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Did Nordic-Looking Aliens Unlock The Secrets Of Time-Travel For The Nazis?
April 6, 2017
“We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped by the people of other worlds ... We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a space craft.” -- Professor Hermann Oberth, Father of Rocketry
“When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages. But they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported to UFO observers.” -- Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, USAF Project Blue Book.
Recently, researchers Tim Swartz and Tim Beckley were interviewed on “Ground Zero”, a conspiracy-focused program from the U.S. Host Clyde Lewis and listeners were stunned by Swartz and Beckley’s statement that not all UFOs come from the stars. They theorized that since 1919, some craft might have been developed on Earth by Nazi scientists who channeled advanced knowledge from Nordic-type extraterrestrials.
Swartz and Beckley declare that there will be no “Disclosure” anytime in the future because the American military would be forced to acknowledge the existence of these “wonder weapons” in the skies. And the fact that the United States secretly brought thousands of Nazi engineers and scientists into the country under “Operation Paperclip” (a highly classified program) and were exonerated them from their war crimes while hundreds of other Nazis were either executed or they escaped from Germany.
Swartz and Beckley have collaborated with several other researchers to reveal their complex concept in the recently released book Nazi UFO Time Travelers: Do We Owe The Future To The Fuhrer? published by the Conspiracy Journal. Beckley and his team of writers have reported on almost every conceivable topic related to Fortean phenomena and UFOs for over 50 years. Beckley and Swartz also co-host "Exploring The Bizarre", a weekly podcast on and produced “Nazi UFO Time Travelers” assisted by Brian Allan from the UK, editor of Phenomena Magazine.
We should start by declaring that this article IS NOT intended to glorify the Third Reich in any way whatsoever. Some have used the Nazi UFO concept to endorse pro-Nazi propaganda which we definitely DO NOT.
The evidence indicates that we are confronted with a great number of explanations for the UFO phenomenon all rolled up into one. This theory needs to be reviewed by those who refuse to examine the evidence. Priority should be given to acknowledging that at least some of the craft seen in the sky may have been constructed in underground bunkers somewhere in Germany during World War 2. Advanced German technology might well be responsible for some of the older sightings of “wonder weapons” (if some of these craft really are capable of travelling through time).
“Beyond the mere ability to fly what may still seem like technologically ‘miraculous’ aircraft is the haunting, troublesome possibility that the ships also function as time machines, bringing the ability to travel in time within human reach for the first time in recorded history. Devices like Die Glocke (translated as ‘The Bell’) may have been used to bend both Space and Time and give the Nazis the unthinkable power to explore the past freely and even to CONTROL THE FUTURE.
Are we plummeting headlong toward a world under fascist domination. A nightmare in which grinning, sadistic, jackbooted thugs are waiting for us to ‘catch up’ in time with our own predestined subjugation to open worldwide rule by the Nazis who are possibly hiding out on the surface of the Moon or in ‘secret cities’ at the Poles? Do they lie in wait for us as the clock on our freedom runs down?” As Beckley explains in the book’s opening chapter.
Although the concept seems perplexing at first, it seems that the Nazis were able to travel into the Future and take complete control once they arrived. On the surface, it might sound like “fringe” science. But Beckley says that we shouldn’t assume that the Nazis achieved this technological leap on their own and were assisted by the “Aryan Space Brothers” who took advantage of the Nazis for reasons unknown. To put it another way, the extraterrestrials made the process of constructing a time machine easy enough so that the task could be accomplished by human, if the raw materials were provided and they were properly trained.
What motives drive these Aryan “Space Brothers” is open to debate and dispute. Many perceive these aliens to be friendly visitors from our future. Yet others wonder about the wisdom of sharing this type of knowledge with such an evil group of scientists from Earth. [StealthSkater note: an some have postulated that these "aliens" may be Us (humans) from the Future.]
In the early 20thcentury, the female mediums associated with the Vril Society were referred to as true “Nordic beauties” who channeled messages from aliens across countless light-years of space. Included in these communications were technical diagrams of advanced aircraft well ahead of their time and a type of blueprint for a machine capable of travelling through Time. Adolf Hitler and several of his SS henchmen became influenced by the Vril Society several years later.
The Nazis massive technological leaps seem more credible when you consider the high caliber of scientists recruited by the Nazis to design weapons for the war which included Wernher von Braun and Hermann Oberth. And the fact that they were helped by an advanced extraterrestrial race.
The scientists themselves weren’t hiding the fact. “We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped by the people of other worlds ... We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a spacecraft.” This statement came from Professor Hermann Oberth, an early pioneer of rocketry and Wernher von Braun’s mentor.
In 1959 von Braun himself stated that: “We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed and whose base of operations is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into a closer contact with those powers. In 6-or-9 months’ time, it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter.”
While neither Oberth nor Von Braun mention whether they were helped in their efforts by Aryan Space Brothers, they are however remarkably open in exactly what they DID state publicly. Their openness might have been part of some greater scheme to guide the belief in UFOs towards the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (or the “ETH”) and for that reason away from a darker alien origin of the Nazi blueprints. In the decades-long project of disinformation waged versus the reality of the UFO phenomenon, Oberth and Von Braun might have just been launching another volley of confusion and subterfuge.
Another interesting story thread that Beckley hangs on to is this. In numerous alien kidnapping accounts (specifically the early stories from the late 1950s to the early 1960s), the inhabitants of the UFOs are reported to speak in German and use German accents when speaking English. In 1957, an alien spacecraft was encountered by well-known contactee named Reinhold Schmidt in Kearney, Nebraska. He accepted the alien commander’s invitation to board the craft and heard the captain and crew’s speaking in “High German” (a dialect that Schmidt was familiar with, having been versed in it by his parents from an early age). Schmidt could easily understand their conversations. And because the aliens seemed unaware of this, they continued speaking to him with Deutsche accents, not bothering to conceal their voices.
The 1961 kidnapping from New Hampshire Betty and Barney Hill is more widely known than Schmidt’s. But a study of their case reveals an often overlooked moment. As Barney experiences regressive hypnosis by Dr. Benjamin Simon (a post-trauma specialist), he starts to panic when one of his alien abductors appears to be a Nazi in full uniform. Was this Nazi image a glimpse into the “true” agenda of the ‘extraterrestrials’? Barney was certainly familiar with the oppressive fears that come from being a victim of racism being an African-American in the early 1960s. Was the Nazi image a projection of Barney’s subconscious fears? Or was it intended as a grim warning of future totalitarian domination?
In the 1950s, the Nazis cast a dark shadow over the contact movement from its earliest days. Numerous people are aware of the first contact meeting between Orthon (the androgynous, blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan Space Brother) and George Adamski in the Californian desert. But what is not so well known is that the rendezvous was expedited by Adamski’s assistant George Hunt Williamson who had figured out the place and time of the landing days in advance using a Ouija board to communicate with the aliens.
Williamson was associated with American Nazi-sympathizer William Dudley Pelley, a right wing extremist who had served time in prison for anti-government rabblerousing and sedition. Pelley had employed Williamson to write and edit pro-fascist flyers and periodicals. But Williamson later denied having racist views during this time.
Obviously, no one would want to surrender the utopian optimism that comes with having faith that our extraterrestrial space brothers have our best interests at heart. And the fact that their Nordic “good looks” is the embodiment of the Nazi Aryan race ideology cannot be ignored. If you combine these apparently divergent events, they begin to form an interesting picture of what might be going on here.
Nazi scientists hell bent on Global domination are given advanced technology and knowledge by Aryan aliens. A type of 50/50 split between human and extraterrestrial endeavors which created some, if not most of the flying saucer experiences we know of in the present day.
One of the more interesting aspects of the Nazi UFO theory are the aircraft known as “Die Glocke” (German for “The Bell”) and is thought to have been produced by a collaboration between top-notch scientists like Oberth and Von Braun and guidance from extraterrestrial beings. The device also apparently contains technology for moving through Time. It is unknown at present what kind of propulsion system could enable the flight of this ugly and clumsy bell-shaped vessel to fly through the skies at phenomenal speeds. Some theorize propulsion is based on anti-gravity energy or using some type of electrical or electronic means of tapping energy directly from the Universe itself. No doubt this will always remain a mystery.
In 1965, Kecksburg, Pennsylvania locals witnessed an unknown object fall from the sky and crash in the woods outside the town. The Government/Military cleanup crew was on the scene almost instantly indicating that the Government had been tracking the craft’s descent on radar. Witnesses report that the object was loaded onto the back of a flatbed truck and covered with some type of tarp and hastily hauled away. Even with the tarp covering, the large acorn-shaped object was easily discernible with its contours resembling the Nazi bell to such a remarkable extent that coincidence seems most unlikely.
In the book Nazi UFO Time Travelers, Tim Swartz reveals the tangled web of secrets and conspiracies that involved Nazi spies commandeering Nikola Tesla’s research in a desperate attempt to develop weapons capable of defeating the Allies. Several anecdotal accounts of ordinary people who have experienced various types of temporal anomalies such as missing time and time distortion when they were in close proximity to a UFO are also included in the book.
While most UFO believers quite understandably like to ignore the links between flying saucers, alien abduction, Germanic origin stories, and Nazi technology rumors, Beckley and his crew prefer to look these nightmarish ideas in the eye and report on them as objectively as possible.
The links between alien abduction, flying saucers, Nazi technology and Germanic origin stories are mostly ignored by the majority of UFO believers. But Beckley and his team provide an objective look at this nightmarish scenario.
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