Microsoft NetMeeting (for windows only)


Video and Audio Conferencing
/ Netmeeting connects you to any one person so you can share ideas, information and programs while using audio and video.
You can send and receive real-time images, and use a video camera to instantly view items.
This screen shows what the netmeeting window will look like when in a connection.
IP Address
/ To find out what the computers IP address is, on the menu bar, select Help/About Netmeeting.
Stated in the lower left corner is the IP address for the computer.
The IP address is then used to contact another computer. Similar to a phone number.
Make a phone call
/ When you know the IP address you are to call, simply type the IP address in the box above the video and click the Place a Call button.
The receiving computer must accept the call before being connected.
When you are ready to disconnect a call, simply click the End Call button.
Viewing video
/ After you get connected, you will see both names in the connection in the bottom of the window.
To view both videos (yours and the recipients) click the Picture-in-Picture button located below the video.
If you do not see any video, on the menu bar, select Tools/Video. Make sure both the Send and the Receive options are checked.
/ One way to communicate is the chat window. By selecting the chat window, you can speak to one another without needing a microphone or speakers. This is the way we will use for our class assignment.
/ Another communication tool is the Whiteboard. This tool allows for both to create a picture at the same time. We will use this to design a specific topic image that both students will participate in drawing.

The following features we will not use in class, however you may find use for them at other times.

File Transfer / Lets you send files to as many of the participants as you wish during a conference. The receiving participant has the choice to accept or reject the file.
Program Sharing / Lets you:
-view shared programs in a frame, which makes it easy to distinguish between shared and local applications on your desktop.
-minimize the shared program.
-easily switch between shared programs using the taskbar.
-choose to allow one person to work in the shared program at a time.
Internet Directory / Helps you locate people connected to the Internet and allows you to connect to one or more of the listed people.
Remote Desktop Sharing / Lets users call a remote computer to access its shared desktop and applications.
Security / Netmeeting uses data encryption, user authentication, and password protection to ensure your security.
Advanced Calling / Allows you the flexibility to send a mail message to a NetMeeting user or to initiate a NetMeeting call directly from your mail address book.
Where to get NetMeeting
/ NetMeeting is a free download and you do not need a camera to use most of the features.