City of Bruceville-Eddy
143 Wilcox Drive 254- 859-5964
Eddy, Texas 76524 Fax 254-859-5779
Mayor Bass called to order the workshop at 5:00 pm. Roll was taken: Mayor Bass, Mayor Pro Tem Gary Lucas, Hal Wilcox, Allen Trigg, Frank Holt, and Jason Dean, all in attendance. City engineer Jonny Tabor, City Administrator Koni Billings in attendance.
All items on the regular council meeting agenda were opened for discussion. Mr. Tabor visited on the bids for the CDBG grant for construction that had been opened, read and tabulated earlier that morning. He will announce the official tally and make recommendations at that meeting, however it was noted that the lowest bid in, was higher than what remained to spend for the project. Johnny made notes on the portions he could cut or that we could return the grant and not complete it. Ms. Billings pointed out that any expended funds expended would need to be paid back to the state by the city, at this point it will be a twice fold loss if we walk away from the project. We cannot expand the system without the improvements and we need to grow it in order to make budgets next year as cost of operation continues to rise, with the cost of increase for the purchased water, we need to have a rate study done, and in order to meet the existing bond payments we need to grow the system meters, which we are unable to do without the project being completed.
Ms. Billings discussed with council the results of the survey taken of the city property and the Cohn property lines. The Mayor spoke to the council regarding the survey firm recommending to him that the city look to hiring an Abstract or Title attorney to handle this matter.
Ms. Billings noted to the council the final budgets have a new line item in it, not added to the expenses, rather moved to its own line item instead of it being classed as a misc. expense. That is the projected cost to continue to use the EFT/ACH system at the Bank for transmissions, etc. The bank will no longer pick up the cost of the e-file fee for the Treasury Department; they are now passing these on to the account owners. Ms. Billings wanted to be able to show that cost at actual on its own in order to determine if it is still a cost that the city will absorb for the convenience of payments being made to the bank from our water customers. The cost will need to be passed onto the customer for that charge.
Adjourned workshop at 5:48 pm.
1) Public Hearing I was opened for public comment on the General Fund budget proposed for 2017/2018 at 6:00 pm. No comments taken, no one in attendance. Hearing closed at 6:04 pm.
2) Public Hearing II opened at 6:10 pm. For public comments on the Water Company budget being proposed for 2017/2018. No comments taken, no one in attendance. Closed 6:13 pm.
3) Public Hearing III on the proposed 2017 Tax rate was opened for public comments at 6:20 pm. No one was in attendance, no comments were heard. Hearing closed at 6:23 pm.
1) At this time of 6:23 pm., Mayor Bass has asked that anyone coming in late to the hearings be granted time to speak. Council adjourned Hearings at 6:30 pm.
A) Mayor Bass opened the regular council session at 6:30 pm. Roll call taken, all Council, city engineer, and the city administrator in attendance.
B) Councilman Dean opened the meeting with prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
C) Citizen Time: Mayor Bass asked if the audience would like to address the Council on the previously held hearings or any other matter. No one commented. No one asked to speak.
D) Consent Agenda:
i) On the agenda, to consider July 2017 budget funds and the approvals for the expenses. Motion made by Frank Holt, second heard by Gary Lucas. All in Favor.
ii) Consideration of the minutes of the July 2017 meetings. Approval motion was made by Jason Dean, second by Allen Trigg. All in Favor.
E) Engineer Report: Johnny Tabor updated the council on the bid requests to start the construction of the CDBG grant project. He let the council knows that the cheapest bid in was for $311,000.00. This exceeds the total by $87,500.00 more, than what the council has to spend, that is allotted by the grant. It was pointed out that if the council wants to pay for the difference, the project will continue. They can walk away from the grant but would still need to pay all expenses back to this date, which would actually cost as much to do, so as approve the deficit. He asked that if the council chooses to go forward, then they would need to approve a resolution stating they would pick up the residual costs of construction, not to exceed $87,500.00. Council considered the extra costs of the CDBG project. A motion to proceed by approving Resolution 08-10-17-05, which limits spending to $87,500.00 and will continue the CDBG project, made by Jason Dean, seconded by Hall Wilcox. All in Favor.
F) Council considered the bids that were submitted and award that bid to B Corp Utilities was made by Jason Dean, second by Hal Wilcox. All in Favor.
G) Council considered adoption of Ordinance 08-2017-01 the Maintenance and Operation budget for 2017/2018. Motion to approve proposed budget made by Gary Lucas, a second came from Frank Holt. All in Favor
H) Council considered adoption of Ordinance 08-2017-02 the Water Company budget for 2017/2018. Motion to approve proposed budget made by Gary Lucas, a second came from Allen Trigg. All in Favor.
I) Council considered the proposed tax rate of 0.500000 per $100.0 valuation. The increase of taxes on a $100,000.00 home value would be $1.84 increase. A motion to accept the proposed rate was made by Hal Wilcox, which was seconded by Gary Lucas. All in Favor.
J) Council considered the recommendation of the surveying firm the city has engaged to map out the borders of a piece of city owned property on Hungry Hill was shares property lines with the Cohn Family Trust. The Trust is disputing the city ownership. A motion to engage an Abstract Attorney was tendered by Gary Lucas and seconded by Jason Dean. All in Favor. It is noted that the council then asked Ms. Billings to put together a list of four potential attorneys, at their hourly rates, and have it ready for discussion and hiring approval at the next meeting that is scheduled. Ms. Billings noted that a copy of the survey had been requested by the Cohn Family abstract attorney, under the Texas Open Records act, be scanned and sent over after the council had ruled on the agenda item.
A motion to adjourn was made by Allen Trigg at 7:10 pm. Minutes approved on ______
Mayor Connally Bass, City of Bruceville-Eddy