Michigan Disability Housing Work Group
March 11, 2010
Present: Paul Ecklund, Vera Graham, Cheryl Trommater, Salli Christenson, Daryl Domke, Frank Lynn, Jacqui Day, Janet Turner, Nelson Grit, Jill Gerrie, Sandy Kierman, Deb Hendren, Janice Peterson, Sue Eby, Andrea Sneller, Debra McCormick
- The agenda was approved.
- The minutes from January 14 were approved with corrections.
- Minutes scribe: Frank agreed to take minutes today.
- HRCs-Central Intakes: Nelson has been visiting COC’s around the state. Many Lead Agencies (HRCs) are not well formed. It is believed that ESG funding will require centralized intakes, which are likely to look like HRCs. Deb explained that the standards that are being reviewed by the MSHDA legal team are similar to the HRC criteria developed by the FOWH group. Currently MSHDA is working to put their piece into the plan. Everyone was supportive.
- Housing Grant – Cheryl explained that the DD Council has some funding for a one year project and is working on the 5 year plan which is due in 2011. A subcommittee which included all of the FOWH grantees was established. Cheryl distributed a draft if an RFP which would develop meaningful involvement of PWD in Continuum of Care bodies. Cheryl will notify members of a meeting. Nelson mentioned that there are some HARP vouchers in some areas.
- QAP: Salli and Deb met with people from MSHDA for about 90 minutes. MSHDA wasreceptive and liked the idea of adding additional scoring criteria. This would allow for an equal field for all types of projects. The 2009 criteria has been extended into 2010. They are now working on the 2011 criteria. We need to be prepared for hearings in the spring on summer. There was talk of doing an on-line survey.
- Trust Funds: Federal: Currently, funding possibilities do not look good.
State trust fund/MHCDF: The Living in Michigan Coalition was not receptive to the idea of committing State Trust Fund money to type B units. It was decided to organize a meeting between Living In Michigan/CEDAM, MSHDA and the work group to discuss the situation. Various members volunteered to participate in the meeting.
- PA 182: Paul passed out a progress report on the results of the Inclusive Home Design Act. Over 60% of the eligible houses have met the criteria.
- Habitat Conference in January: Daryl and Paul reported on the Habitat Conference. Paul said that the Habitat display allowed people to really experience the difference between accessible and typical rehab. There was much discussion about getting the display into the Michigan Affordable Housing Conference. Jesse Sobel is the decision maker and he won’t be back until next week. Habitat is going to have a booth. The question is can the display be included in the Habitat space. It was decided to bring the work group and Habitat together. Salli gathered names of people who could volunteer. It was decided that we would all work together to make this happen.
- Corrie Bair Award : It was decided to award Thom Phillips of Habitat Michigan the Corrie Bair Award.
- Paul showed videos of the Habitat display.
- The next meeting will be May 13, at Disability Network/Michigan.
- Meeting adjourned at 3 PM.