2012 FIT AVT Committee Report
- Name of Committee: AVT Committee
- Name of chairperson: Jan-Louis Kruger (SAT)
- Names of members of committee
Aline Remael (CIUTI)
Maria Victoria Tuya (CTPCBA)
Jaana Wiik (SKTL)
Iwona Mazur (TEPIS)
Expert member: Gabriela Scandura (AATI)
- Working Plan
1a) Report on AVT quality
As a starting point for the work of this committee, a short report will be compiled on the third Media for All conference held in 2009 in Antwerpen that dealt with quality in AVT.
Completed and included in November 2011 report
Item 1b) Report on AVT legislation
A comprehensive (if not exhaustive) list has been compiled with legislation across the globe on all matters related to AVT. We are also in the process of writing a report on the current state of legislation. This report, together with the relevant documentation and links will be placed on the AVT committee website as soon as that has been finalised (Item 3).
Item 1c) Report on the relation between policy and quality in selected modes
This item has proven to be difficult to contain within the limits of a report, and due to the daunting number of variables such as legislation, market forces, technological developments, etc., it has been decided to convert this item to a discussion point on both the AVT-committee website, and the Facebook fan page that will be discussed under Item 3.
Item 2a) Report on AVT practices
This would constitute an ongoing project with bulletin-like updates on the FIT Website under the AVT committee and an annual report. This Item is being planned in conjunction with Item 3, and particularly the proposed introduction of an AVT-committee fansite on Facebook to function as a discussion forum for AVT practitioners.
Item 3) Website
a) Clarify policy
b) Develop content, identify gaps on ESIST page so as not to duplicate
c) Establish stronger links with ESIST and Languages and the Media
Upon the advice of the executive, we are currently finalising a proposal for the AVT-committee website. This website will initially be launched in English only, with translation of content as viable.
The proposed website will contain basic information for the field of AVT, with different subsections and links to documents and other websites, such as ESIST and EST as well as Transmedia. The proposed subsections are:
• Training institutions and courses in AVT
• Current research (research not completed) – linking to the working papers page at Antwerpen
• Existing research reports and articles/bibliography as well as links to bibliographies
• Guidelines for the different fields in AVT
• Legislation (linked to Item 1a)
• AVT policies internationally
• Discussion documents
The last subsection will be linked to a Facebook fansite for the FIT AVT-committee where practitioners will be able to participate in discussions on matters related to AVT.
Draft completed in 2011, this still has to be converted to the correct FIT web format before being launched.
- Description of how working plan has been followed (200-300 words)
Item 1a was completed in 2011, with the submission of a report on AVT quality compiled by Aline Remael. This report will be linked to the AVT committee webpage.
Item 1b was only achieved partially with a compilation of a list of links to legislation that will be part of the webpage of the committee.
Item 1c has been identified as an ongoing project that will be converted to a discussion point on both the AVT-committee website, and the Facebook fan page that will be discussed under Item 3.
Item 2 was perhaps somewhat ambitious and would require a more direct involvement of AVT practitioners. This is identified as a priotity for the new AVT committee.
The planning and drafting for the AVT-committee webpage (Item 3) was done during 2011, and the basic page was designed, but unfortunately this has not been placed on the FIT webpage yet. This will still be handled under this committee’s term, for further development by the new committee.
The planning and drafting for the AVT-committee webpage (Item 3) was done during 2011, and the basic page was designed, but unfortunately this has not been placed on the FIT webpage yet. This will still be handled under this committee’s term, for further development by the new committee.
- What actions, if any, are still pending?
The launch of the AVT-committee webpage
The launch of the facebook page
- Suggestions for the next mandate
The next mandate of the committee should perhaps focus on the following:
1) Breathing life into the discussion forum for AVT practitioners and academics through the webpage and facebook page.
2) Related to this, the committee should find ways of identifying a small number of issues that affect the AVT industry and launch one or two campaigns. The danger with a committee like this is that its activities seldom extend beyond the immediate sphere of involvement of the members. It should be a priority to get real conversations and actions going.
- What support would assist your committee to achieve its objectives?
Support with the maintaining of the AVT-committee webpage.
Support with contacting AVT practitioners through the different national associations.
- Are you interested in continuing to serve? No
- Are you prepared to serve as chairperson again? No
- Which other members are prepared to serve another mandate (2012-2015)? Aline Remael and Iwona Mazur