Mid-Term Exam
Psy/Orf 322
Human – Machine Interaction
Spring 2002
Professors: A.L. Kornhauser, J. Cooper, J. Gelfand, G.H. Harman, R.G. Jahn, P.N. Johnson-Laird
1:30 – 2:50 PM
Wednesday, March 13, 2002
Bowl 2, WWS
1. You have until 2:50pm to complete the exam. That should allow plenty of time!
2. There are 4 questions, some having several parts. Be concise and please answer OUR questions; don’t add some of your own!
3. Use a separate exam booklet for each question. Write your name and the question number on the front of each booklet. Turn in all four booklets
4. Please use a pencil; not a pen, and write neatly. We can’t grade what we can’t read.
5. You are permitted a single-sided 8.5x11 inch “cheat sheet”. You must turn in your cheat sheet as part of your exam.
6. You need only sign the pledge on the first booklet. We will only grade exams that have a signed pledge.
7. Good Luck!!
1. Kornhauser (10 pts)
(5pts) a. It was said of former president Ford that he could not walk and chew gum at the same time. What aspect of the Card, Moran & Newell (CM&N)’s model of the human processor defends such shortcomings as being fairly normal. (answer in no more than 2 sentences)
(4pts) b. Briefly describe the concept of “chunking” and how it applies to the CM&N architecture of memory storage and retrieval by the cognitive system.
(1pt) c. According to Miller as referenced by CM&N, what is the size of our effective capacity of working memory? (answer with a number or a range)
2. (40 pts) HarmanMime-version: 1.0
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Ned Block argues that certain scientific and philosophical discussions of consciousness conflate or confuse (at least) two different conceptions of consciousness, "access consciousness" and "phenomenal consciousness."
a. Define these two types of consciousness as best you can.
b. It might be argued that one of the two types of consciousness is more suited to objective scientific study than the other. Explain.
c. Indicate whether you agree with that suggestion and why.
- (40 pts) Johnson-Laird
In what ways does human reasoning go wrong and how could machines help us to improve our performance?
- (10 pts) Gelfand (There will not be a question from Gelfand in this year’s midterm)
Choose a problem solving domain and specify a set of patterns that can serve as elements in the solution of the problem. These patterns may be sequences in time or arrangements of problem components in space. You may use diagrams to describe your answer. Limit your answer to one page.
03/11/03 Psy/Orf 322 Human Machine Interaction – Spring 2002