American History: Iraq and the War on Terrorist Name ______Period_____
Define the following words: Attach Vocabulary sheet and your readings to this study guide
1. Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Kuwait, were created following World War 1 . With the defeat of the Ottoman Empire and their support for Germany, the British took control and created the boarders of the present day countries often separating tribes or combining competing tribes and religious sects.
How and when was Israel created? By the UN in1948 in response to the Holocaust.
2. The major religion in this region is: Islam based upon the revelations of the Prophet
Mohammad and written in the Koran
3. What are the holy places in the Middle East for Jews, Christians and Muslims?
Saudi Arabia Mecca #1 Al Aqsa Mosques site of the Hajj
Medina #2 for Islam
Why is Jerusalem a hotspot for potential war:
1. Western or Wailing Wall (remaining part the temple destroyed by Rome in 70 AD #1 for Jews
2. Church of the Holy Sepulcher (site of Jesus crucifixion and resurrection) #1 for Christians
3. Dome of the Rock (built on the Jewish Temple Mount. Where Muhammadascended to Heaven in
his midnight ride and golden ladder) #3 for Islam
1. Why would these above interventions lead to anger towards the West?
Western imperialism - drawing countries without regard for the region’s tribes, religious
sects, and cultures
2. The major religion in the Middle East region is: Islam
3. Explain what the differences are between the Sunni and the Shiite
85% worldwide Sunni: Believe the 4th Caliph should be picked on Merit
15% worldwide Shiite: Believe the 4th Caliph should be Muhammad’s cousin Ali,
based on bloodline. Ali was assassinated
5. Which country has the largest Shiite population?
Foreign Policy and Iran
6. Why does Iran have hatred for the US?
The US CIA deposed a democratically elected president in the 1950s and replaced him
with the Shaw of Iran brutal dictator who backed US interests
7 What events caused the Iranian Revolution which took over our US embassy
1. President Carter allowed the Shaw of Iran to come to the US for medical help
2. AyatollahKohlemienicame out of exile to Iran and began the Islamic revolution
3. Students took over our embassy and held our hostages for over 400 days
Foreign Policy and Iraq
Why did we support Iraq during the Iraq/Iran war 1978 - 1988?
1. Saddamhad a secular modern country and was a better partner than the religious theocracy of Iran (hostages) We were aware of his human rights violations and WMDs
7. What did Saddam do that made him an enemy of the US? (Operation Desert Storm 1990 – 1991) Invasion of Kuwait
8. List at least 3 reasons why Saddam felt he was justified to attack Kuwait in 1991?
1. He felt Kuwait was always part of Iraq (the Babylon Empire)
2. After failed invasion of Iran, Kuwait was an easy Military gain
3. Kuwait was stealing oil from Iran
9. After we defeated Saddam and pushed him out of Kuwait we left him in power, specifically why? What did we fear if we removed him?
To avoid sectarian violence between Sunni and Shiite and civil war spreading through the region
10. The UN placed Sanctions or (restrictions) on Saddam for him to stay in power what were at least three: 1. No fly zone in the north to protect the Kurds
2. disarm WMDs
3. could not sell oil - only for humanitarian purpose
11. Why did the US go to war in Iraq in 2003 Operation Iraqi Freedom?
violated 16 UN sanctions
did not disarm WMDs
Tyrant who used chemical weapons on his own people (the Kurds)
12. Describe the sectarian violence that followed his removal
Sunni and Shiite waged war on each other and against the US
13. What kind of warfare did our troops face in Iraq?
Insurgency, Sunni and Shiite attacks: IEDs, Ambush, Guerrilla war, house to house
14. What was Saddam's fate?
He was captured in a “spider hole” tried and hung
15.Osama Bin Laden: is a Sunni (Wahhabist) Muslim
16. What are basic principles of Wahabbism? (See vocab hand out)
- Full compliance with Sharia Law
- No other object for worship than God (Extreme destruction of art the giant Buddha’s of Afghanistan by the Taliban
- No other name than the names of Allah may enter a prayer
- No smoking of tobacco
- No shaving of beard
- No abusive language
- No representation in art of human or animal forms no photographs
- Mosques must be built without minarets and all forms of ornaments
- Women must be fully covered. May not go outside without company of male family member. Cannot drive
17. What role do madrasas play in indoctrinating radical Islam?
Extreemist Madrsas are creating future Jihadist. Many focus on memorization of the
Koran, anti west, Israel and political hate, Aspirationof Martyrdom as opposed to scholarship
From Quiz19. What is bin Laden's background? Why did he go to Afghanistan?
20. Explain why the US supportedBin Ladenand the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan?
21Why would President Regan and others over look human rights violations and Heroin drug trafficking in Afghanistan?
22. What was the result of the power vacuum of both the Soviet Union and U.S. leaving Afghanistan?
23. Describe why Osama bin Laden turned on the United States. Give three reasons as stated inhis Fatwa (1998)
1. Occupying Saudi Arabia, the El Aqska Mosque the Holiest land for Islam
2. Destruction of the Iraqi people during and after Operation Desert Storm. 1million. people
3. Support for Israel
24. How does bin Laden justify killing civilians?Defense of Islam.
25. Describe the plan of and targets of the 911 attacks
20 mostly Saudi Arabians under leadership of Al Qaeda live in the US they go to school. Some take flight classes but never show up to lift off or land!!! Using box cutters and teams of 5 The terrorist kill the stewardess with box cutters (legal then to have on planes) and take over the cabin
The world trade center was the first two targets, followed by the Pentagon
Flight 93 crashed in a field in Penn. The target was the White House or the Capital Building
26. After 911 why did the US go to war in Afghanistan? What was the mission and goals?
To remove the Taliban for not surrendering bin Laden. Goals Remove Taliban and capture bin Laden
27. Why is fighting in Afghanistan difficult and dangourus considering our military strength?
IEDs, no uniforms, innocent move with the dangerous. lack of knowledge of the terrain. Often Jihadist will store weapons in schools hospitals and Mosques.
28. What techniques have we used to fight Al Qaeda leaders? Why is this controversial?
Possitve: Un Manned Drones strikes have taken out Al Qaeda leaders, Neg. but have killed civilians in the process . Pos. We reduce the incentive to be a leader,Neg. but we lack intelligence by killing instead of capturing the leaders
29. Explain the current state of Afghanistan, its government, and the US lead collation forces?
The US is expected to officially leave in 2014. The government faces corruption problems, tribal
power struggles, Heroin trade and numbers of increasing radical Islam in the region
30. What is the state of the Taliban and their danger to the US.
US Drones and constant aggression has fragmented the leadership break the Taliban into smaller
groups. All info training and philosophy can be gained on the internet.