Student Teacher: Curriculum Area: Science
Faculty Associate: Subject: Life Systems - Habitats &
School: Communities
Grade: Four Time: 80 min.
Number of Pupils: 26 Date:
Lesson Topic: Habitats
Expectations: Students will;
1) Identify, through observation, various factors that affect plants and animals in a specific habitat (eg. availability of water, food sources, light; ground features; weather conditions) The Ontario Science & Technology Curriculum , pg. 21.
2) Recognize that animals and plants live in specific habitats because they are dependant on those habitats and have adapted to them. The Ontario Science & Technology Curriculum, pg.21.
Teacher Materials: Pupil Materials: *pencils
*activity sheet
*worksheets *materials for
Presentation Steps:
Introduction/Motivation/Set: ...... 8 min.
1. Introduce the lesson by selecting an organism that you have planned to include in the
terrarium, and describe various characteristics of that organism. Have the class guess
what type of organism this is. (eg. frog, toad, garter snake, etc.)
2. Take this organism and show it to the class.
3. Explain to the class that this animal needs to find an appropriate habitat to live in.
4. Ask the class what type of environment the frog lived in prior to coming to school.
5. Have the class describe the environment they would have to construct in order to
make this organism a new home.
Sequence of Steps for Learning: ...... 10 min.
1. Explain how the physical environment of Earth varies from place to place.
2. Introduce the various types of environments (eg. Terrestrial - deserts, grasslands, and
forests / Aquatic - oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams)
3. Explain how each environment had characteristic plants and animals that are suited to
live in its physical conditions.
4. Explain that living and non-living things together make up an environment.
5. Introduce the steps that will be taken in building a woodland terrarium.
Recapitulation: ...... 4 min.
1. Have students read the directions out loud, one at a time, from the instruction sheet, on
how to build a terrarium.
Application: ...... 58 min.
1. Set-up a living model of a woodland environment.
2. Answer the questions provided on worksheet.
Criteria for Assessment 1 2 3 4
Ability to answer questions Understands very Shows some Shows understanding Shows
accurately (understanding little of the concept understanding of most concepts complete
subject material) understanding
Accuracy in constructing Is unable to Can construct Is able to construct Is able to
the terrarium discriminate the terrarium, terrarium with only construct
components of but with many minor error terrarium
the terrarium errors without error