Michigan 4-H 3-P Air Rifle Postal Match
Match Sponsors: Ingham Sharpshooters 4-H Club and St. Joseph County 4-H Straight Shooters
Contacts: Match Coordinators
Ingham Sharpshooters 4H Club St. Joseph Straight Shooters
Debi Pinkel Charlie Reynolds
Email: Email:
Phone: 517-485-6391 (home), 517-862-9672 (cell)
Purpose – The purpose of this match is to offer Michigan 4-H members registered in the shooting sports program an opportunity to participate in a statewide air rifle postal and be able to explore this type of competition.
Eligibility – All currently enrolled participants in the Michigan 4-H shooting sports rifle program who are working under the guidance of a Michigan 4-H certified adult rifle instructor are eligible.
Categories – Competitors will enter only one of the following class and categories
Use 4-H guidelines to determine your age - the age are on January 1, 2012.
3P Sporter – Beginner, 9 -11 years old
3P Sporter – Junior, 12-14 years old
3P Sporter – Senior, 15-19 years old
3P Precision – Junior*, 12 -14 years old
3P Precision – Senior*, 15 -19 years old
Sporter Rifle and or Precision Divisions may be combined if fewer than five (5) participants register in any given division. Divisions will also be combined for award presentations.
Teams of four (4) participants may register BEFORE the match is shot. Teams may consist of combined age divisions. Names of team members MUST be included with your registration forms. Scores from these four (4) participants will be combined for a team score. (for postal only) Invitations for the Shoulder to shoulder shoot off will be presented on an individual basis and will NOT include teams.
Registration: Registration and coaches roster may be requested at or by calling 517-485-6391 and leaving a message; be sure to speak clearly. Send registration and fees to Michigan 4-H Air Rifle Postal, 4-H Extension Office, 121 E. Maple St., Mason, MI 48854. Registrations must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2012 to be accepted. Official postal target match labels will be sent to the certified rifle instructor for all registered participants.
Firing Dates:One set of targets (3 x 20) must be shot during the months of February, March or April 2012 and returned to match sponsor (must be postmarked by) no later than April 30, 2012 to be eligible.
Rules: Current National Standard 3 Position Air Rifle Rules will govern. Rules may be viewed and/or downloaded from the CMP web site at Copies may be ordered by contacting National Three-Position Air Rifle Council, Camp Perry, P.O. Box 576, Port Clinton, Ohio 43452; email: , phone: 419-635-2141.
Entry Fee: $8.00 per individual shooter, additional $10 to enter four (4) shooters as a team. All entry fees are used to offset the cost of the postal program. (i.e. labels, postage, medals, etc.)
Equipment: Sporter and Precision equipment must be able to comply with class rules. See Rule 4.1.1 for Sporter and Rule 4.1.3 for Precision details.
Targets: AR-5/10 targets are required. Only one shot is fired on each record bull. Target acquisition is the responsibility of the supervising certified rifle instructor. Standard NRA/USA/CMP grade targets are required. No other substitutes will be accepted. Official postal target match labels will be provided by the match sponsor and must be placed on the back of the target, behind the #1 scoring bullseye BEFORE firing. One sticker is required on each target. Targets without these stickers will not be scored. Targets may be purchased through The National Target Company, 1-800-827-7060 or or Daisy / Avanti at 1-800-643-3458.
Fired Targets: Fired targets are to be returned flat in a large envelop to the registration address. (Refer to registration section.)
Scoring: All targets will be mailed to match sponsor for scoring. DO NOT score targets before sending them in. Any targets that have been plugged will be disqualified. All scores will be final.
Course of Fire: 60 shots (3 x 20) at 10 meters, refer to National Standard 3 Position Air Rifle Rules.
- 20 Shots Prone 20 Shots Standing 20 Shots Kneeling
Match Official: Shooting will be administered under the direct supervision of a Michigan 4-H certified adult rifle instructor acting as the official match director.
Match Conditions: Eye and Ear protection are mandatory during this event.
Awards: A medal will be presented for every five participants registered in a category. (i.e. one will be presented in categories with five entries, a second will be presented in categories with ten entries, and a third will be presented in categories with fifteen entries.)
Registering shooting sports instructor is responsible for:
Registering participants
Sending full payment at the time of registration
Purchasing targets
Ammo .
Seeing that match is run by Current National Standard 3 Position Air Rifle Rules and
Michigan 4-H Shooting Sport Guidelines.
Postage for returning targets to match sponsor
Shoulder to Shoulder Final
Unfortunately, due to change in policies it has been impossible to be make arrangements with the Demmer Center to hold the Shoulder to Shoulder Final this year. It has been decided to continue with the postal portion of the event. You will notice the dead line to return targets has been extended one month to compensate for the late date of getting the program sent to 4-H certified rifle instructors. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Debi
If your county has an adequate range available in which the Shoulder to Shoulder Final could be held, consideration may be given to relocate this part of the match for 2012. Contact Debi Pinkel at 517-485-6391 to discuss this option further.
Michigan 4-H Air Rifle Postal
Coaches Roster
(Attach individual registration sheets to this roster.)
Name of governing Michigan 4-H Certified Rifle Instructor: ______
Phone: ______(Hm) ______(Cell) County ______
List individuals participating:
Governing Instructor is responsible for verifying that all participants listed are currently enrolled 4-H participants. Please Print Clearly.
1. ______6. ______
2. ______7. ______
3. ______8. ______
4. ______9. ______
5. ______10. ______
List team members:
Team A: Team B:
Sporter Rifle Precision Rifle Sporter Rifle Precision Rifle
1. ______1. ______
2. ______2. ______
3. ______3. ______
4. ______4. ______
Fees enclosed include:
______Participants x $8.00 = ______
______Teams x $10.00 = ______
Total Enclosed = ______
Method of payment Check Money Order (Please DO NOT send cash.)
Make checks and money orders payable to ISS.
Michigan 4-H Air Rifle Postal Match
This form is to be attached to “Coaches Roster’ and sent to sponsor at the time of registration.
Registration Deadline: March 1, 2012
Name ______
Address ______
City ______, MI Zip ______
Phone Number______
Email Address ______
Birth Date _____/_____/_____ 4-H Age ______
County you are a 4-H member in: ______
Name of 4-H club you are currently a 4-H Member of:
Check category you are registering for:
Use 4-H guidelines to determine your age; the age you are on January 1, 2012.
I am registering as Individual Team
Sporter – Beginner, 9 -11 years old
Sporter – Junior, 12-14 years old
Sporter – Senior, 15-19 years old
3P Precision – Junior*, 12 -14 years old
3P Precision – Senior*, 15 -19 years old
I am RightLeft eye dominate.
Give brand name and model of rifle you will be using to shoot this match:
Certified Rifle Instructors are to attach this form to Coaches Roster and send registration forms and payment to:
Michigan 4-H Air Rifle Postal
Debi Pinkel
1908 Devonshire Ave.
Lansing, MI 48910
Envelopes must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2012 to be eligible.(No April Fool’s!)
Official Office Use Only
Date Registration Received ______Date Match Labels sent ______
Payment made by money order check # ______Other ______
Participant is currently a registered 4-H participant with county given? YesNo
Michigan 4H Certified Rifle Instructor’s certification is current with county given? Yes No