Curriculum Vitae
Michael J. A. Speyer2250 Kennedy Road, # 1507
Scarborough,Toronto M1T 3G7
Tel.: 416-792-0214
NationalityDanish (formerly British citizen)
Languages English: Native fluency
Danish:Native fluency
German: Fluent
Norwegian: Fluent
Italian: Proficient
French: Proficient
Academic Qualifications
1975 - 19778 O-levels from St. Dunstan's College, Catford, London
1977 - 1979A-level Equivalent (High School Graduation)- 'Studentereksamen' from Sct. Knuds Gymnasium, Odense.
1979 - 1982MSc in Biochemistry (Cand. Scient.) fromOdenseUniversity
1982 - 1983Construction Engineer (Bygningsingeniør) fromOdenseTechnicalCollege
1987 - 1989Laboratory Technician (Laborant) from DalumTechnicalSchool (average grade of 10.4 (corresponding to an A+ grade)
1990 - 1992Bilingual Commercial Correspondent (Korrespondent) from OdenseUniversity -average grade of 10 (A+ grade)
1992 - 1993ED Modules (Erhvervssproglig Diplomuddannelse) from OdenseUniversity - baccalaureate level; average grade of 8 (B grade)
1994Course for prospective Structural Analysts within Tourism (9 months duration) provided by EUC, Fåborg
1997FolkHigh School - IT (DTP, Internet/HTML, Multimedia; Graphic design: duration 1 year) (Byhøjskole, Odense)
1998VUC, Odense - IT (DTP and Multimedia) (5 months)
Working Experience
1984 - 1987Employment as a peripatetic primary/secondary school teacher (Lærervikar i Folkeskolen)
1989 - 1990Laboratory Technician at Albany Breweries, Odense
1994 - 1995Diverse freelance translating work in conjunction with writing a fictional novel, in English, entitled The Chronicles of Samuel Sassodoro. Subsequently, commenced writing sequel. Collections of poems: The Age of Deceit; The Circle and the Square.
1995 - 1996Specialised freelance translation work/proofreading; chiefly employed by OdenseUniversityHospital.
1996 - 2004Employed by the Heriot–Watt University MBA by Distance Learning Programme, Scandinavian Agency and Distributor, in the capacity of Technical and Administrative Manager, student services officer, translator, editor of MBA Matters and The Academician, webmaster for the official Scandinavian Agency website, as well as for the AMRI (Alternative Medicine Research Institute) and The Chartered Academy websites. Furthermore, I assumed the position of Company Secretary for FOKUS Ltd. in August 2000.
2004 - Freelance translating, editing, proofreading and some English tuition.
Interestsand interim
activitiesThe years of study were interspersed with various jobs of shorter and longer duration, viz. employment as a peripatetic primary/secondary school teacher, English tuition, general office work, computer tuition, and care for the elderly and infirmed. Concomitantly, I travelled around Europe, Canada, Mexico and the USA extensively.
My most important pastime today is writing novels in English, of which I have completed two:
The Chronicles of Samuel Sassodoro, Book One
The Chronicles of Samuel Sassodoro, Book Two
Both novels are published and available to the public.
Currently, I am working on my third project entitled ‘The Kitish’, and I have ideas for a new upcoming project.
I am well-read, and have a wide field of interests.