Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Human Services Regional Conference

The Integrated Whole: Systems of Community and Self

Brookdale Community College

Lincroft, New Jersey

April 1-3, 2016

Call for Poster Presentations

Deadline: October 1, 2015

Conditions for Inclusion

  • The poster must be a visual representation of research, a special project, or a specific topic.
  • The text of the posteris limited to one-fourth of the poster space, with "visuals" (e.g., graphs, photographs, schematics, maps, etc.) featured on the remaining three-fourths of the space.
  • The preferred posters relate to conference objectives, but posters centering on additional topics will be considered. Conference objectives include:
  1. Understanding the individual or community with consideration for cultural affiliations
  2. Understanding the individual or community with consideration for environmental influences
  3. Providing prevention services that emphasize the mind-body connection
  4. Providing intervention services that promote healthy holistic development

Design andLayout

  • All content must be mounted on a standard-sized (22” x 28”) foam-core poster board.
  • The poster’s title, author’s name, and school affiliation, should be positioned at top-center of the board.
  • The poster should read from left to right, or top to bottom, allowing for smooth and logical viewing. Connecting visuals with arrows is considered the standard “guidance system".
  • It is recommended that there exist some open space on the board; an open layout is less tiring to the eye and mind.

Author Information

  1. Name of Author:
  1. Current Position or Title:
  1. College and Department or Agency Affiliation:
  1. Highest Degree Earned:
  1. Licenses Held:
  1. Phone and Email:
  1. If Applicable – Name(s) and Title(s) of Co-Authors(s):

Poster Information

  1. Poster Topic and Title:

Note: Title is optional if not yet composed.

  1. Summary of research, special project or specific topic:

Note: This summary should be approximately 600 words.

Directions for Submission

Directions: This formshould be submittedto the email inbox of Dr. Christine Greco-Covington (),by October 1, 2015 deadline.

MACHS Conference, 2016

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