MIC Meeting Minutes, October 14-15, 20151


Kathy Anderson, Market Interface Committee (MIC) Chair, called the meeting to order. Participants were asked to introduce themselves in person and via webinar. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A. Craig Williams, WECC, reviewed the WECC Antitrust Policy.

2.Approve Agenda

Kathy Andersonintroduced the proposed meeting agenda.

Anderson requested there be a removal of the Clean Power presentation from the agenda.

On a motion by Shawn Davis, Portland General Electric, the revised agenda was approved.

3.Review July 2015 Minutes

Kathy Anderson introduced the minutes from the July 16, 2015 meeting.

Anderson suggested the minutes that were posted need some corrections. It was proposed to carry these minutes forward to the March agenda for approval.

4.Review of Previous Action Items

Kathy Anderson reviewed action items carried over from the July 16, 2015meeting of the MIC. Action items for review were:

  1. Discuss with Shonnie Job, director of Human Resources at WECC, about why WECC is recruiting almost exclusively in Utah.

Ms. Anderson discussed this with Ms. Job and there was a misunderstanding when presented to the board. WECC is recruiting for engineering but not exclusively from Utah. WECC is trying to strengthen its relationships with local universities to make the community more aware of WECC. Steve Ashbaker, WECC, was looking for one position and because of the rotating entry-level engineers interns WECC was able to fill this position.

  1. MIC members to send thoughts and comments to Craig about EPA 111(d)

No comments were received.

  1. Kathy Anderson to bring up the FTE on both sides to the Board in her report

This report was not available for this meeting. It was proposed to carry this item forward to the next MIC meeting.

  1. Andy Meyers to update MIC about any changes to the Preschedule Calendar Guidelines

This update was provided in the ISAS report presented later in the meeting.

  1. Michael Dalebout and Craig Williams to clarify changes to PSEs regarding WECC authority to uphold standards.

A discussion took place about where there are PSEs mentioned in the standards, as they can be ignored. It will be a while until they are removed. There is no information to change at this point.Some will move to NASB – If it is felt that the MIC can take a look at the standards and begin having conversations about regional criteria and assign responsibility.

  1. Kathy Anderson to touch base with the OC leadership about the Committee combination

Ms. Anderson spoke with Darren Buck, Western Area Power Administration, and at this time it is too early to do this. The OC is going to look at its own committee structure. The importance of the TC voice may not be heard in the OC environment as they would with the MIC. All subcommittees will remain as they are but leadership will revisit the topic in a year.

5.UFAS – New Cost Allocation Methodology – Pete Heiman

Pete Heiman, Western Area Power Administration, discussed the new UFAS cost allocation methodology and a possible MIC advisory vote. In response to stakeholder feedback, a different methodology based on monthly FERC714 NET Actual Interchange data was developed by WECC staff and reviewed by the UFAS.

Craig Williams, WECC, reviewed the BA Monthly Interchange Cost Allocation. A discussion was held regarding the benefits and downfalls to this methodology.

ACTION ITEM: Williams to look at the correlation and how to improve the methodology used based on an hour-to-hour timeframe or a BA by BA process.

There may be a need for more data to improve the methodology and to see the work that will back up the claims made.

ACTION ITEM: The group would like to see the two sets of data side-by-side under the methodology to be filed at FERC. They would like WECC to consider that this methodology might place some BAs higher on the list than they normally would be. Some in the group were curious if some things would change with the CAISO changing footprint.

USFTF and UFAS evaluated the Interchange methodology. UFAS felt a simple charge based on Net Actual Interchange data was the best approach.

The group requested this item be brought forward and make sure MIC membership is included in the discussion. If anyone would like to address other questions or concerns they are to contact UFAS or send an email to Craig Williams or Kathy Anderson.

Mr. Heiman reviewed the current UFAS activities which included coordinating with PEAK to migrate the webSAS program into webIntegrity after completing the current phase.

Heiman discussed the path and device updates regarding the Pinto PST, and Paths 22 & 23.

6.NWPP – MC Update – Robert Cromwell

Robert Cromwell, Seattle City Light, gave an update on the current status of the NWPP MC effort.

Mr. Cromwell reviewed the recent news and the petition for declaratory order. The petition was filed on September 4, 2015. The order is expected by the end of 2015.

Mr. Cromwell reviewed the NWPP MC Initiative, its current membership and its objectives.

Mr. Cromwell reviewed the NWPP MC Portfolio Solution to include the Centrally Cleared Energy Dispatch and the RRSG Regulation Reserve Sharing Group. He reviewed the key elements for the solution and the implementation plan along with milestones from 2015-2017. The estimated annual costs were reviewed along with an illustrative evolution path.

A discussion was held regarding the annual costs and the path the solution is planned to take.

An update was given on the regional tools which included the Regional Flow Forecast, the Resource Monitoring & Deliverability Beta Version 1.2 (in production); software enhancements to RMD and RFF continue and will be finalized in Q4 of 2015.

Mr. Cromwell discussed the Centrally Cleared Energy Dispatch (CCED). The CCED removes major barriers to sub-hourly trading economics. The design objectives are simplicity and compatibility with existing systems and processes, allowing full participation at go-live.

Mr. Cromwell shared RRSG functional design highlights and reviewed a RRSG Deployment example.

The NWPP MC Resource Sufficiency Metric is designed to ensure that BAs have sufficient resources to meet obligations prior to the operating hour.

Mr. Cromwell gave an overview of the work completed and the ongoing work on the NWPP MC effort.

Mr. Cromwell updatedthe group on the TSP/TOP coordination. The objective and opportunities were identified along with the next steps. The NWPP MC Executive Committee will meet in October and November to determine 2016-17 plans. The staff continues to work on evaluating the portfolio and what options exist given recent events.

7.WECC Board Items – Kathy Anderson

Kathy Anderson, Idaho Power Company, reviewedseveral of the key points from the Board of Directors meetings held in 2015.

Jim Robb, WECC, presented the board with some possible 2016 discussion items: developing a statement on regulatory philosophy; Assessment stabilization strategy and adapting reserve policy; reviewing the WECC meeting policy; refreshing the list of reliability challenges; initiating a process for WECC input to the NERC Board of Trustees.

It is anticipated that 2015 will end below budget due to some open positions.

BP&B and WECC-specific RDA approved by NERC BOT and filed at FERC for action

WECC has hired two newly graduated engineers from Utah State University. WECC will expand the program to include four newly graduated engineers in 2016.

The Merchant Alert Protocol was reviewed. The MIC Chair presented this issue to the Board. They encouraged the MIC to follow on this issue.

Ms. Anderson reviewed the 4.9 Review Draft Paper and encouraged the group to review this. This will be available for 30-day public comment and closes October 21, 2015.

Attendance was down at the Board meeting. There was not a panel discussion or keynote speaker to draw the membership together. Membership was encouraged to provide feedback regarding whether or not the Board Meetings are useful or what might be more useful.

8.Market Interface Manager Reports – Craig Williams

Craig Williams, WECC, provided updates from the WECC staff liaison supporting the MIC.

  1. UFMP Filing Update
  2. UFMP Cost Allocation Methodology

Natural Gas – Electric Harmonization: WECC is exploring putting together a conference with other reliable entities that have a Natural Gas group.

9.Enhanced Curtailment Calculator (ECC)

Jeremy West, Peak RC, provided an overview of the ECC at Peak RC. The ECC will be a helpful tool to aid in visualizing congestion on the system and to mitigate events.

Mr. West shared the current timeline for the ECC. The testing stage and Peak users will receive access this year. Stakeholder entities will receive training and access during Q1 2016. The training will include classes, webinars and CBTs.

Mr. West reviewed that non-peak users would include Transmission Operators (seen as the main users other than Peak); Balancing Authorities (involved with e-Tag curtailments) and Transmission Service Providers (Supplement on/off Path transaction designation).The next phases will include future time situational awareness (3 hours in the future), webSas Integration (moves from webTag to webIntegrity) and anexpanded curtailment methodology.

Mr. West reviewed the level of access that PSEs should have. Peak has been evaluating the access across all Peak-provided tools. Peak has also determined that the webSas module will retain current PSE access rights.The timing of future time SA and webSas was reviewed. Peak is weighing the next phase which will include future time SA and webSas integration.

10.Interchange Scheduling Administrative Subcommittee (ISAS) Report

Andy Meyers, Bonneville Power Administration, led a discussion on relevant ISAS changes.

Mr. Meyers commented that the ISAS is looking for an approval of a revised charter, which had not been reviewed in two years. It was cleaned up and language was adjusted to ensure meetings are held and scheduled in accordance with WECC meeting policy, and allowing for the meetings to be held either in person or via webinar.

Mr. Meyers reviewed the new ISAS Leadership.

The current ISAS Chair presented statistics and reasons for WIT schedule change requests.

The group discussed the Preschedule Calendar Guideline. It had not been reviewed in 5 years and it was proposed to craft the schedule around the scheduling of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

The ISAS Chair noted that requirement WR2 provided timelines for confirming NSI with each adjacent BA.

The ISAS is currently seeking volunteers for table top exercises with the WIT Interchange Authority Backup (WIAB). If anyone is interested in participating please contact the IWG Chair Danielle Johnson at .

Mr. Meyers commented on the wish list for the Electronic Scheduling Work Group.

Mr. Meyers reviewed ATF Tags. (Reviewed from the WIT Scheduled Change forms). It was noted there was a big jump in tag counts from 2013 to 2014.

Action item: ISAS to do an analysis of the reasons for the jump in numbers from 2013 to 2014. The results and additional statistics will be reported back to the OC at the next meeting to be held in March meeting.

The processing of the schedule change request forms will be completely transferred to Peak RC at a future date.

The group discussed they would like to see data from 2012 to see if there is a particular trend in reason codes.

October 15, 2015 – 8:30 a.m.

11.CAISO – EIM and MSIS Update – Jim Price

Jim Price, CAISO, provided an update on the current status of the Energy Imbalance Market, CAISO-Regional Market and any MSIS issues.

12.NAESB Wholesale Electric Report – Bob Harshbarger

Bob Harshbarger, PSE, provided a report on relevant NAESB issues and standards developments.

13.Merchant Alert Protocol – Andy Meyers

Andy Meyers, BPA, commented that progress was being made regarding challenges facing the MAP due to PeakRC changes.

14.Re-dispatch Task Force – Kathy Anderson

Previously it was determined to create a task force to discuss the associated cost allocations required for re-dispatching generation for transmission relief.

To date, the task force has not been created beyond assigning a Chair (Jerry Bicknell, SRP). Anderson asked for feedback from the group as to whether or not there still is interest in this work.

15.Review Upcoming Meetings

March 22-24, 2016……………………………………………………………..Salt Lake City, UT or La Jolla, CA

Further details will be available soon.


Ms. Anderson adjourned the meeting at 11:25a.m. on October 15, 2015 without objection.

Exhibit A: Attendance List

Members in Attendance

Mark / Alberter / Sacramento Municipal Utility District - Webinar
Brenda / Ambrosi / BC Hydro - Webinar
Kathy / Anderson / Idaho Power Company
Brant / Anders / ?? - Webinar
Dory / Batka / Black Hills Corporation - Webinar
Aseem / Bhatia / CDWR
Lorrie / Bliss / Deseret Power
Brad / Bouillon / CAISO
Amy / Burrow / Modesto Irrigation District
Andy / Butcher / Platte River Power Authority
Marshelle / Butler / Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Peter / Colussy / Xcel Energy - PSCo
Shawn / Davis / Portland General Electric
Robert / Follini / Avista
Laura / Hatfield / Puget Sound Energy
Mark / Hackney / Open Access Technology Intl, Inc.
John / Hughes / NV Energy - Webinar
Raj / Hundal / PowerEx - Webinar
Erin / Kester / Iberdrola Renewables, LLC
Caitlin / Liotiris / Western Power Trading Forum
Steven / Maestas / Public Service Co. of New Mexico
Jesus / Martinez / Riverside Public Utilities
Kerry / McCalman / Bureau of Reclamation
Andy / Meyers / Bonneville Power
Susan / Millar / Bonneville Power Administration
Paul / Nelson / SCE - Webinar
Geoffrey / Moore / Portland General Electric
Steve / Otero / Public Service Company of New Mexico - Webinar
Jim / Price / CAISO - Webinar
Phil / Sanchez / Transmission Agency of Northern California
Mike / Shapley / Snohomish County PUD
John / Walker / PGN - Webinar
Jeremy / West / PeakRC - Webinar
Craig / Williams / Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Tim / Vigil / Western Area Power Administration

Western Electricity Coordinating Council