Postdoctoral Associate

Entomology & Nematology, University of Florida

1881 Natural Area Drive, Gainesville, FL32611


Postdoctoral AssociateEntomology & Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 2016–present


Ph.D.Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 2016

B.Sc. (Summa Cum Laude)Biology, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 2008

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS(including accepted in press)

Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2016. Phylogenetics and biogeography of the endemic Madagascan millipede assassin bugs (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 100: 219–233.

Forthman, M., Chłond, D., Weirauch, C. 2016. Taxonomic monograph of the endemic millipede assassin bug fauna of Madagascar (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae). B. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 400: 1–152.

Zhang, J., Gordon, E., Forthman, M., Hwang, W.S., Walden, K., Swanson, D., Johnson, K.P., Meier, R., Weirauch, C. 2016. Evolution of the assassin’s arms: insights from a phylogeny of combined transcriptomic and ribosomal DNA data (Heteroptera: Reduvioidea). Sci. Rep.6: 22177.

Weirauch, C., Berenger, J.M., Berniker, L., Forero, D., Forthman, M., Frankenberg, S., Freedman, A., Gordon, E., Hoey-Chamberlain, R., Hwang, W.S., Michael, A., Udah, O., Watson, C., Zhang, G., Zhang, J. 2014. An illustrated identification key to assassin bug subfamilies and tribes (except Emesinae). Can. J. Arthropod Ident., No. 26.

Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2012. Toxic associations: a review of the predatory behaviors of millipede assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae). Eur. J. Entomol., 109: 147–153.

PRESENTATIONS(* Denotes invited presentation)

* Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2016. Millipede assassin bugs (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae) show off: evolution of aposematic coloration and extreme sexual dimorphism. International Congress of Entomology XXV, Orlando, FL, USA

Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2015. Showing off: investigating the evolution of aposematism and sexual dimorphism in millipede assassin bugs (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae). 63rd Entomological Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2014. The systematics of the endemic millipede assassin bugs of Madagascar (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae). Fifth Quadrennial Meeting of the International Heteropterists’ Society, Washington, DC

Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2013. Fragments of time: divergence dating and biogeographic history of Malagasy millipede assassin bugs. 61st Entomological Society of America Meeting, Austin, TX

* Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2012. Madagascar’s millipede assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae): a treasure trove of diversity. Heteroptera Symposium, 60th Entomological Society of America Meeting, Knoxville, TN

Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2011. Madagascar’s millipede assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae): taxonomy, phylogenetics, and sexual dimorphism. 59th Entomological Society of America Meeting, Reno, NV

Forthman, M. 2011. A predator-prey relationship: Ectrichodiinae and Diplopoda. 2nd International Reduviid Workshop, Riverside, CA

POSTER PRESENTATIONS (* Denotes equal contribution)

Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2014. Showing off: evolution of aposematism and extreme sexual dimorphism in millipede assassin bugs (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae). 62ndAnnual Entomological Society of America’s Meeting, Portland, OR

Chłond, D.*, Forthman, M.*, Weirauch, C. 2014. A revision of Malagasy assassin bugs in the subfamily Ectrichodiinae (Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Fifth Quadrennial Meeting of the International Heteropterists’ Society, Washington, DC

Forthman, M., Weirauch, C. 2012. Madagascar’s millipede assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae): taxonomy, phylogenetics, and sexual dimorphism. 60th Annual Entomological Society of America’s Meeting, Knoxville, TN; International Congress of Entomology XXIV, Daegu, South Korea; Hennig XXXI Meeting, Riverside, CA


2015Student Competition for the President’s Prize, Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity Section, 1st Place

Presentation, 63rdEntomological Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

2014Student Competition for the President’s Prize, Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity Section, 1st Place

Poster, 62ndEntomological Society of America Meeting, Portland, OR

Dissertation Year Program Award, University of California, Riverside,CA, $7,200

Annemarie & Nils Moller-Andersen Award, International Heteropterists’ Society, $650

2013 Student Competition for the President’s Prize, Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity Section, 1st Place

Presentation, 61st Entomological Society of America Meeting, Austin, TX

Earle C. Anthony Graduate Student Travel Award, University of California, Riverside, CA, $500

Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Research Grant, University of California, Riverside, CA,$650

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of California, Riverside, CA

2012Entomological Society of America, SysEB Travel Award, $1,900

2011Student Competition for the President’s Prize, Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity Section, 2nd Place

Presentation, 59th Entomological Society of America Meeting, Reno, NV

2010Dean’s Distinguished Fellowship, 2010-present, University of California, Riverside, CA, $35,566

NSF PEET for“Taxonomic expertise in true bugs: systematic and monographic research on assassin bugs

(Heteroptera: Reduviidae)”, University of California, Riverside, CA, $749,371 (awarded to Christiane Weirauch; portion for Ph.D. student support)


2013–PresentInternational Heteropterists’ Society, Member

2012–PresentWilli Hennig Society, Member

2010–PresentEntomological Society of America,Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity Section, Member,

Student Representative on Committee on Student Affairs (2013–2015)

2010–2016Entomology Graduate Student Association, University of California, Riverside, CA, Member,

President (2013–2014),Social Committee Co-Chair (2011–2012)


2015Entomological Society of America Member Symposium, Co-organizer, “Synergy in agricultural pest

control: use of interdisciplinary approaches to feed a growing population”, Minneapolis, MN

Entomological Society of America Organized Meeting, Co-organizer, “HeteropteristConference”,

Minneapolis, MN

2014Entomological Society of America Member Symposium, Co-organizer, “Grand challenge: effective

science education with communication”, Portland, OR

2013Entomological Society of America SysEBSection Symposium, Co-organizer, “Pitfalls, malaise, and

hoping it all pans out: the state of the art in field collecting methods for insect biodiversity

surveys”, Austin, TX

2012XXXI Willi Hennig Meeting, Organizing Committee, Riverside, CA


Biodiversity Data JournalZootaxa, Journal of Chemical Ecology, Systematic Entomology


2016College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Teacher’s College, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

2013Biological Specimen Informatics Short Course, American Museum of Natural History, New York,NY

20122ndInternational Reduviid Workshop,University of California, Riverside, CA

2010Organization for Tropical Studies: Biodiversity of True Bugs (Heteroptera) Field Course, Costa Rica


2015–2016Entomology Research Museum, University of California, Riverside, CA — curatedCicadellidae

collection byupdating taxonomic names, updating digitized specimen data, re-organizing

insect drawers, and re-mounting specimens as part of NSF-funded Advance Digitization

of Biological Collections Tri-Trophic Thematic Collection Network

2010–2016 Heteroptera Systematics Lab, University of California, Riverside, CA — sort, database, image,

and identify dry and ethanol preserved Heteroptera specimens

2013British Natural History Museum, London, UK — one-week collection visit to examine

Ectrichodiinae material, identify undetermined material, update taxonomic names, image

select type specimens

American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY — two-week collection visit to examine

Ectrichodiinae material, identify undetermined material, update taxonomic names

2011 Entomology Research Museum,University of California, Riverside, CA — updatedEntomology

Teaching Collectionby incorporating student collections, updating taxonomic names,

and checking specimen quality


2016Undergraduate Researcher Mentor, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (15 hrs/week) — trained two

undergraduate students in proper practices in insect rearing, cactus collection, sunflower

maintenance, insect field collection, data collection and entry, greenhouse maintenance, and

appropriate insect preservation techniques and voucher tracking. Engaged with students in weekly

discussions on primary scientific literature relevant to the general research interest of the lab and

guided students in developing a presentation on primary scientific literature given at the end of

the semester to all lab members. Quality checked data entry and provide constructive feedback

to students regarding various experiments they participated in.

2015Graduate Research Assistant for NSF Advance Digitization of Biological Collections Tri-Trophic

Thematic Collection Network, University of California, Riverside, CA —quality checkedplant host taxonnames and data

2014Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Introductory Evolution and Ecology Laboratory (2 sections)

University of California, Riverside, CA

Graduate Research Assistant for NSF Advance Digitization of Biological Collections Tri-Trophic

Thematic Collection Network, University of California, Riverside, CA— traineddatabasers (e.g.,

slide imaging, georeferencing, specimen data entry), quality checkedspecimen data entries,

suppliedherbivorous Hemipteraand parasitic Hymenoptera specimens and unique specimen

identifier labels, and refined workflow to increase efficiency and quality productivity

Undergraduate Researcher Mentor, University of California, Riverside, CA (3 hrs/week) — taxonomic

project on Xenocaucus species from Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania involvingspecimen sorting, labeling,databasing, digital imaging, character documentation, DNA extraction and isolation, PCR, sequence assembly and alignment,and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis

2013Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Insect Biodiversity Laboratory and Discussion (1 section), University

of California, Riverside, CA

2012Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Insect Biodiversity Laboratory and Discussion (1 section), University

of California, Riverside, CA

2008Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Zoology Laboratories (3 sections), University of Arkansas, Little

Rock, AR


2010–2016Participate in University of California–Riverside Department of Entomology outreach

program for K–12 students and the public. Topics include insect diversity, metamorphosis,

ecology, epidemiology, behavior, and pollinators, among others. Live and preserved arthropods, as well as displays, shown at events to demonstrate topics and connect with the audience.

2006Education and Outreach Intern at Arkansas Little Rock Zoo, Education and Outreach Division —

promoted and participated in on and off campus outreach events for K-12 and general public. Topics included vertebrate and invertebrate husbandry practices, ecology, behavior, epidemiology, diversity, and conservation, among others. Daily tasks included vertebrate husbandry and rehabilitation, creation and maintenance of displays and exhibits, educational speeches and demonstrations, and docent training.


Cameroon(3), Honduras (3), South Korea (1), Costa Rica (2)


Florida (2016–present), California (2011–2016), Arkansas (2006–2011), Wisconsin (2008–2010), Virginia (2008–2010)