Middle Level Academic Plan for Success
1)A list of middle level students that are failing one or more classes will be generated at the 5, 10, 20, and 30 week marking period. Parents will be notified if their child is failing classes.
2)At the 1st-5 week marking period, students will gather in the auditorium with Mrs. Devins. She will review the Academic Plan with students. If a student is failing 2 or more academic subjects (Math, Social Studies, Science, ELA) the student will be placed on the Restriction List. While on restriction, students are not allowed to participate in or attend any school activities (sports, plays, concerts (unless it is credit-bearing) class outings, dances, etc.), they will have a loss of library privileges (unless they obtained a pre-signed pass from a teacher to work on a project) and they must attend an academic study hall every Tuesday after they receive notice they are on restriction until the end of that 10 weeks. The academic study hall is in the Middle Level Office on Tuesdays.
3)Mrs. Devins will meet with each student who is failing 2 or more subjects and review the
restrictions and the plan to help the student bring the grades up.
4) At the 10 week point, the 1st quarter report card will go out to parents.
Middle LevelAcademic Plan
758 County Rt. 7
Brushton, NY 12916
(518) 529-7324
Name: ______Date: ______Grade: _____
Areas of Improvement / English / Math / Science / Social Studies / LanguageDo homework nightly
Make up missing work
Bring grade up by:
Bring grade up by:
Bring grade up by:
Attend academic study hall on:
Bring agenda to class
Bring supplies to class
Raise hand and/or participate
Check with teacher on Fridays for grade
Student’s Signature: ______
Teacher’s Signature(s): ______Print: ______
______Print: ______
______Print: ______
______Print: ______
Comments: ______
Cc: parent; teacher; middle level office
Brushton-moira central school
Middle level grades 6, 7, & 8
758 county route 7
brushton, new york 12916
518-529-7324 x 117/120
superintendentboard of education presidentprincipal/cse chair
robin jonesisabelle dorey cathy devins
Middle Level
Name: ______Grade: ______
Learning Styles Questionnaire
Please circle the answer that best describes you:
1. Which assignment would you prefer?
a. to read a short story
b. to give an oral report
c. to make a project
2. Do you prefer to read stories with….
a. a lot of description
b. a lot of dialogue
c. a lot of action
3. How would you prefer to receive important information?
a. in a letter
b. over the phone
c. in a code you would have to translate
4. Look at your notebooks. Are they….
a. neat
b. passable
c. messy
5. When you are trying to learn how to spell a new word, do you….
a. look at it carefully
b. spell it out loud a few times
c. write it a few times
6. If you were putting a model together would you….
a. read the directions carefully
b. discuss the directions with a parent or a friend
c. start to put the model together by trial and error
7. Is your handwriting normally
a. neat
b. quite light
c. poor towards the end of the assignment
8. What do you remember best?
a. faces
b. names you have heard
c. things you have done
9. When you study, do you prefer
a. a neat desk or table
b. absolute quiet
c. a comfortable area
10. How do you react to a new situation?
a. look around, but not say much
b. talk to another new person nearby
c. try to do something to learn more about it
11. How would you create an ideal person?
a. imagine the personality and how the person would look
b. make up a story in your head and then describe the person
c. draw a picture of the new friend
12. During your free time at school, would you prefer to
a. watch a video
b. listen to a speaker
c. do something (color, draw, an activity)
13. Which club would you prefer to join
a. newspaper
b. speech or debate
c. drama
14. The teacher you seem to learn best from
a. writes important information of the board
b. tells you important information
c. has you work at your desk independently
15. To study for a test, do you
a. read your notes and textbook
b. have someone ask you questions
c. make up a sample test
16. During your free time, do you enjoy
a. reading a book
b. listening to music
c. doing something (playing a game, computers) around the house
17. What do you plan to do after graduating from high school?
a. go to college
b. go to a vocational school
c. go into the military (army, navy, marines)
d. get a job
Brushton-moira central school
Middle level grades 6, 7, & 8
758 county route 7
brushton, new york 12916
518-529-7324 x 117/120
superintendentboard of education presidentprincipal/cse chair
robin jonesisabelle dorey cathy devins
Date: ______
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We have been informed by your child’s teacher(s) that your child is failing one or more classes during this last marking period. Attached is a copy of the improvement plan that your child and their teacher(s) has agreed to. It is our hope that this improvement plan will be followed and that your child will work through these academic difficulties.
As long as they continue to honor this agreement, we are confident that their grade will improve and they will remain eligible to attend extra-curricular activities, be members of teams and clubs, or attend school functions. However, if they fail this plan, they will be restricted from participation of any clubs or teams and will not be allowed to attend any after-school functions for the balance of the marking period ending on ______.
At the conclusion of the restriction period, we will once again monitor their grades and reactivate their improvement plan and their eligibility, giving them a fresh start to continue to work through their academic difficulties. If they are passing all classes, no improvement plan will be necessary and all restriction will be lifted.
If you have any questions, please call your child’s teacher(s) or if you have question for me or would like to set up an appointment, please call the school at 529-7324 ext. 120. Thank you.
Cathy Devins
Middle Level Principal