MHCO Policy & Personnel Committee

Meeting Minutes

November 2, 2017

Present:Chair David Wicker, Chairman Dewey Preslar,Dr. Deirdre Christy, Nicki Perry, Kevin Otis,Samantha Coleman

Absent:Jon Welborn, LuAnne Clark, Lisa Proctor

Next Meeting:Thursday, February 1, 20185:15pm tentatively

I. Welcome

Chairman David Wickerwelcomed everyone to the meeting and led the group in prayer.

II. Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the August 3, 2017 meeting were sent to the committee prior to the meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded and carried with no discussion.

III. Personnel

New Hires: CCW coupleElec & Laura Powell hired in October.

Staff Qualifications and Workload Report:

Shared Data Entry position proposed. MHCO, WhiteStone, and NCMF would utilize the person occupying this position. The Home would provide 50% of the funds needed and WhiteStone and the NCMF would supply 25% each. MHCO will provide the work station and benefits. Motion made to move forward with this proposal. Seconded and carried.

Sixteen CCW couples would allow the Home to be fully staffed. Mr. Wicker agreed that it is an ideal proposal and noted that it would help prevent workload burn out for staff and would aid in staff retention. Currently have 14 CCW couples on staff. Currently no outstanding offers or applicants. Motion made to make 16 CCW couples the standard. Seconded and carried.

Built an additional worker into the budget for the Maintenance Dept., but has not been pursued. Admin Team will continue to monitor the needs of the department and respond appropriately. Pressman at the SGA could possibly be retiring at the end of the year. Those funds could go to a part time maintenance worker. Finance committee has approved the 2018 budget with the maintenance worker salary being included in the contingency line item.

IV. CCW Pets Report and Recommendations

Dr. Samantha Coleman stated that a check list was created and that surveys were completed by Hunt Hall residents. She noted that a successful veterinary assessment has been done for the dog and that there have been no complaints regarding the cat. Dr. Deirdre Christy recommended doing a more thorough assessment on the animals through the SPCA or a local veterinary school. Should verify regular monthly flea and tick treatments and worm treatments. Sandboxes should be covered to prevent cats from entering. Extend the beta test through February, contingent with more thorough assessments being done. It was also noted that CCWs do not agree with the monthly fees for pets.

V. Job Description Updates

Mr. Kevin Otis declared that board action will be needed on the revisions of the job descriptions. Dr. Coleman noted that some Financial Development duties were adjusted to include responsibilities taken over upon the exit of the Financial Development Director. Chair Wicker added that the description for the Donor Relations Coordinator wasn’t fully broken out by percentage of time spent on each role. Mr. Otis agreed that the breakout should be 65%, 25%, 5%, and 5% time attributed, respectfully. Motion made to approve the job descriptions as presented. With some discussion, motion seconded and carried.

VI. Security Cameras

Chair Wicker noted that the team is looking at installing security cameras in hallways and entrances of ILP cottages and DC cottages that house older residents, as well as Hunt Hall.

With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Minutes prepared by April Yarborough