Teacher: M. Otero Week of: 8/7/17 – 8/11/17 Subject: Honors English 11 Period: 4th & 7th

MON / In-Service
TUE / In-Service
UR / ·  TSW improve their grammar, punctuation, and language usage for standardized testing, editing, and composition. / ·  Grammar, Punctuation, & Usage 35-37 / 1.  Conventions/Syntax/Analysis Activity: its good to be me here with you
2.  We will introduce ourselves, go over the rules, and read the syllabus. Time permitting, we will begin with Friday’s activities. / 1.  Parents and Students read, sign, and return syllabus and classroom expectations forms.
2.  Acquire Supplies.
3.  Bring a good book every day. / 1.  TSW turn in their activity as an assessment of their editing and understanding of style.
UR / ·  TSW improve their reading comprehension and textual analysis skills. / ·  Literary Nonfiction 10-15, 18 / 1.  After reading part of the “What Writing Is” excerpt from Stephen King’s On Writing, students will engage in a brief art activity before finishing the reading. / 1.  Parents and Students read, sign, and return syllabus and classroom expectations forms.
2.  Acquire Supplies.
3.  Bring a good book every day. / 1.  TSW turn in their art response as an exit ticket assessing their comprehension skills.
I / ·  TSW improve their reading comprehension and textual analysis skills. / ·  Literary Nonfiction 10-15, 18
·  Rhetorical Analysis Writing 10-23, 27-28, 31 / 1.  Mini-Lesson: Intro to Analysis – The Three Questions
2.  Review: Metaphor & Extended Metaphors
3.  After reading “Superman & Me” by Sherman Alexie, students will write a SIEL paragraph analyzing the metaphor.
4.  Time permitting, the students will write one more paragraph analyzing another element of the text beyond the metaphor. / 1.  Parents and Students read, sign, and return syllabus and classroom expectations forms.
2.  Acquire Supplies.
3.  Bring a good book every day. / 1.  TSW will be assessed via the analysis paragraph.