MI-MN Level Descriptors
About this document
This document contains descriptors related to individuals’ scores on the Multiple Natures Test. For each of the Multiple Intelligences and Multiple Natures, test-takers receive a score on a scale of 1-10, along with a paragraph description of what their score means. The scores are divided into five categories or ranges:
7—8Medium High
3.5—4.5Medium Low
Each descriptive paragraph takes into consideration
- the definitions and extended descriptions of the Multiple Intelligences and Multiple Natures
- the MI-MN Rubrics
How to use this document
You can use this document while working clients to help establish the accuracy of their MI and MN scores. While going through
Gross Bodily Intelligence
8.5-10 (High)
When it comes to activities that engage your body, you look forward to them with great anticipation. With little energy or preparation, you can jump right into sports or physical activity and demonstrate excellence. When you are doing bodily things, you feel totally natural and at ease, and you can remember feeling this way almost all your life in just about every situation where you had to make use of your body. You could easily do a type of work that made use of your body because it comes so naturally and it gives you so much energy.
7-8 (Medium High)
When it comes to activities that engage your body, you can do them quite naturally. You can get absorbed in them with a little effort. You tend to learn quickly if you have to learn new sports or physical games, and you are self-motivated to do so. With only a little preparation you could demonstrate some pretty good skills in a variety of areas. If you had to make something physical part of your day-to-day work, you could do so, though if you had to do it all the time, it could take a little energy away from you. You have likely gotten compliments about activities in this realm when you've focused intently and worked hard at it.
5-6.5 (Medium)
When it comes to activities related to your body, you do OK--neither do you do too well, nor too poorly. If you make a good deal of effort, you could get into sports or physical endeavors, and even demonstrate some competence here and there, however it will only be like this in some circumstances. You'd need to motivate yourself quite a bit to get into such activities, and you would likely be modest about the gains you'd make and your performance. After some time, you'd surely want to take a break to do something that comes more naturally.
3.5-4.5 (Medium Low)
When it comes to activities related to your body, you typically find yourself performing below average. It's challenging for you to get into sports and similar activities, as they tend to take away energy from you, and there are little returns in this area compared to the energy you invest. It would require a lot of preparation for you to demonstrate even a low level of performance. Doing work that requires significant use of your body might not be the best option, as it would likely prove to be a significant challenge.
0-3 (Low)
Physical type of activities are just not your cup of tea. You find it very hard to get yourself motivated to get into them, and when you do, you find it even harder to stay there. Being involved in sports or other similar activities take a lot of energy away from you and when you do them you feel very unnatural. There's no way you could make activities that revolve around this ability part of your professional activities. You've been like this as long as you can remember, and have few examples or memories of praise for activities done in this space.
Fine Bodily Intelligence
8.5-10 (High)
Your hands are steady and reliable in everything you do. Sometimes they feel as though they have a mind of their own. Your fingers are nimble and competent--even when you're not paying attention. You can do manual-related activities for very long periods of time, and when you do, you are sure to get compliments for whatever you are doing or creating. This is true in just about every situation where you engage them--and has been like that for as long as you can remember. You get energized from using your hands and could easily do work that makes use of them extensively.
7-8 (Medium High)
You make use of your hands quite naturally--with a bit of focus, you can do excellent work with them making very few mistakes along with way. Your fingers have tended to be reliable since you were a child, and in most situations, they have performed to help you achieve different types of things. You only need a little motivation to get into activities that use your manual dexterity, and when you do, you get energy from using them. If you wanted, you could do work that would make use of them, though perhaps not all the time.
5-6.5 (Medium)
Your manual dexterity is about average--neither very weak nor very strong. When it comes to using your hands, you would need to focus quite a bit and do a lot of preparation to use them skillfully. And even then, you'd be worried about making mistakes. Even if you make an effort, your fingers don't always obey your commands. If you think back, you can't really remember too many times where your hands were star performers. Manual things just don't come so naturally. While you could use your hands a little bit in your work, you might find it very challenging to make them the center of your activities.
3.5-4.5 (Medium Low)
You can only work for short periods of time with your hands as they require quite a bit of focus and energy to get them to do what you want them to do. It's hard for you to get absorbed into manual activity as it doesn't come naturally to you. You rarely hear compliments for things that require a lot of dexterity, and even when you make your best effort, you make only modest progress. You tend to void hands-on type of work, and you'd far prefer to do things that make use of your other abilities.
0-3 (Low)
No matter how hard you try, your hands never seem to respond the way that you'd like them to. You find it challenging--and even frustrating--to do activities that require good dexterity. Even if you put all your attention on it, you'd still find it hard to get results from your manual efforts. There's no way you would want to rely on your digits for the mainstay of your work as using them drains your batteries so much. You'd be much happier making use of other abilities that come to you more easily.
Interpersonal Intelligence
8.5-10 (High)
When you interact with others you easily get absorbed. You need little or no motivation and you can enter into discussions or situations that get you face to face with people. When you're with others, it gives you a lot of energy, and you can spend very long periods of time in the company of others. You are like this in all contexts and get praised frequently for your people skills. You could definitely make interacting with others a very central part of your work activities.
7-8 (Medium High)
You feel you are pretty adept at interacting with others. You can easily get absorbed in conversations or spending time with friends, colleagues--and even strangers. And you can do so for a pretty long time. For the most part, people energize you, and you feel natural in their company. At the same time, you don't see yourself totally as a people person. You do like to spend time away from others. You could definitely make interpersonal interaction a strong part of your work--provided there were some other things to support it.
5-6.5 (Medium)
You feel ambivalent about spending time with others--if they are there, it's OK, and if not, it's also OK. Being in their company can take a bit of energy and focus--and it's even possible for you to get a little absorbed at times. However, you need some motivation to get deep into conversations or interaction with others. You might get an occasional compliment about your ability to interact with others, but given a choice, you would most likely not make people the central part of your work--at least you would probably not like to do so all the time.
3.5-4.5 (Medium Low)
You're not so much a people person. While you don't mind interacting with others from time to time, you would prefer to spend more time by yourself rather than in others' company. To get connected with people, it takes focus and motivation, and usually winds up taking away quite a bit of energy. You not so likely to get into networking or being a social butterfly and would probably like to avoid too much exposure to people in whatever work you do.
0-3 (Low)
You don't like to spend time with others, as you find doing so takes a lot of energy away from you. When you're with people, you find it unnatural or awkward, and have to work very hard just to interact. You've always been like this and are this way in just about every context. You've probably heard others comment about your not being much of a people person, and given the chance to work more by yourself, you'd greatly prefer to do so.
Logical Intelligence
8.5-10 (High)
Numbers have always come easy to you. In just about every situation, you mind gravitates towards computations and calculations. You easily get absorbed into manipulating figures--it energizes you. You hardly have to think about it, and you rarely make mistakes when doing math. You're used to hearing compliments about your numerical skills, which you can get into for long periods at a time. You'd find it invigorating to make use of numbers in your daily work--and with good reason--because you're so good at working with them!
7-8 (Medium High)
You have a good relationship with numbers. While you don't consider yourself gifted in mathematics, you feel things come pretty easy to you--especially if you make a little effort. You can get absorbed in numerical-related activities, and with some focus can do some impressive work. After all, it gives you energy to do so. You might never have topped your math class, but you have surely earned some accolades along the way. While you might want to make numbers a strong part of your work activity, you might not want to make it the sole focus of your activities.
5-6.5 (Medium)
When it comes to math, you consider yourself to be neither good nor bad--just right down the middle. It takes you a good amount of energy and motivation to get focused on the world of numbers, and although you can get into it for a little while, it's not something you can stay into for a long period of time. You likely don't have a history of scoring top marks in math classes, mostly because the amount of time and energy you would need to put into it would be far too much effort. While you would not necessarily be afraid of taking on a math problem, you would surely not want to make numbers the central part of your working activities.
3.5-4.5 (Medium Low)
You have always tended to shy away from working with numbers. It takes you a lot of energy to focus on them, and even when you do, you still feel you cannot totally rely on your numerical abilities. Doing mathematical activities drains your battery significantly. You rarely hear compliments in this area, which has never really been your strong suit. As a result, you've never really been motivated to spend much time doing activities related to numbers. You would surely prefer not to make this area a central part of your work activities.
0-3 (Low)
You've never been a numbers person. Somehow, you've always struggled with math, and have found that it takes huge amounts of energy with little results for the effort you make. You find it hard to relate to the numerical world, and find that even when you focus, you still make mistakes. You find it hard to get motivated to do mathematical-related activities, and are sure that you would not like to do similar things as a part of your daily work.
Linguistic Intelligence
8.5-10 (High)
You are a person of words. Language has always come easily to you, and you find it easy to get absorbed into writing or speaking. With just a little effort, you learn new vocabulary words easily--and quickly memorize quotes and lyrics. You are highly motivated to engage with language--and can do so for long periods of time with great pleasure. You've surely received plenty of praise from others about your gift for letters in many different situations. You could easily put this ability at the center of your work activities. You rarely make linguistic mistakes and spot mistakes all the time in others' use of language.
7-8 (Medium High)
You have a friendly relationship with language. You tend to remember new words, and use them with relative ease, though on occasion you might get tripped up about how to express something the right way. You can spend quite a bit of time engaging your linguistic skills, and tend to see very good returns on your investment. You have the ability to get absorbed in reading, writing, or writing, and can engage your abilities effectively with little preparation. When you focus your efforts, you can express yourself in a manner that draws compliments.
5-6.5 (Medium)
You have a mixed relationship with language. There are some occasions where you feel capable of expressing yourself effectively, while there also times you feel language escapes you. Engaging in linguistic activities doesn't come easily, but with some effort you can get absorbed in it, and develop your skills well. While you can't recall facing extreme challenges in your experience with language, you also find it hard to recall having exceptional skills in this area. To make gains with verbal expression requires a lot of focus and effort, and you need a lot of preparation and effort to do a good job.
3.5-4.5 (Medium Low)
Language has never been your strong point. You find it difficult to express yourself through words--either spoken or written. It is typically a struggle to find the right word at the right time. When you need to communicate, it requires a considerable amount of energy to convey your ideas effectively. You rarely hear compliments about your linguistic ability. Others frequently point out mistakes in your use of words, grammar, or style. If you make significant, dedicated effort, you do notice some improvement, though it requires quite a bit of energy to get results.
0-3 (Low)
Language is something that doesn't come easily to you. You find it extremely difficult to express yourself through words--either spoken or written--and feel that words limit you. In just about every context, even if you make significant effort, you find that you struggle in the world of language. And it's been this way for as long as you can remember. If you make an effort to work with verbal forms of expression, it drains your batteries significantly, with little results to show. You are used to lack-luster feedback when it comes to work in this area.
Graphic Visual Intelligence
8.5-10 (High)
You have a deep and intimate relationship with the visual world. Activities such as drawing, coloring, painting, or photography are ones where you can do extraordinary things even with very little effort. You can lose yourself in patterns and details of the things you notice--pictures, photographs, and textile patterns. You have many experiences in your life where your visual skills reached level of excellence, and you've received recognition in terms of others' praise or awards. You feel you could easily put your abilities in this domain in the center of what you do for a living.
7-8 (Medium High)
The visual world is an intriguing one for you. You have facility with activities such as drawing, coloring, paining, and photography, and find that when you make an effort, that you can produce things of merit. It does take energy and a little preparation, but in this domain, you learn rather quickly and can get absorbed in design-related activities. While you can quickly reach levels of competence, you find that you need to stay focused to sustain your growth and to avoid making mistakes. You find your skills to be solid here, and you get some compliments from time to time when you exhibit them.