(Level 1) Choose 1 of these activities: / (Level 2) Choose 1 of these activities:
  1. Individual Oral Report – Write a full report on your text. Include key elements, the author, and your personal review of both the information and the writer’s style.
  2. Create a CD soundtrack that would follow the text in chronological order (beginning to end). Include a reason for each song. YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 10 SONGS.
  3. Create a collage for one of the main characters that illustrate who they are. The collage must have at least 15 images and at least 2 complete sentences explaining each image.
  4. Create a travel brochure for the location in the setting of the story. The brochure should be 6 complete panels, complete with images.
  5. Write a comparison between your text and another related text. This must be at least 10 full sentences (think detailed quick-write).
  6. Write a comparison between your text and the movie version. This must be at least 10 full sentences (think detailed quick-write).
  7. Choose a quote from a character. Write why it would or would not be a good motto by which to live your life. This should be a detailed quick-write.
  8. Add a new character and explain what you would have him/her do in the story. This should be no less than three full paragraphs that detail how the character changes the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
  9. Relate two characters to an astrological sign and prove it with examples from the text. You’ll need to include a two-column chart for each character. One column should be the characteristics of the sign and the other should be how the character matches the description.
  10. Word Test: Select 15 words that are essential to the text. Explain why they are essential, include context from the text to show how they are used, and include a dictionary meaning.
  1. Build a map of the setting
  2. Create a New Book Jacket (full color)
  3. Create a timeline of events from the story (must have at least 15 events). If you read smaller texts, then you must turn in 3 timelines, with 5 events on each.
  4. Create a Venn diagram comparing/contrasting two key characters.
  5. Create a Wordle for 3 key characters. You should be handing in 3 separate Wordles.
  6. Create a Bingo game with terms in your text. YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 25 TERMS.
  7. Create a word search with terms that fit your text. YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 25 TERMS.
  8. Choose a job for one of the characters in the book and write a letter of application.
  9. Look up several character names (minimum of 3) in a name meaning book/website. Explain whether the name meaning reflects the character accurately.

Day of the Week / Book Title and Brief Description of the text / Pages Read / Signature

You need to read a text of your choice for at least 20 minutes every night. Find something you are interested in. Discover a new author…challenge your idea of what is good…expand your knowledge on an interesting topic.

You must complete two projects by the end of the marking period. They are listed on the back of this sheet. You must choose a level one project and a level 2 project. If you choose to complete two level one projects, you will get extra credit (if they are done well, of course).

Name: ______Per: ______Date: ______