24th Workshop, 5th – 19th September 2007
The Marine Biological Association of the UK,
Citadel Hill, Plymouth, PL1 2PB.
Information for applicants
The workshop provides intensive practical experience of a number of microelectrode, patch clamp and optical techniques applied to single cells. It is intended for postgraduate students, post-doctoral workers or established scientists wishing to apply these techniques in their research.
The following core techniques are offered as 3-day experiments:
- Two electrode voltage clamp
- Patch clamp – single channel, whole cell, slice recording
- Single electrode voltage-clamp
- Dye injection
- Ion-selective microelectrodes
- Fluorescent indicators
In addition there are lectures and practicals in:
Electronics, microscopy, data analysis and computing, bilayer recording, flash photolysis, amperometry and capacitance measurements, multi-electrode arrays, interface chamber ’blind’ recording, in vivo patch clamp recording.
There are 20 places. Daily lectures are given by teachers and visiting lecturers to cover the basic techniques and specialised topics. A copy of the Plymouth Microelectrode Handbook will be provided.
Accommodation (for 14 nights- arrive & depart on Wednesday) is close to the laboratory and includes breakfast, lunch is provided in the lab each day and an allowance is given for an evening meal.
The course fee of £1200 includes accommodation, meals and tuition. Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements.
Applications will be acknowledged on receipt. A meeting to assess applications will occur during May and all applicants will be notified of the outcome.
How To Apply
There is no application form. A printed application sent by post AND emailed word file are required.
1. Please give a concise description of your research, your reasons for wishing to attend and your experience of techniques taught on the workshop. List in order of priority four 3-day techniques that you would like to learn selected from the list.
2. Provide a brief CV (2 sides), including list of publications.
3. The application must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from an academic referee, preferably PhD supervisor or Head of Laboratory. This letter should indicate how your research, the laboratory in which you work and the area of research that you intend to pursue will benefit from your participation in the workshop.
4. What is your likely source of funding?
Applicants with MRC, BBSRC or EPSRC Studentships
The Research Councils provide some bursaries for their students - simply state you have a studentship in your application. Do not apply to the Research Council directly.
Affiliates of the Physiological Society
Help with funding is usually available for young physiologists working in the UK. If you wish to apply please indicate in your application to the workshop. There is no need to apply directly to the Physiological Society before workshop applications are assessed. We will make a block application after. Information is on
The workshop can provide some half bursaries - if you think you will have difficulty finding the full fee please indicate in your application.
Applications should be sent to:
Mrs Alexandra Street
Microelectrode Techniques, Marine Biological Association, Citadel Hill, Plymouth PL1 2PB UK
Information on internet (this page):
Timetable further down
2006 TIMETABLE- 2007 will be very similar!
23rd Workshop 6-20 September 2006
Wed 64.00 Registration 6.00 Film:- ‘The Squid and its giant nerve fibre’
Thu 79.00 Introduction David Ogden
11.00 Electronics - Chris Courtice, Andy Hill, Bill Potter, Narinder Gill, Martyn Stopps, Voi Piotrowski, Ted Dyett, Derek Lewis
Fri 89.00 Voltage Clamp Techniques Ken Wann
11.30 Patch Clamp David Ogden
2.30 Single Electrode Voltage ClampJon Robbins
4.15 Ion-selective microelectrodesJuha Voipio
5.30 Conventional and Confocal Microscopy Brad Amos/Stefanie Reichelt
Sat 99.00 Fluorescent Indicators MartinThomas
11.00 Microscopy Demonstrations Brad Amos/Stefanie Reichelt
6.00 Slice recording and cell stimulationBoris Barbour
Experiments Block 1 Sat-Tues
Mon 119.00 Dye injection techniquesAbdul Chrachri/Dave Becker
6.00. Channel Reconstitution and Lipid Bilayer Recording Alan Williams
Tues 12 9.00 Capacitance measurements Gregor Zupancic
6.00 Patch clamp recording in vivoTroy Margrie
Wed 139.00 Computers and Data Analysis John Dempster
Experiments Block 2Weds-Fri
2.00Extracellular field potentials and LTPTim Bliss
6.00 Electrophysiology of Plant Cells Colin Brownlee
Thu 14 9.00 Recent developments in patch clamp Hubert Affolter
6.00 Electrode potentials and amperometryBob Chow
Fri 159.00 Self-referencing micro-electrodes Phil Langton
6.00Multi electrode arrays - recording network activity. Ole Paulsen
Sat 169.00Flash Photolysis David Ogden
Experiments Block 3 Sat-Tues
6-00Solutions-basic properties and ion replacementsDavid Ogden
Mon 18.9.00 Optimising voltage and patch clamp techniquesReiner Polder
6.00 Analysis of single channel recordsDavid Colquhoun
Tues 199.00 Interpretation of single channel data David Colquhoun