UT Standards Academy Lesson Plan Template:
TITLE – With Grade Level and Topic
Classifying MicroorganismsGENERAL:
Summary – 3- 4 sentences
This lesson is an introduction to classifying and a lesson on classifying microorganisms.Science Curriculum Standard Tie – Disciplinary Core Idea (K-12 Framework)
Utah State Core - Standard 5 Objective 1NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas - LS1.A Structure and Function
ILO – Science and Engineering Practice (K-12 Framework)
Utah State Core - ILO 1e Use Classification SystemsNGSS Science and Engineering Practices - Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Cross Cutting Concepts (K-12 Framework)
NGSS Crosscutting Concepts - Patterns & Structure and FunctionMath and/or ELA Curriculum Tie
ELA Speaking and Listening, Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas, #4 - 4.Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically
and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to
accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye
contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Time Frame: Number of Class Periods – Number of Minutes
2 - 45 min class periodsGroup Size
Whole class and small groupTechnology Tools Utilized
Google Drive - Free with Google account. Includes a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and other office-type programs. Users can edit the same document collaboratively and in real time.Plickers app - Free on iOS and Android. iPhone only version available but works on iPad. This app will allow students to use paper as a response device. Teachers collects multiple choice responses with camera on device. The app then graph the responses and graphs them.
Tiny URL - shortens long URL’s into a more manageable size for students to type
Key Words
microorganism, single-celled, organism, protozoan, protistINSTRUCTIONAL:
Materials – Quantity and Vendor if necessary
8 baggies of mixed beans, bean lab worksheet, classifying Microorganisms google doc, Plickers answer cards, student and teacher internet access, optional teacher iPadBackground for Teachers – Website Links or Specific Content
Student Prior Knowledge
A general knowledge that there is an animal kingdom & plant kingdom.Instructional Procedure
Teacher PreparationLesson 1 - Introduction to patterns, organization, and classification:
●Put students in groups of four. Hand out “Bean Classification Lab” worksheet to each student and a bag of beans to each group.
Have students look at the beans and decide how their group wants to sort their beans based on observable characteristics. Have them record how they will sort them on the lab sheet.
●Tell them to sort the beans into piles. There is no right or wrong answer on how to sort.
●Have them complete their bean lab worksheet. Have a large group discussion.
Was it harder than they thought it would be? Did you change any of your groups of beans or discuss that you could have made different groups? How many of you grouped by color? Size? Something else?
Discuss that scientists have the same types of issues when they try to classify things. Pluto for instance. When it was first discovered scientists classified it as a planet. When more small "planets" were discovered, scientists made a new group called dwarf planets since the small ones didn't quite fit the definition of a planet. Pluto was reclassified. (Children need to understand that science is subject to change as we get new technology and find new information.)
Lesson 2 - Classifying Microorganisms
●Students will be working in pairs. Teacher needs click on SHARE in their Google Drawing and click on “anyone with the link”.
●The link needs to be given to the students. If you choose to write it on the board use a URL shortener like tinyurl.com (this will take your real long URL and shorten it for you to easily share with your students)
●Once students access the Google doc “Microorganism ID Practice” they need to go to file>make a copy. This will allow each student to have their own editable copy of the document. The pairs will then drag and drop the pictures to groups of their choosing. They will need to title their groups (characteristics that they identified).
●Then have the pairs share the categories that they created.
(Low tech solution - print the google doc for each group to cut out and sort. Category names can be written on sticky notes.)
Lesson 3 - Classifying How Microbes Move
Tell the students they will be watching two short video clips about how microbes move. They need to pay attention to the following terms (write these on the board): flagella, cilia, pseudopodia, and depends on other forces.
●Single-Celled Organisms - - May need to sign up for free account at PBS Leanring Media (formerally “Teacher’s Domain”)
●How Microorganims Move -
Hand out Plickers cards. Write A, B, C and D next to flagella, cilia, pseudopodia, and depends on other forces on the board to provide answer choices. Show the microbe pictures one at a time and have the students hold up their response for which type of movement the microbe uses. The teacher will use the Plickers app to scan answers. (Low tech solution - give students cards with A, B, C on three of the four edges and do a visual scan for answers.)
Performance Task
In groups, have students do online research on paramecium, euglena, amoeba, spirogyra, hydra, daphnia, and diatoms. The following questions need to be answered: How do they move? What general shape do they have? What color are they (if there is one)? Where are they commonly found? Is it a producer or consumer? Are they plant-like or animal-like? Something else cool they found? The students will make a report to share with the class (keynote, powerpoint, poster, written report, make a book, etc).
Strategies for Diverse Learners
Scaffolding is embedded in the lesson, also diverse learners could be placed in specific groups.Extensions
sciencekids.co.nz Science Games for Kids - MicroogranismsASSESSMENT:
●Plickers after lesson 3 and report during performance assessment
Assessment Rubric –