Michigan Trauma Coalition
Lansing Community College
March 15, 2012
Attendees: Abedrabo, Michelle; Ammon, Adelaide; Beyerlein, Louise; Bristow, Marie; Burrington, Joann; Clement, Rob; Chernick, Joshua; Cox, Rita; Crisp, Amy; DeBoer, Mican; Ferrari, Barb; Gonyea, Beth; Herne, Rich; Hess, Amy; Hurst, Sheryl; Jankens, Kelli; Jordan, Jacqueline; Kempf, Kathy; Koestner, Amy; Kulwicki, Donica; LaDuke, Dee; Landers, Zak; Levandoski, Sue; Mata, Melanie; Mattice, Connie; Maxson, Michelle; McEachin, Chris; McKinzie, Sharon; Mikhail, Judy; Mora, Michelle; Navas, Gwyneth; Nickoles, Todd; Parish, Kathy; Peterson, Rebecca; Potts, Kristie; Prowant, Yvonne; Randall, Amy; Relich, Wendy; Ribbens, Kathy; Ricardi, Rick; Ropele, Diana; Schafer, Susan: Stalkerberg, Debbie; Stevens, Penny; Stockinger, Scott; Surman, Erica; Veurink-Balicki, Sherri; Voss, Kayela; Walters, Madonna; Wegryn, Cindy; Wills-Mertz, Pam; Wood, Tom
Discussion / ACTIONSIntroductions/Welcome / Kathy Kempf welcomed everyone and introductions were made around the room.
Kathy and the Board explained the process that took place to hire the Administrative Assistant, Sue Levandoski. Sue will be part-time (20 hours/month) and will work from home evenings and weekends.
Minutes Approval / Minutes were distributed, one correction: Motorcycle Helmet Law passed through committee. Motion by Koestner, second by Joann Burrington, approved unanimously.
State Trauma System Development Report
Michelle Mora / Michelle reported that the trauma systems are happening and regions are progressing forward. Region 7 was commended for their work and they are happy to share their documents. Michelle will be meeting with 2N next week and 3 tomorrow. Contact Michelle if you don’t feel your Region is moving forward. The hiring of the coordinators and registrar is a slow process but expect it to be done by late spring. Please send your documents to Michelle ahead of meetings for review. There is clarification being worked on for administration roles. There will not be funding for attending meetings. Crime victims fund is behind on money. There are concerns about the 2014 date that is on the current bill. There are discussions to move the trauma funding under the general fund. They are partnering with MCOT and moving forward with a statewide registry. Training is being scheduled. On May 8 is the next registrar meeting and there will be a Webinar with Image Trend. Additional trainings are scheduled June 5 at Gaylord University Center, June 6 at Lansing Community College and June 7 somewhere in the Genesee/Oakland County area. These will be full day trainings with Trauma Registry 101 and software training.
Amy discussed getting together a group to develop questions. How do we get all attending that need to be there? There will be opportunities for training later. Train the trainer program needs registrars to participate. The goal is to bring all trauma hospitals online. Michelle is going to check on attendees bringing their own computers and logging in during the training. The software is Web based, they just need a username and password to enter the system from any computer online. There is also discussion about regionalizing Emergency Care using the Trauma framework.
Lobbyist Report
Sandy Lewis / Sandy gave a background of the trauma systems bills. Michigan is only 1 of 2 states that don’t have trauma system funding. It is currently being operated under a volunteer infrastructure. In 2003 the legislation for a trauma system was passed. In 2007 the rules were developed. In 2008 the economy took a nose dive and the State was unwilling to fund a new program. In 2010 the fee for the Crime Victim’s Fund was increased. The first $3.5 million was to fund the trauma system but only applied to serious misdemeanors and felonies, there is a new bill being considered that will apply the increased fee to all crimes. Currently the Crime Victim’s Fund is in the negative by about $1.3 million. Expected to take first $3.5 million in October 2012. The original bill called for 50% of the funding to come from a different source after three (3) years. Currently the State has a budget surplus somewhere in the area of $256 million. Sandy has been working with legislators to get funding from another source (possibly the general fund). Amy congratulated Sandy on the great work she has been doing on behalf of MTC.
COT Update / Amy reported she attended the March COT as the chair liaison for STN. Dr. mike Rotondo, ACS-COT chair has reorganized the COT committees and has all committees working on deliverables. With the “green book” under revision the Performance Improvement Patient Safety (PIPS) Committee has developed 3 sub committees 1) Topic: working on course revisions including pre-course module, and more case driven discussions. Michigan will be hosting a TOPIC course May 16. 2) Terminology & Taxonomy: Focused on incorporating Joint Commission language into trauma PI to assist with linking across hospital systems. They are developing a software tool to utilize with PI. 3) Culture of Safety: Dr. Clancy & Pasquele are working on crew resource / communication aspects of PI. They are also developing a tool to give examples of the different CDs in the new book. The goal is for the new book to be available after Jan. 2013 with a 6 month date for implementation of ~ July 2013.
ATLS – October 2012 – e-book / hard copy manuals will be available. Beta testing for an e-course will follow. Dr. Brasel implied it would be at least a 6 month period before the e-course would be available to sites. Plan is students would listen to lectures on line and taken the written test. They would then come to an ATLS site to test out on stations. Since this is still in development, it is unknown if this would actually short the course time.
State – Dr. VanderKolk will be the new chair of the COT beginning in May. Cheryl Hartman is his assistant. May meeting will be at Park Place Hotel in Traverse City. We will ask him to attend the next MTC/MTNC meeting.
Finance Report / Judy indicated there are 28 verified centers and 7 unverified centers. Judy shared the current financial report. There is currently $270,547 in net income. The fiscal year will now be on a calendar year, the accounts are helping to make this a smooth transition. / Burrington made a motion to schedule and fund $75,000 in educational offerings for the year, second by Ferrari, approved unanimously.
Educational Offerings / Deb Falkenberg is checking on courses and actual costs.
Web Site / Rick asked for ideas on web site. Anyone interested in putting PowerPoints or Podcasts on, just let him know. He also is asking for active membership participation in developing the site.
Kathy Parish & Joan B & HFH all volunteered.
2012 Calendar / See attached.
MTQIP / No discussion.
Open Discussion
Next Meeting / March 16, 2012, MCOT Meeting, Park Place Hotel, Traverse City
Meeting adjourned at noon.
Respectfully submitted,
Diana Ropele
MTC / MTNC Meeting & Event Schedule
May 16 / MCOT Meeting / Park Place Hotel, Traverse City
May 17 / MTC/MTNC / Park Place Hotel, Traverse City
following MCOT “Mo” Henig Lecture
June 12 / MTC Pediatric Conference / Lansing Marriott
July 19 / MTC/MTNC / Lansing Community College
Nov 8-9 / MTC/MTNC / MGM Grand
following Detroit Trauma Symposium & MCOT meetings
Other significant dates
Jan 10-14 / EAST / Lake Buena Vista, FL
Feb 14 / MTQIP / U of M, Ann Arbor
March 25-28 / Trauma Critical Care & Acute Care Surgery / Las Vegas
April 10-13 / STN Annual Conference / Savannah, GA
May 4 / Michigan Trauma Symposium / MSU Kellogg Center, East Lansing
Sponsored by Sparrow, Borgess, Bronson, and Spectrum
Sept 30-
Oct 4 / ACS and ACOS Annual Clinical Congress / Chicago
Oct 27 / Trauma Can Be Wicked / St. Joseph Hospital, Ypsilanti
Oct 28-30 / NTQIP Annual Meeting / Philadelphia, PA
MTC Budget Worksheet
Category / Amount
IN / Starting Income from previous year / 148,347.44
Dues: 38 centers:7 @ $2000 & 31 @ $3500 / 122,500.00 / Potential Things to Fund:
Subtotal / 270,847.44 / 1 / STAC Registry 101 courses
2 / Pediatric Trauma Conference
OUT / Lobbyist / 24,000.00 / 3 / Injury Prevention Conference
Meetings: Facility/AV/Web/Food / 10,450.00 / 4
Accountant/Licenses/Taxes/Audit / 6,000.00 / 5
Website / 3,000.00 / 6
Administrative Assistant 5 hrs/mo @ $20/hr / 1,200.00 / 7
Subtotal / 44,650.00 / 8
Left / To Play With / 226,197.44
Meeting Detail:
Meetings 4 registrar
10 meetings total
Room Rental 175.00 X 10 / 1,750.00
AV-Web Equipment / 1,500.00
Food for 50 people @ $12 X 10 mtgs / 7,200.00