In Attendance
Michelle DeGarmo, Flatley Read
Sara Idleman, Town of Greenwich
Joe Finan, Hudson HoosicRivers Partnership
Tim Holmes, Friends of the Saratoga Battlefield
Ed Kinowski, Supervisor of the Town of Stillwater
Chris Martin, National Parks Service
Joe Durkin, Rensselaer Land Trust
David Bullard, The Marshall House
David Pitlyk, NYS OPRHP
Maria Trabka, Saratoga Plan
Lorraine Margaret Ballard, Battenkill Conservancy
Charles Vandrei, NYSDEC
Andrew Alberti, Lakes to Locks Passage
Paul Marlow, Town of Halfmoon
Tom Wood, Town of Saratoga Supervisor
Tom Richardson, Chair, City of Mechanicville
Renee Bouplon, Washington County ASA
Dan Shaw, Town of Easton
Devin Lander, Museum Association of New York
Tom Richardson called the meeting to order at 10:10 and introductions were made
- Acceptance of the minutes of the last meeting:
Minutes were accepted with one change.
Ed Kinowski moved to accept the minute, seconded by Sara Idleman
Motion passed with corrections
- Saratoga P.L.A.N. Presentation
Maria Trabka presented on Saratoga PLAN. PLAN is a land trust that preserves land and nature, expands and links trail networks, and has opened 11 nature preserves in the past 10 years. Programs include the Nature Preserve Passport for kids. In 2015, PLAN secured $2.2 million to conserve two farms, 260 acres of which is contiguous to the Saratoga Battlefield. PLAN holds easements on 12 farms in Saratoga County and is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with 4 full-time employees. 200 volunteers maintain 4,400 acres in Saratoga County. The Saratoga Countywide Trail Committee is working together on a trail system. In 2007 PLAN helped create the Battlefield Preservation and Viewshed Protection Plan and worked to develop a Saratoga Battlefield Land Conservation Fund in 2009.
Ed Kinowski asked if the Partnership would have to contract out for the Lander Conservation fund piece as administrator.
Maria Trabka said that the original idea would be for the Partnership to have a staff person dedicated to the task of managing the fund.
Joe Finan noted that the original Fund model was to follow the Civil War Trust.
- Visitor Center Update
Joe Finan reported that the RFP for insurance and the RFP for the foundation and site work has been prepared and he expects a 10 day turn around on contracts. He expects to work out some issues regarding utilities.
Joe met with DEC on feasibility of having the agency insure the Partnership.
Joe suggests speaking directly with Brian Stratton at the Canalcorps to let him know the insurance situation. Need to secure insurance before receiving the Canal funding.
Joe said that he is still expecting the 2nd or 3rd week in June for construction to begin.
Chuck Vandrei volunteered to do the archeology monitoring and oversight.
Tom Richardson noted that that the project was getting close thanks to Joe’s hard work.
- Partnership Funding Breakdown
Tom Richardson entered the funding breakdown into the record.
Tom Richardson noted that the Partnership received $250,000 from Assemblywoman Woerner’s office and that the decision has been made to set aside $175,000 as a rainy day fund for construction overruns, etc. $75,000 of the grant will be set aside to provide for a small grant program for Partnership members.
Ed Kinowski suggested using the Stillwater Global Foundries Foundation grant requirements as a template for the Partnership.
Tom Richardson created a grant proposal review committee to include: Sara Idleman, Ed Kinowski, Tom Wood, Joe Finan, and Tom Richardson
Applications will be due at the end of May and either Drew Alberti or Devin Lander will email out the criteria.
Joe Finan mentioned that previous Partnership grants were tied closely to existing municipal plans and that leveraging is important.
- Communication Promotion Committee Update
Drew Alberti distributed collateral material about the Partnership at the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors.
Tom Richardson noted that he updated the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors and that they were happy to hear about the progress.
Tom Wood noted that the County is 100% on Board.
Drew Alberti mentioned that a press release went out was picked up by 3 papers and a 3 panel sign is being designed and set up at the site.
Tom Richardson mentioned that May 20th he will be asking the IDA for $70,000-$80,000 for Phase II design.
Tom Richardson noted that he met with AssemlywomanWoerner and officials at the DEC on insurance issues and that things are moving forward as much as possible.
Joe Finan mentioned that he sent the requested materials to DEC and has yet to hear back.
Tuesday, May 31stwill be the next meeting at 10am at the Town of Saratoga Town Hall. Tom Richardson asked if there was a motion to adjourn. Dan Shaw so moved, with Tom Wood second.