Michael Masson
Infrastructure Victoria

Submitted via website

Dear Michael

I am responding toInfrastructure Victoria’s Draft 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy (October 2016). I am pleased that the strategy is “a strategy for the whole state”,however, while it recommendsimprovements tosouth-west Victorian road and rail infrastructure, it fails to identify the specifics these upgrades should include.

In reviewing the draft strategy, the majority of the recommendations have a strong metropolitan focus. Identified need number 12 - ‘improve access to jobs and services for people in regional and rural areas’ - reflects on the important role Victoria’s regions play in the state’s economy and it is vital there is a structure in place to provide regional areas with the infrastructure frameworks they need to grow.

I support, at a minimum, the Regional Train Link (RTL) upgrade identified in recommendation 12.2.9. However, I would like the frequency of the services increased to more than 5 services per day and extended to a 7 day a week service. Improved rail transport between Warrnambool, Colac, Geelong and Melbourne will support tourism, economic prosperity and educational opportunities in the region.

Recommendation 12.2.5 ‘Regional Highways’ needs to include the Princes Highway from Colac to Portland as a high priority project. This must incorporate upgrading the Colac to Portland section of the Princes Highway to a ‘2+1’ – two lanes and a passing lane for its duration, to improve safety and access for all road users. This should be funded through the regional allocation of the Port of Melbourne lease.

The draft strategy does not recommend a second container port for Victoria. I am pleased that the Government has requested Infrastructure Victoria provide advice on the timing and location of a second port by May 2017. As the state’s population increases toward the projected 9.5m by 2046, Victoria will need to plan for the second container port by 2031. Planning for key economic infrastructure is crucial for the future of the state and identification of the preferred location in the short term will ensure there has been sufficient time to thoroughly asses the merits of the preferred locationand ensure the potential site is protected for encroachment.

I also support the Employment Outside Central city incentivisation (EOC) option. I believe the Government, both at State and Federal level, has a role in facilitating regional economic development and this can be achieved by relocating government services to regional towns such as Warrnambool. The option discussed the lack of evidence regarding the economic success of the TAC relocation to Geelong. It is understood relocation of Government departments and agencies is a high cost, but the economic stimulus to regional towns, education and employment prospects, particularly for young people, is a valuable outcome. Recommendation 1.1.2 ‘Development in/around employment centres’ can be achieved when government services are delivered through EOC in key regional centres such as Warrnambool.

Investment in improved telecommunications, buses and health infrastructure is supported.

Thank you for considering my submission.