Middle East Technical University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME 541 Plasticity and Computer Aided Metal Forming

Spring 2013-2014

Instructor Office

Prof. Dr. Haluk Darendeliler A-203

Assistant Office e-Mail

Ali Murat Kayıran A-208

Shahram Abbasnejad Dizaji A-144

Lecture Hours and Places

Tuesday 09:40-12:30 B-202

Course Grading

·  Midterm (30%)

·  Final or Project and Term Paper (40%)

·  Experiments and Homeworks (20%)

·  Attendence (10%)

Note that attendance requires signing of attendance sheet during class and 80% attendance is compulsory.


No required book.


·  Akhtar S. Khan, Sujian Huang, Continuum Theory of Plasticity, John Wiley & Sons.

·  Rodney Hill, Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford University Press.

·  William Johnson and Peter Bassindale Mellor, Engineering Plasticity, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.

·  Jagabanduhu Chakrabarty, Theory of Plasticity, Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.

·  Jagabanduhu Chakrabarty, Applied Plasticity, Springer.

·  D. W. A Rees, Basic Engineering Plasticity, Elsevier.

·  Lawrence E. Malvern, Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Medium, Prentice-Hall, Inc.

·  A. Cemal Eringen, Mechanics of Continua, Robert E. Krieser Publishing Company.

·  Lazar Markovich Kachanov, Foundations of the Theory of Plasticity, North-Holland Publishing Company.

·  Taylan Altan, Metal Forming: Fundamentals and Applications, American Society for Metals Series in Metal Processing.

·  S. Kobayashi, S. Oh and Taylan Altan, Metal Forming and the Finite Element Method, Oxford University Press.

·  Alexander Mendelson, Plasticity: Theory and Application, The Mcmilllan Company.

Web Site

ME 541 web site (https://online.metu.edu.tr) will be used for all announcements and assignments. Please check regularly.

Make-Up Exams

Make-up exams may be given to those who have valid excuses approved by the department. A single make-up exam is given at the end of the term.


Projects will be assigned after the 5th week of the course. Project progress is monitored by the assistant every two weeks. Use of a finite element program, which will be indicated, is required.


Experiments to be completed are:

1. Tensile test

2. Compression test (Cooke and Larke)

3. Plane-strain compression test

4. Bending test

5. Impact test

6. Hardness test

7. Erickson test

8. Torsion test

The reports of the experiments should be submitted within two weeks after the day of the experiment. Late reports will not be accepted. The reports should have a title page format as shown in the web page.


1. Extrusion

2. Hydraulic bulging

3. Deep-drawing

Course Outline

1. Indicial Notation

2. Basis and Base Vectors in Curvilinear Coordinates

3. Coordinates

4. Cartesian Tensors

5. Coordinate Transformation

6. Stress and Strain

7. General Principles

8. Introduction to Plasticity

9. Yield Criteria

10. Classical Theory of Plasticity

11. Finite Plastic Deformation

12. Mechanics of Metal Forming