Your Name: ______

Mid Term Campaign Project Instructions and Checklist

Due by midnight on Sunday, Sept 24th. There is NO “late credit”for this. My grades are due Monday at 8am. You will earn a zero if this is not submitted correctly. It is 10% of your quarter grade.

Follow this checklist and have it all submitted via email as document attachments only to me at .

PART A: Campaign Plan

You can submit this information as a Word document, Powerpoint, Prezi or any other format you know of, as long as it is electronic, and doesn’t require a password for me to access. Test the link or attachment you send me first!

  • ___Your Political ideology: First, take this and only this quiz to determine your true ideology. This is what you need to include in your document. Don’t “invent” your ideology.
  • ___Your Political Party: for this step, create your own new, original political party to express your true beliefs.
  • ___Your Party’s Platform: include your party’s stance on social issues you find important, economic issues etc. You should have a minimum of 10 planks listed, at least 3 economic and 3 social planks. DO NOT copy these from anywhere. These are YOUR creations.
  • ___Testimonial: Find a teacher or administrator that will write a short endorsement for your campaign. This should be longer than a sound bite, but not a long as a letter of recommendation. He or she must write this. I’m gonna check with them! This is the ONLY thing in your entire project that will not be “in your own words”.
  • ____Explain your overall campaign strategy for both the primaries and then the general election. Make sure you review your textbook steps to be realistic how this plays out. For example, I would expect you would talk about how you will “play to the base” in the early stages, etc.
  • ____In what ways will you raise money and get funds for the campaign trail? You must be specific with PAC’s, SUPER Pac’s, (which can contribute to you directly) and 501 or 527’s (which remember can only endorse your ideas). These should be REAL names. I will fact check these. Don’t “invent” campaign donors.
  • ___In what ways will you deal with the media during your campaign? Give examples of media events, sound bites, etc you will use.
  • ___In what ways will you gain support from your base? Explain this strategy. Include any grassroots efforts that will get out your name and get out the vote.
  • ___In what ways will you appeal to the independent “swing voter”? Explain how you will appeal to more moderate potential voters.
  • ___Finally, include the link to your campaign “Fakebook” page. Read on for these requirements…

PART B: Fakebook Page

Create a “fakebook” page. Use only this website found here:

Minimum requirements are as follows:

  1. ___Your Personal Info (background, family, friends, etc)
  2. ___Your Education (this should be what you HOPE to be…where you HOPE to graduate from, a major you HOPE to have)
  3. ____Work Experience: this should be any relevant volunteer, extracurricular or paid experience you already have. Don’t “invent” this part. I assume you already have this in a resume?
  4. ___Add at least 10 Posts by you or other fictional people. These should be appropriate type posts, 5 from the electorate of “just plain folks” and 5 from special interests or lobbyists with THEIR requests. These of course, can be fictional and made up.

Grading Rubric

CATEGORY / 10 pts / 30 pts / 50 pts / 70 pts
Campaign Project shows understanding of processbased on use of vocab terms for the AP GoPo exam. / Student showed no understanding of concepts
If you plagiarize text, did not use the required terms or did not include the required vocab words, you will score in this category. / Student showed below average understanding of concepts based on vocab word usage.
Did not many vocab terms in a way that showed meaning. / Student showed an acceptable understanding of concepts based on word usage and overall product.
An average amount of vocabulary was worked into the project. / Student showed an above average level of understanding of concepts by use of vocab words in the final product.
Student used as many of the terms as possible and REALLY knows his/her stuff!
Campaign Project shows Creativity and Originality / Student showed no creativity and originality. / Student showed below average creativity and originality. / Student showed an acceptable creativity and originality. / Student showed above average creativity and originality.
Directions followed
  • On time?
  • Submitted via email properly?
  • Used correct sites and included all steps in the checklists?
/ Student showedno ability to follow directions during any part of this.
Why are you in an AP class? / Only 1 to 2 of the instructions were followed upon submission of this flyer.
If late, this is the most points student can earn for this category. / Most of the instructions and checklist were followed, but something got missed. / All required components were followed and turned in on time. You’ll be a super success in life!

Teacher Comments/Kudos:

Total Points for you______/30