Microchip Technology Incorporated
2355 W Chandler Boulevard
Chandler, Arizona 85224
Attn: Contact
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Dear Contact,
Thank you for your business with Microchip Technology. By executing this letter agreement, Microchip Technology Incorporated hereby grants Company (“Company”) an MPLAB® XC Virtual Machine License for Network Licenses (“Virtual Machine License”). The Virtual Machine License is an add-on license that will allow the MPLAB® Network License Server to run on a virtual machine. Company hereby agrees to the following terms:
1. Company shall not share the Virtual Machine License with any person or entity outside of Company;
2. Company shall install the Virtual Machine License on only one Company server;
3. The Virtual Machine License is an add-on license for an MPLAB® XC Network Server license or MPLAB® XC Site license and must be installed with such products;
4. Each Company user must adhere to the EULA provided with the installer of the MPLAB® XC compiler product(s) for use with the Virtual Machine License.
Please sign the bottom of this agreement, make of copy for your records, and return it to Development Tools Marketing.
Once the agreement has been signed and returned, a marketing hold will be released on your purchase and your virtual machine license will be added to your Microchip Direct account for download. To install it, follow these instructions:
1. Install your network server and compiler licenses (if not already installed).
Note: The virtual machine license is not a compiler license.
2. Login to your software products account at either www.microchipdirect.com or www.microchip.com/mysoftware
3. Click on “Download License” for the virtual machine product and follow the instructions on the page.
Unzip the file that is downloaded.
4. Run the installer on the server for your operating system.
Again, thank you for your business with Microchip Technology and using MPLAB® software products.
Development Tools Marketing
I agree to the terms described above:
Contact / Date