2016 YouthSpark Grant Program


Today's youth face an opportunity divide–a gap between those who have access to the skills and training they need to be successful, and those who do not. With more than 75 million unemployed youth around the world, we must work together to close this divide in order to secure the future of our youth and our global economy.

Microsoft YouthSpark is a company-wide global initiative to develop opportunities for all youth to learn computer science. In 2013, Microsoft and Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) piloted a new funding model for the YouthSpark initiative in Silicon Valley. Together, Microsoft and SVCF engineered a grant round that invited nonprofits to apply as a cohort of 3-5 organizations working in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. The goal of the program was to increase collaboration among likeminded organizations in order to augment their ability to effectively empower youth through technology.

This was the first time Microsoft and SVCF partnered on a cohort grantmaking program and the experience provided valuable lessons regarding best practices for cohort funding. Microsoft and SVCF are pleased to apply these learnings and best practices to the upcoming 2016 YouthSpark Cohort Grant Program to support computer science education for underrepresented youth.


a)  About the 2016 Program

The 2016 YouthSpark Grant Program will fund a group of 3-5 nonprofits supporting computer science education for underrepresented youth (ages 13-26) in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. The purpose of the program is twofold: 1) to strengthen each of the participating cohort organizations through peer learning and capacity building opportunities, and 2) to deepen collaboration and communication across the sector. In working towards these two goals, Microsoft aims to enhance the local ecosystem of organizations working to empower underrepresented youth through technology.

Microsoft intends to support a cohort of organizations that provide distinct yet complementary computer science education offerings to underrepresented youth, including young women, minorities, and low-income individuals. Microsoft Silicon Valley will support each of the successful cohort organizations through a $30,000 grant for general operating support as well as through a total of four Community of Learning sessions and two networking events. The four Community of Learning sessions will provide a forum to discuss challenges in the field, brainstorm potential solutions, and build the capacity of the participating organizations. The two networking events will serve as an opportunity to connect a range of individuals within the participating organizations, with the goal of strengthening collaboration and organizational ties across the cohort.

The $30,000 grants will be made in two installments. The first payment ($15,000 per organization) will be made at the inception of the program in July 2016, and the second payment ($15,000 per organization) will be made in January 2017 after the partners have attended the first cohort sessions.

Organizations may apply for up to three cohorts. While only one cohort will be selected, Microsoft may make additional general operating support grants to organizations with excellent applications that were not selected to participate in the 2016 program.

b)  Additional Benefits of Participation

In addition to financial, capacity building, and networking support, the successful cohort will also have the potential to receive supplemental support from Microsoft in the form of in-kind gifts. This additional Microsoft support will be discussed with and catered to each individual organization’s specific needs. Potential in-kind support includes:

·  Invitation to volunteer and nonprofit fairs held at Microsoft’s Silicon Valley campuses

·  On-site event opportunities at Microsoft’s Silicon Valley facilities

·  Volunteer engagement opportunities with Microsoft employees

·  PR and marketing support

c)  Intended Outcome

While Microsoft believes that its support will ultimately help the cohort organizations empower underrepresented youth through technology, the direct beneficiaries of this grant program are the cohort organizations themselves. The intended outcome of the program is therefore to deepen the collaboration and communication across the cohort while strengthening the individual organizations. As such, the funding is not tied to a specific programmatic outcome, but rather provided as general operating funds to support the participating organizations as they work together and engage in the Community of Learning sessions and networking opportunities.


Accepting Applications March 3 – May 31, 2016

Request for Engagement Session March 22, 2016

Grant Review Period June 1 – July 8, 2016

Grant Recommendations Made July 11 – July 22, 2016

First Community of Learning Session Fall 2016


·  Applicant organizations must be a 501(c)(3) public charity

·  Applicant organizations must currently serve San Mateo and Santa Clara counties

·  Microsoft YouthSpark national partner organizations are encouraged to apply, but will not have any advantage over other applicant organizations

·  Incomplete or individual applications will not be considered

·  Funds will not be granted for endowments, annual fund drives, capital campaigns, coverage of operating deficits, debt service, political or partisan activities, religious activities, research organizations, or works in which there is no clear public benefit and/or charitable intent

Interested organizations are invited to attend a Request for Engagement (RFE) Session at Microsoft Silicon Valley’s Mountain View office on March 22, 2016 to learn more about this opportunity for partnership. This RFE will provide an opportunity for likeminded organizations to connect, discuss the issues and programs in this field, and learn more about the 2016 YouthSpark Cohort Grant Program.


a)  Application Process

·  Applications are due May 31, 2016

·  Applicants should submit a short individual narrative application as well as a collective Cohort Details Worksheet with their cohort, as noted below:

1.  Applicants should send their individual submission (grant application cover sheet, grant application narrative, and attachments A through E) to with the subject title “Microsoft 2016 YouthSpark Grant – Name of Organization.” A signed copy of these documents must be submitted as pdf file(s).

2.  Each cohort should collectively submit one electronic copy of the Cohort Details Worksheet to with subject title “Microsoft 2016 YouthSpark Grant – Name of Cohort.” A signed copy of this application must be submitted as a pdf file.

b)  Review Criteria

Applications will be reviewed based on the cohort’s alignment with the YouthSpark initiative, strength of the individual organizations, elements of collaboration and cohesion across the cohort, and potential to have a collective impact in the field, among other factors.

c)  Grantmaking Process

·  Only one cohort of organizations will be selected to participate in the full program.

·  Applicants will be notified of funding decisions in July 2016. The funding period is July 2016 – December 2017.

·  If selected for the 2016 YouthSpark cohort, a $30,000 grant will be made to each participating organization. This grant will be made in two payments of $15,000 through the Microsoft Silicon Valley corporate advised fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation. The first installment of $15,000 will be made in July 2016. The second $15,000 installment will be made in January 2017. All funding will be for general operating support.

·  Recommended organizations must sign a grant agreement with the community foundation in order to receive grant funding.

·  There is no final report for this grant; successful completion of the program will be determined by participation in the four Community of Learning sessions and two networking events. However, the nonprofits will be expected to complete a feedback survey after the final cohort session.

Questions about the 2016 YouthSpark cohort program and application process can be directed to Sarah Miers, Corporate Responsibility Manager, at or 650-450-5516.


2016 YouthSpark Grant Program

Proposal for Funding




Organization Name:



Fiscal Agent’s Name and Contact information (if appropriate):


Name and title of primary contact for proposal:

Phone: E-mail:

Tax ID Number (Organization or Fiscal Sponsor):


Focus Area:

Target Population Served (Please provide specifics, such as percentage of low-income, people of color, youth, etc.):

Total number served by organization last fiscal year:

Total number served by organization last fiscal year in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties:

Total number expected to be served by organization this fiscal year:

Total number expected to be served by organization this fiscal year in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties:

The 2016 Microsoft Silicon Valley YouthSpark Grant Program is administered by

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Total organization budget for current fiscal year:

Organization’s net income for last fiscal year (use minus sign to denote deficit):

Cash reserve at the close of last fiscal year:


The proposal narrative should answer the questions below and should be no longer than 3 pages.

Questions about this application can be directed to Sarah Miers, Corporate Responsibility Manager, at or 650-450-5516.

1.  Please provide a brief description of your organization and your core programs.

2.  How does your organization empower underrepresented youth (ages 13-26) through computer science education?

3.  Explain how participating in this cohort would benefit your organization.

4.  How does your organization hope to contribute to the cohort experience (e.g. bringing a specific skill set, best practice or complementary program to enhance the group learning)?

5.  What is the capacity and level of commitment you have on the part of your leadership team and/or staff to participate in the cohort program and collaborate with the other organizations in the cohort?

6.  If selected to participate in the 2016 YouthSpark cohort program, your organization will receive a total of $30,000 in general operating support over a two-year period. Please briefly describe how you anticipate using the grant funds.

7.  Please list the name(s) of the cohort(s) you are applying with and the organization(s) in each cohort:

No. / Cohort Name / Participating Organizations
Cohort #1
Cohort #2
Cohort #3

In addition to the narrative, please submit the following attachments:

Attachment A: Organization’s operating budget for current fiscal year.

Attachment B: Organization’s most recent audited financial report or balance sheet and Profit &Loss (P&L) for last completed fiscal year.

Attachment C: Board of directors list that includes members’ professional affiliations.

Attachment D: List of current corporate partners and major donors.

Attachment E: Name and short biography of the appointed cohort participant from your organization.

Applications must be submitted by May 31, 2016.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

To the best of my knowledge, the foregoing information is true.
Signature of Chief Executive (or equivalent) / Date Signed

Print Name and Title


As a part of the application, each cohort should collaborate on and collectively submit a Cohort Details Worksheet. Please limit your answers to 2 pages.

Questions about this application can be directed to Sarah Miers, Corporate Responsibility Manager, at or 650-450-5516.

1.  Name of Cohort:

2.  List the organizations and primary contacts that will participate in this cohort:

No. / Organization Name / Primary Contact Name

2.  To what extent (if any) are your organizations already working together?

3.  How do you envision the YouthSpark cohort program enhancing communication and collaboration across your organizations?

4.  Please describe how increased collaboration across your organizations would encourage collective impact in the field of computer science education for underrepresented youth.

5.  Provide 2 - 3 potential topics you would like to discuss in these cohort meetings (e.g. effective program targeting, fundraising challenges, marketing strategies, etc.).

Applications must be submitted by May 31, 2016.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

To the best of my knowledge, the foregoing information is true.

Organization #1:
Signature of Chief Executive (or equivalent) / Date Signed

Print Name and Title

Organization #2:
Signature of Chief Executive (or equivalent) / Date Signed

Print Name and Title

Organization #3:
Signature of Chief Executive (or equivalent) / Date Signed

Print Name and Title

Organization #4:
Signature of Chief Executive (or equivalent) / Date Signed

Print Name and Title

Organization #5:
Signature of Chief Executive (or equivalent) / Date Signed

Print Name and Title

The 2016 Microsoft Silicon Valley YouthSpark Grant Program is administered by

Silicon Valley Community Foundation