RTCC Minutes
April 12, 2012
9:30 a.m. @ East Regional Library
Members PresentMr. Mark Locklear, Harnett CountyMr. Cecil Combs, Cumberland County
Ms. Belinda White, Town of Falcon
Ms. Maurizia Chapman, FAMPO
Mr. Bryan Martin, Elizabethtown
Mr. Greg Elkins, Bladen County
Mr. Patrick Riddle, NCDOT
Mr. Lin Reynolds, NCDOT
Ms. Karen Fussell, NCDOT
Ms. Samantha Lloyd, City of Dunn
Mr. Arnold Page, Town of Salemburg
Mr. Joel Strickland, Mid-Carolina RPO
Mr. Jim Caldwell, MCCOG
Ms. Glenda Dye, MCCOG AAA
Ms. Mary Rose, City of Clinton/Sampson Co
Mr. Dominique Boyd, NCDOT TPB
Ms. Diane Autry, Town of Autryville
Mr. Harvey Cain, Stedman
Mr. Jerry Bradley, NCDOT
Others Present
Mr. Tyler Bray, NCDOT
Ms. Kristine O’Conner, NCDOT
Mr. Craig Young, NCDOT
Ms. Faye Lewis, MCCOG RPO / Members Absent
Mr. Willie Dixon, Town of East Arcadia
Ms. Amanda Beatty, Town of Roseboro
Mr. Arthur Whedbee, Town of Clarkton
Ms. Patsy Druzak, Town of Tar Heel
Mr. Jeffrey Smith, Town of Dublin
Ms. Theresa Vaught, Town of Garland
Mr. Bryan Thompson, Town of Erwin
Mr. Charles Moore, Town of Harrells
Mr. Greg Martin, Bladen County
Mr. Charles Young, Fort Bragg
Mr. Mack Royal, Town of Godwin
Ms. Cindy Burchett, Town of Wade
Mr. Delane Jackson, Bladenboro
Ms. Brenda Clark, Town of White Lake
Ms. Sarah White, Town of Turkey
Call Meeting to Order
Vice Chair Mark Locklear called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. A quorum was established.
Approval of Apr 2012 Agenda
Vice Chair Mark Locklear requested a motion for approval of the April agenda. Mr. Arnold Page made a motion to approve the Agenda as written and it was seconded by Ms. Belinda White. It passed unanimously.
Action: Approved
Approval of Jan 2012 Minutes
Vice Chair Mark Locklear requested a motion to approve the minutes of the January 2012 meeting, Mr. Joel Strickland stated the minutes would be corrected to reflect a recommendation of approval for the 2012-13 Planning Work Program. Mr. Jim Caldwell made a motion to approve the minutes with the aforesaid correction. Mr. Cecil Combs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Action: Approved
I-95 Planning and Finance Study: Ms. Kristine O’Conner
Ms. Kristine O’Conner presented updates regarding the I-95 corridor planning and finance study. She stated the recommendations included widening the interstate to 8 lanes from Fayetteville to Benson and 6 lanes for the remaining corridor divided into two phases. The first phase (Fayetteville to Benson) would be paid with bonds and the second phase possibly with toll revenues which would also be applicable for the bond debt. She reiterated NCDOT is required by the Federal Highway Administration to conduct further studies which will include an economic assessment scheduled to begin within the coming months.
Ms. Belinda White inquired if the local citizens were receptive to the toll operation, whereby Ms. O’Conner stated the results were varied but overall positive. She stated this information, as well as detailed study data is available on line at www.driving95.com. Ms. Lewis asked if there was a definite time frame whereupon DOT would make a final decision. Ms. O’Conner stated currently no deadline has been set because of ongoing research/studies.
Action: Information
Statewide 2040 Transportation Plan: Mr. Tyler Bray
Mr. Tyler Bray presented detailed information regarding the status of the 2040 Statewide Transportation Plan. Mr. Bray informed members the draft plan will go before the Board of Transportation in August for approval.
Ms. Mary Rose reiterated Mr. Brays’ comment pertaining to the importance of educational opportunities, like todays’ presentation, stating how public education, knowledge of specific policies and procedures helps to gain positive feedback and increases public participation. Mr. Bray stated this task is at times difficult because of the many different departments within the DOT whereupon so many unique tasks are carried out and the positive efforts of the department are not always widely publicized or recognized. Discussion ensued regarding current and future funding issues. Mr. Bray stated the draft plan is available for review online and comments are being accepted through May, whereby Mr. Joel Strickland stated he would forward the link to all members.
Action: Information
SPOT Prioritization Results
Mr. Joel Strickland referred members to the spreadsheet and reviewed the outcome of the DOT prioritization.
Action: Information
East Coast Greenway
Mr. Joel Strickland distributed information to the board outlining recent activity. He stated there are currently three routes that are viable options for continuing the greenway from the Cape Fear River Trail in Fayetteville south to Wilmington. He requested members that are located near the proposed route through the Mid Carolina RPO to work jointly identifying possible corridors that may be acquired for designation as part of the regional greenway initiative. Ms. Chapman stated the route through our area had almost been taken out of consideration. Mr. Strickland confirmed the route which traverses the Cape Fear River is still currently a viable option. Mr. Locklear inquired if funding had been acquired, whereas Mr. Strickland stated that the funding is not currently dedicated. The planning effort is vital if and when the funds do become available.
Action: Information
NCDOT Division Reports
Mr. Joel Strickland referred to the handouts obtained from Divisions 3 and 6. Mr. Patrick Riddle introduced Ms. Karen Fussell as the newly appointed Division 3 Engineer. He and Mr. Jerry Bradley of Division 6 reviewed detailed information for individual projects.
Action: Information
New Business
Mr. Joel Strickland referred members to the previously distributed 2010 Census Maps, stating work is currently underway to identify detailed information specific to low income, senior citizen population, minority and disabled citizens within our area and requested members who need assistance with census information to contact the office.
Vice Chair, Mark Locklear adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m.
Ms. Cindy Burchett, RTCC Chair Mr. Joel Strickland, Secretary
130 Gillespie Street · P.O. Drawer 1510 · Fayetteville NC 28302 · Phone (910) 323-4191 · Fax (910) 323-9330