Berkeley Green UTC – Weekly News
Thursday 12th October 2017
Message from the Principal
Thank you for returning your forms so promptly. IT have been workinghard to prepare the devices, which unless there areunforeseen circumstances will come home with students on Monday. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
2.To remind you there is another training day for stafftomorrow, Friday 13thOctober, so students will not be required to attend.
3.Following a request from students the final day of Term 1,Friday 20thOctober will be a 'Dress Down Friday' in aid of our chosen charity, Practical Action,for a£1donation.
Kind Regards
Paul Ramage
Principal – SGS Berkeley Green UTC
We want your books!
As the brilliant, J.K Rowling has said, “something very magical can happen when you read a good book.” We certainly agree and, thus, we want your books. If you have any fiction, or non-fiction, books that you no longer want at home, please bring them in. We do not worry about the quality, length or topic of the book; we only ask that the books are age appropriate for our students. We thank you in advance for your support in our book endeavours!
(The books should be handed to Hayley in the next appropriate English lesson)
This has been another fantastic week of learning at Berkeley Green UTC, and the first round of employer project presentations has allowed our students to really demonstrate their keen interest in the subjects they are studying. Students of the week this week are Karl Kauz in year 10, and Joe Jones in year 12, who have both really impressed their teachers with the skill and enthusiasm they have for their learning. The most improved students of the week are Eve Platt in year 10 and Ray Haagensen in year 12.
The students who have selected the digital pathway have been working on a project set by NBN that required them to build and present a new app. This week saw the students present their proposal to Dr Jo Judge, the CEO of NBN. All of the students performed fantastically well and demonstrated their passion for the specialism they have selected. Dr Judge was very impressed with the quality of our students’ presentations and commented on the confidence and courage of our students. Congratulations to all digital students for working so hard and presenting so professionally.