The Legal Project of the The Federalist Center for National The Thomas Jefferson Center
Middle East Forum Society Security Law for the Protection of
Free Expression
Libel Lawfare:
Silencing Criticism of Radical Islam
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
9.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
The Capital Hilton Hotel
1001 16th Street NW
Washington DC, 20036
Islamists have launched a two-pronged effort to suppress free discourse on such subjects as Islam, radical Islam, terrorism, and terrorist funding:
· By filing predatory lawsuits.
· By passing “hate speech” and defamation laws.
Victims of these “lawfare” attacks have included the famous and the obscure, politicians, journalists, analysts and plain citizens.
This inhibition has great consequences, for when discussion of Islam and terrorism are limited, radical Islam is empowered and Western civilization is imperiled.
Issues to be discussed on May 19 include: A close analysis of Islamist methods; the possible need for legislation to protect free speech on these topics; a comparison of the situation in Europe and the United States; and ways to prevent the United Nations from curtailing discussion of Islam.
9:30 a.m. Registration & Complimentary Coffee, Tea and Biscuits
10:30 a.m. Panel discussion: Islamist Lawfare in the United States
12:15 p.m. Private lunch (By invitation only)
2:00 p.m. Panel discussion: Islamist Lawfare in Europe, Canada and at the United Nations
3:45 p.m. Closing Remarks
Confirmed speakers include:
Hassan Daioleslam (Researcher, IranLobby.com)
Alan Dershowitz (Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Harvard Law School)
Frank Gaffney (President, the Center for Security Policy)
Brooke Goldstein (Attorney at law, Director of the Legal Project at the Middle East Forum)
David Harris (Attorney at law, Director of the International and Terrorist Intelligence Program, INSIGNIS Strategic Research Inc.)
Joe Kaufman (Chairman, Americans Against Hate)
Marc Lebuis (Blogger, Point de Bascule)
Andrew C. McCarthy (Director, the Center for Law and Counterterrorism)
Alan Mendoza (Executive Director, The Henry Jackson Society)
Douglas Murray (Director, the Centre for Social Cohesion)
Daniel Pipes (Director, the Middle East Forum)
Dean Reuter (The Federalist Society)
David Rivkin (Attorney at law, Baker Hostetler)
Elizabeth Samson (Attorney at law, Visiting Fellow at the Hudson Institute)
Barak Seener (Middle East Section Director, Henry Jackson Society)
James Taranto (Columnist, the Wall Street Journal)
John J Walsh (Attorney at law, Senior Counsel, Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP)
This invitation is not transferable. Business attire required. The conference is gratis. Space is limited. Reservations required; please RSVP by May 17 to or Rebecca Ferreira at 215-546-5406, ext. 20. Photo identification required at registration.
This conference is substantially funded by the Middle East Forum, which thanks an anonymous donor for his generosity.