Sport England Mini Sport Profile published August 2016

Data sources

Statement / Data Source
17% of deaths are caused by inactivity. International comparison shows physical inactivity is a greater cause of death nationally than almost every other economically comparable country. / The Lancet (2012) Full Ref: Lee I, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT, for the Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: An analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. The Lancet. 2012;380(9838):219-229.)
£7.4bn is the estimated figure that physical inactivity costs the national economy in healthcare, premature deaths and sickness absence. / 2006-07 data from Scarborough P, Bhatnagar P, Wickramasinghe KK, Allender S, Foster C, Rayner M (2011) The economic burden of ill health due to diet, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol and obesity in the UK: an update to 2006–07 NHS costs.Journal of Public Health 33 (4): 527-535. Combined with Ossa D and Hutton J (2002) The economic burden of physical inactivity in England. London.
£1760-£6900 can be saved in healthcare costs per person by taking part in sport. / Culture and Sport Evidence programme research (July 2010) DCMS
£20.3bn was contributed to the English economy in 2010 through sport and sport-related activity. / Sport England research into the Economic Value of Sport to England (national - published 2012)
29% increase in numeracy levels can be achieved by underachieving young people who take part in sport. / Culture and Sport Evidence programme research (July 2010) DCMS
15.8% is the reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour in areas where at-risk youth have participated in sport for development programmes / Sportworks Full Report (2014) Sported
How healthy is your community
% of the life expectancy of males, and females compared to the national average of 79.4 and 83.1 / Public Health Outcomes Framework (2015)
% of the population who have a long term health problem or disability. / Office of National Statistics Census data (2011)
The number of deaths estimated to be prevented per year if 75% of the population aged 40 – 79 were engaged in the recommended levels of physical activity. / Association of Public Health Observatories/Public Health England Health Impact of Physical Activity (2013)
% of adults (16+) inactive in your community compared to the national average of 27.7%. / Public Health Outcomes Framework (2015)
The estimated health costs of inactivity in your community / Sport England commissioned data from British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group .For years 2009/10. Published 2012.
How active is your community
% of adults (16+) report undertaking 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity compared to the national average of 57.0% / Public Health Outcomes Framework (2015)
% of adults (14+) take part in sport at least once a week compared to the national average of 37.0% and split into male and female % / Sport England Active People Survey 10Q2 (April 15-Mar16) (published June 2016)
% adults (16+) take part in sport and active recreation three times a week compared to the national average of 23.7% and split into male and female % / Sport England Active People Survey 10Q2 (April 15-Mar16) for county councils and April 2014- March2016 for district and unitary authorities) (published June 2016)
% adults (16+) who are inactive, want to take part in sport, demonstrating there is an opportunity to increase participation / Sport England Active People Survey 7/8 (April 2012- April 2014).???
How involved is your community?
%adults (16+)have volunteered in sport in the last month compared to the national average of 13.2%. / Sport England Active People Survey 10Q2 (April 15-Mar 16 ) for county councils and April 2014- March 2016 for district and unitary authorities) (published June 2016)
% adults (16+) who take part in organised sport by belonging to a club, receiving tuition or taking part competitively, compared to 34.7% nationally. / Sport England Active People Survey 10Q2 (April 15-Mar 16) (published June 2016)
% adults (16+) are satisfied with sporting provision in the area compared 62.7% nationally. / Sport England Active People Survey 10Q2 (April 15-Mar 16) (published June 2016)
What is the value of sport to your economy? / All figures are from Sport England’s ‘Economic Value of Sport – Local Model’ (PV2 – November 2015)