Module Progress Feedback Form

Based on currently recurring feedback from students through SSLCs, and reflected by the 2006/07 NSS survey, it is clear that students feel that more can be done in terms of providing opportunities for feedback on their modules. Although feedback carried out at the end of modules is essential, many students feel that their input is unimportant and will have no impact on positive change affecting them, and thus do not take the time to give honest and constructive comments about how the module is run or organised. The aim of a module progress feedback form is three-fold – to increase the quality of student involvement in feedback at all stages, to increase the confidence of students in having their opinions taken seriously, and to ensure that problems occurring in modules are picked up and dealt with immediately.

Although one of the main purposes of the SSLC system is to deal with problems concerning modules, it is often difficult for representatives, particularly with highly subscribed core modules in the first year, to gain an accurate picture of how students are finding a module. In many cases, students are particularly unwilling to raise issues themselves, and although problems are usually successfully dealt with by SSLCs, students are unaware both of the role of their reps and the fact that module lecturers have taken their views seriously. Student apathy is a large problem, and a lack of constructive feedback impinges on teaching quality, academic standards, and the positive esteem of departments.

  • The aim of this feedback form is to identify any issues or confusions students have with regards tomodules, as early as possible in an easy, simple and quick way.
  • During the third lecture of each module,the forms are to be passed along each row and collected,then collated by the SSLC reps to be given to the module convenor.
  • Summary sheet (with comments if necessary) will then be given to the module convenor, in the anticipation that a response will be given at the next lecture.
  • The questions have been selected by the SSLC reps in order to facilitate their job and to ensure that they are as representative of the student body as possible.
  • The questions are not intended to be a means of criticising individual lecturers, but more to ensure that there are no confusions arising from the differing styles in lecturing and learning.
  • It is also hoped that, by seeing that their feedback is responded to, student confidence in participating in feedback and satisfaction with the department will increase.

Ultimately, in order for this scheme to be as successful as possible, departments and SSLCs would be required to work closer than ever before – such a partnership would be both innovative and exciting for both students and departments in achieving their common objectives.

Shakeel Padamsey

UG Science Faculty Rep.

University of Warwick SU 2007/8

Department of Module Progress

Chemistry SSLCFeedback Form

Degree of Study______Lecturer______

Module______Year Group______Room no.______

This questionnaire is designed to establish how well this module is running at this stage, and more detailed feedback will take place at the end of the module. Please place a tally for each question in the space provided, and pass the form on to the person next to you until it reaches the end of the row, where it will be collected by a member of your SSLC.

If you have a problem which is not covered above, please do not hesitate to contact the module convenor, the Director of Undergraduate Studies, your SU Faculty Rep.,or a member of your SSLC.

Department of Module Progress

Chemistry SSLCFeedback Summary

Degree of Study______Lecturer______

Module______Year Group______Room no.______

Can the lecturer be heard clearly? % Yes_____% No_____

Is the pace of the lecture suitable?% Too slow_____% Just right_____% Too Fast_____

Are the lecture notes suitable?% Yes_____% No_____

Can students read the lecturer’s hand writing?% Yes_____% No_____% N/A_____

Are the facilities in the room suitable?% Yes_____% No_____

Have the academic objectives been made clear?% Yes_____% No_____

Have relevant course materials been made available?% Yes_____% No_____% Not sure_____

Do you feel previous modules have given you enough understanding for this module?

% Yes_____% No_____% Not sure_____

Have students been given information on tutorials?% Yes_____% No_____

What further action should be taken?______
