February 1st, 2011

Meeting Minutes

Opening by Ritual:

Meeting called to order by Commandant Bo Stollenwerck.

Guests: No guest present

Roll Call of Officers: absent were George Gerbert and David Mincey. Excused were Sr. Vice Commandant Bill Hall and Platoon Leader Doug Corbin.

Applications for Membership: None

Motion to accept previous meeting minutes: Correction of minutes, the last name of deceased Marine Richard Williams should be Richard Earle that passed away. Motion made by Tom Hisel to accept minutes with Paul Odom seconded with the correction as stated above. Motion approved.

Commandants Correspondences: Commandant Stollenwerck went overIssues from the National Commandant to the local Detachment’s concerning delinquent Membership dues and chain of command. (from last Semper Fi magazine) The National Commandant wants each Detachment to work on and improve the collection of dues for delinquent members throughout the League. As a Detachment we have shown an improvement from the last quarter statement. We still have a few members (9)that have not renewed their yearly dues so we need to follow up with these Marines and see if we need to help them out financially or to just remind them it’s time to renew their membership. The Commandant will also get with the Sr. Vice and review these names.

The other thing that needs to be addressed is the chain of command. You do not go straight to National if the question or needed information you seek can be handled by the Detachment Staff or then the State Department. If these two cannot resolve the question or problem then the National Staff can be contacted. National is overwhelmed with questions and problems that can be handled at either the Detachment or Department level.

The Commandant reminded everyone of the upcoming State Department Convention which will be held in Pooler Georgia (West Chatham Detachment) near Savannah. Check either the State Department’s web site or The West Chatham Detachment’s web site for registration forms. This Convention will be held May 20th through the 22nd.

The Detachment Staff meeting will be Saturday the 19th at 1100 hours at Denny’s in Byron. Sr. Vice Bill Hall will be conducting the meeting as our Commandant will be out of town on Department business.

Paymaster Report: Disbursements of $1,068.05 with a current balance today of $5,500.77. A detail report can be gotten from the paymaster or the Adjutant. The Commandant asked for a motion to approve the Paymaster‘s report. Motion made by Joe Barbee and seconded by George Sidler. Motion was approved.

Sick or in Distress: Bill Hall had laser surgery on his eye and is just not up to coming tonight. Doug Corbin had an emergency with his wife, she fell and hit her head and had to be taken to the emergency room. Michael Clark is have more problems with his knees and is just not up to coming. Joe Barbee reported that Gary Sargent is now having a thyroid problem because of his radiation treatment on his esophagus when the cancer was. Please give him a call and let him know we are thinking about him. Chaplin Paul Odom reported that Marine Jimmie Burousas passed away. Jimmie was a life member of this Detachment.

Report by Officers: No reports from Officers other than the Commandant's.

The Commandant reported on upcoming activities. A Midwinter National Convention at Falls Church Virginia on February 10th through the 12th. Our Commandant will be attending this event. The next Detachment Staff meeting is the 12th of February at its regular place. On February 17th there will be a Growl of the Devil dog Pound 322. Our next Detachment meeting will be March 1st. March 3rd through the 5th is the South Eastern Division Conference at Lake Buena Vista Florida. March 12th is our next Staff meeting at Denny’s in Byron. March 19th is a Department Staff meeting in McDonough Georgia. May the 20th through the 22nd is the State Department Convention in Pooler Georgia. On July 31st through August the 6th is the 2011 National Convention being held in Boise Idaho.

Our Commandant recognized a Marine that is dedicated to his work and has had an outstanding year in support of the Toys for Tots program. With his effort and support from the Marine Corps Reserve he collected over $3,900.00 to be used for the purchase of Christmas toys for the children. This Certificate of Appreciation goes to Marvin Jackson.

A Certificate of Appreciation was also presented to Marine George Sidler who has supported this Detachment in a number of ways. George spent a lot of time and effort setting up and running our Website page and he did a great job. He is a Squad Leader and was our Detachment News Letter Editor.

Our Commandant read a communiqué from the National Commandant concerning “The Seven Principles of Detachment Success”. This is something for us as a Detachment to think about. The first one is what does the Detachment contribute to the Community? Second is the leadership fair and honest with the membership? Third, is there cooperation and a team spirit with the detachment? Fourth, is there an untiring effort for improvement in the Detachment? Fifth, is there courtesy and humility within the leadership? Sixth, is there adaptability within the Detachment membership? Finally the National Commandant asked does the leadership show gratitude for membership contributions and accountability. This message is closed with a quote “If a man does his bestwhat else is there”. This quote came from General George S. Patton. Please consider these principles and talk about them with each other.

The last item is that this Detachment does have a number of positions vacant which we are seeking to fill. Gene Krattli has been gracious enough to stay at his post until we can secure another Sergeant at Arms. Sr. Vice Bill Hall has taken the Newsletter responsibility and we are seeking someone to take that over for him. We are also looking for a new Web Sergeant as George Sidler has had to step down due to other obligations. If you can or you know somebody that is willing to do these jobs let the Commandant know.

Report by Finance committee Tom Hisel: The Paymaster’s books were reviewed and found to be in order. This review must be done whenever there is a change in staff for this office.

Since the Program person has not shown up and there was no further Business the Meeting was closed.

Meeting closed by Ritual

Minutes sublimated by Adjutant Jeff Amerson