club meets the first and third late start of the each month. Ms. Chapman sponsors this club.
SPORTS (7 & 8 only): Basketball, Track and Field, Cross Country, Cheerleading, Football, Volleyball & Softball.
***All clubs and activities meet before or after school.